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Bleed effects on Scream and Impale are laughable, boost plz


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Ok, so this was funny; I went back and used my +power relic and tested my bleeds again and the result was they didn't get stronger, nor did the tooltip on Impale bleed and Scream bleed update.


This is in stark contrast the the first time I tested it, when both the visible tick damage AND the tooltip damage went up when my +power relic was active. So I'm not sure what happened there, but if the bleeds aren't scaling with weapon damage and/or power they definitely need to.

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I'm bringing this thread back, this is just embarrassing. As people are getting more and more geared, 14k HP pools are becoming common, many are pushing 15-16k. Tanks are getting 17-19k now.


My bleeds, just now in a Huttball match:


Imaple-Bunch of tiny 33's popping up on a 14k Assassin

Force Scream(this ones hilarious)- 13's on a 17k BH.


Seriously do not come in here with that "its a junk debuff guys it's cool." No..NO. My Impales and Force Screams are only critting for 2-2.4k on average. I am not some Operative or Assassin pulling 4-7k numbers out of my ***. I am not a Rage Jugg pulling 4-6k Smashes.


Give Vengeance some dignity please. Rage tree has synergy, they have talents that boost force abilities, they have talents that make Smash auto crit and they have talents that make Smash hurt even more by using their Rage abilities.


Vengeance has no way of increasing bleed damage, nothing synergizes with it like say, every tick of Impale bleed might refresh Impale CD or something. All we get is the ability to increase Scream and Throw crit chance by 60%, which yeah its nice, but we don't get any talents to make those abilities hit harder than they would for either of the other 2 specs.


Make the bleeds hurt more


Make the bleeds have synergy by making the ticks have chance to proc something


Or just remove them completely and give us something useful.



Edited by Dreadspectre
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haha i laught at vengeance juggernauts. The "awesome bleeds" are just laughable. My smash hits much much harder than Impale and my force scream crits for 30% more. Hell obliterate hits almost as hard as implale. The dots are SO bad. Hell force crush just destroy both those dots put togheter and it has an awesome slow, synerizes with the spec and does a decent ammount of damage at the back end.
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Even without Power, Impale's bleed effect is just shy of 10% increase to Impale's damage. It's also Internal, which ignores armor.


The idea is to have Shatter, Impale, and Scream's bleeds up all at once and watch the crits pile up.


sub 50 a tick is laughable when it comes to dots that have no synergies at 50. They'd be flat out better just rolling that damage into the skill itself.

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Even without Power, Impale's bleed effect is just shy of 10% increase to Impale's damage. It's also Internal, which ignores armor.


The idea is to have Shatter, Impale, and Scream's bleeds up all at once and watch the crits pile up.


Do you even PvP at 50 with real gear yet? Did you read my post a bit ago?


My Scream bleed was ticking for 13 damage(on a tank with 17k hp). My Impales tick for 30-60 tops.


Those bleeds can crit all they want, no one's going to care. 13 dmg crit is waht...20? 21? Wooooo...


The ONLY good thing about having 3 bleeds is theres a decent chance one will be on when fighting a stealther. Although there are times when they just don't get popped out of stealth but I admit to not knowing exactly what happens when they use their vanishes(IE all debuffs/dots are purged etc.)

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Do you even PvP at 50 with real gear yet? Did you read my post a bit ago?


My Scream bleed was ticking for 13 damage(on a tank with 17k hp). My Impales tick for 30-60 tops.


Those bleeds can crit all they want, no one's going to care. 13 dmg crit is waht...20? 21? Wooooo...


The ONLY good thing about having 3 bleeds is theres a decent chance one will be on when fighting a stealther. Although there are times when they just don't get popped out of stealth but I admit to not knowing exactly what happens when they use their vanishes(IE all debuffs/dots are purged etc.)


they don't get popped out because not only do the stealthers have an in combat stealth they get an ability that removes all removable hostile effects, that means dots.

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