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Blaster Volley broken or suck?


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It's pretty broken. 10 meters is a pretty generous cone (think Quick Shot's range, but spread out widely in front of you)


Sometimes the animation fires wildly off to the side regardless of where I'm facing, or it doesn't hit mobs that are well within the range required when I casted.


The ability definitely needs some work. Cone-AOE works great in that other game.

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I tend to find this awesome for clearing mobs.


Backblast -> pistol whip -> volley (the d00d you hit dies) -> volley -> grenade -> volley o.o


Tends t oclear out creeps reall well


Assuming it covers the radius it's supposed to.

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Volley is sick in PVE for leveling purposes.. you can literally spam it and wipe out 6 mobs easy.


PvP it is not so great. The problem you are having with it shooting off to the side. As I've seen it happen to me in PvP. If your target is off to the side, that is the direction it shoots as your charcters upper body is facing that way.

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Volley is sick in PVE for leveling purposes.. you can literally spam it and wipe out 6 mobs easy.


PvP it is not so great. The problem you are having with it shooting off to the side. As I've seen it happen to me in PvP. If your target is off to the side, that is the direction it shoots as your charcters upper body is facing that way.


Well the tooltip doesn't say it requires any target. Just says a 10 meter cone.

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Well the tooltip doesn't say it requires any target. Just says a 10 meter cone.


I know it doesn't require a target, but if you are targeted someone off to the side. Your characters torso faces that way. That is the way the cone goes.

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It's either your best friend or your worst enemy.


I've cleared out mobs by spamming it but I've also wasted it because of animation lag pointing me in the wrong direction.


Once you get XS Flyby you can pretty much use that then Thermo, Then clean up the pack with Blaster Volley even strong mobs in the pack will fall once the normals start to die and give you enough upper hand to drop 4-6k in 3-4.5 secs.


Everything is dead once my last Blaster Volley fires off.

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Make sure you are facing the right direction when you press the key and then make sure that you have something targeted that is within the cone area you intend or nothing targeted at all. Also, the targets damaged will not always line up with the animation that plays. It is like backblast in that way. Damage gets applied BEFORE the animation actually triggers so the animation can occur in a way that makes no sense. I can not count the number of times I've blaster volley killed what was in front of my but moved my character before the animation played out and had it fire wide right or wide left. Same with backblast shooting it's animation into empty air as the mob I fire at drops dead at my feet.
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Against standard and weak mobs it's great. Toss a detonater, whip something, then volley. Usually kills your first target letting you volley again at which point something else dies or your thermal grenade recharges.


I killed so many rhakghouls on Taris this way, helps that they're melee and clump up when attacking.

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:confused:Anyone else haven problems with blaster volley?:confused:


yeah you prob have the same bug some others have the volley will shoot behind you and no matter were you stand you cant count on volley landing every time because of this. (aka) right in the mid front or behind mobs)

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  • 4 months later...

I'm new to the scoundrel class and was wondering if I was missing something with this attack. Now I realize why all of these threads stopped. Everyone took it off their bars as it seems hardly worth it in PVE and not worth it in PVP.


Blizz fixed it by adding a snare to their equivalent "cone of cold". Hopefully EA will come up with something as well.


At minimum give it a cooldown and remove the need for upper hand. or make it share a cooldown with grenade. Something to at least get us interested in using the attack.

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more of a placeholder for sucker punch/ df stuff i figure. i use it a fair bit as sawbones when the go-to quickie dps abilities are on cd or something. now, if it was a shotgun blast that'd be something. especially if it would fix that blasted animation delay. although i wouldnt be able to spray it all around me by underworld medicine+spinning when im bored. its a conundrum, i tells ya.
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Just run as a scrapper or hybrid sawbone/scrapper in any lowby flashpoint for someone.



At the end turn around and spam blaster volley.

Dodging with the talent will regen around... 50-100 energy per second.

And you will generate so much upper hand you can just smash your face on the blaster volley button until everything is dead.


Other then that, it's a marvelous ability to do DPS as a sawbones against a stacked group of player in a warzone (In front of a fire pit when they guard the carrier, in front of voidstar door or console, in a hut in fail coast or in alderaan... eh nvm alderaan.)

Used on top of a freighter... it's just a joke the amount of AoE DPS you pull out.

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