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Can Sith and Jedi chars work together?


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Can a sith character and a jedi character work together? My roommate and I both recently purchased the game, and we were on the fence about who we wanted to play as. I decided on Sith, and he made a Sith character too, but now he wants to play a Jedi, but we still want to play with each other. Would that still work, or is it like Aion where the Elyos and the Asmodaeans are automatically aggro against each other?
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Well in several cases the planets, such as Belamorra and Taris, are different levels. But there are some planets, such as Nar Shadda, that re the same levels. So I guess you can run around on those planets without a problem, but I don't think you would be able to team up and play each others missions.


So my guess, would be no. But if you both had a character in the Empire and the Republic then you could play together.

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