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Unable to Abandon Quests?


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Is there a genuine reason there are quests I can't abandon?


It is really annoying to have 15 grey quests sitting in my log and have to close out the zone EVERY TIME I go through a load screen since apparently it's hard to make the filters stay through load screens.


I am at level 44 and it's going to be beyond dumb if I get to a zone here soon and can't accept a quest because my log is full.

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The ONLY quests that you can't abandon are Class Quests.


All other quest types I have been able to abandon


Not true.

I have 11 (yes I counter) quests sitting in my log that are not able to be abandoned, and are not class quests considering they are categorized under the planet they are from.

I'm not the only one with this issue. All of my guildies have the same problem.

It's annoying and would be great if it could be changed..

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Not true.

I have 11 (yes I counter) quests sitting in my log that are not able to be abandoned, and are not class quests considering they are categorized under the planet they are from.

I'm not the only one with this issue. All of my guildies have the same problem.

It's annoying and would be great if it could be changed..


You are correct, I just double checked and sure enough I cannot abandon the Planet: Bonus Series quests either.


So it looks like Class Quests and Bonus Series, however that won't result in a filled up quest log. And you could always go back and finish those bonus series quests, that would sure get them out of your quest log.

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The ONLY quests that you can't abandon are Class Quests.


All other quest types I have been able to abandon


There are 3 type of quests that you cannot abandon:


1 Class Quests

2 Planet MAIN Storyline Quest (This is the MAIN quest for each planet)

3 Bonus' for the 2 above...



This means that if you go onto a planet and start that planets main quest line you are stuck doing it till the end (I think 1 or 2 Planets let me cancel somewhere in the middle but only if ya catch it at the right moment).


ALL quests should be able to be Abandoned except for the Class Quest ONLY...

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Yeah I know how to solve the issue... I'm not dumb.

I could go to the planet and finish off the whole damn series which would be a huge waste of time considering I'd get no XP and very little credits from it. OR they could change it and allow people to abandon the quests. The only quest that should be not able to be abandoned should be class quests imo.

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I have the same exact issue.


One of my quests is a bonus series and i for some reason forgot to kill 1 mob of 20 and when i completed the quest it left that one in the log and now its there forever i guess or untill they fix it.


Sent in a ticket and got the generic droid **** saying we will pass it along to the bug team.



Edited by worsin
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