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Guild Listings?


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Is there some way to see all the guilds on your server?


An in game function, forums, or another website? There is no unofficial or official forum for Krayiss Obelisk.




Found a thread attempting to list them here;





Needs a lot more listings!

Edited by Kourage
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Is there some way to see all the guilds on your server?


An in game function, forums, or another website? There is no unofficial or official forum for Krayiss Obelisk.


I would say go to your server forum... but... you know....



Best bet is Guild HQ and just go one at a time and hope and pray... if not... you're SOL since the almighty Bioware knows best and not having server forums is the best option.... :rolleyes:

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how would guild boards fix this problem?


you're complaining that googling brings up dead/1 person guilds, right after you asked for a list of all guilds.


you are aware there is a "guild hall" section of the community boards. seems like they nixxed the repub/imp sections from pre-launch. but have NA/EU/other

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