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Smuggler trenchcoat


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Hi! So, I'm wondering, is there an orange version of a plain, brown trenchoat? Like the one Doc, the Jedi Knight companion, has. The ones I've found so far have outrageous collars and bits of pink, I don't know about you, but "flamboyant" does not come to mind when I think about the Gunslinger. Do you know about any item like that?
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No. There is a black one. It does not have funky colors, nor fur on the back, but its a drop from the battle of ilum hard mode from the gunslinger type boss.


I lost the roll to a jedi sentinel ... hate pug groups ...


other than that one every other one I have found has had that awful fur on the back, or simply horrible color schemes.


Its ridiculous we do not have any decent looking endgame sets when every other npc is running around with them.

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Unfortunately, the best jackets and coats are being held captive by the Imperial Agents.


I swear, whoever thought each faction should have separate looks for the same outfits...

If I want my Jedi to dress up like a Sith, I should be able to do that.

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