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Another MD PvP Video!


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My roommate wasn't really enjoying his original character. So I took a break from trooper and we started a smuggler/consular 2 days ago. For lols, we went into some warzones at 25, and went up against mostly 50s.


Hope you all enjoy the montage!




(720p, and 1080p is available, and in HD.)

Edited by Stratoforce
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Depends on if you win or lose. If you win 3-4 games in a row, about 25-45 minutes depending on the warzone.


I won half my games, took me only an hour and 20 some odd minutes I think. They are 185 each. I always seem to get voidzone, which is a fast warzone (on my server anyway).

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16GB Ram

1 - 2TB 7200 HDD (it is what I run fraps on, and fraps to)

1 - 1.5TB 7200 HDD (What I play the game on)

3.4ghz i7 2600k processor

2GB - AMD Radeon sapphire 6900 series


Cost me $1200 to build at newegg, including the 1200 power supply, new mouse, keyboard, and the big case to fit it all in. Roommate (the scoundrel) built the same exact computer.


I certainly recommend newegg if you feel comfortable in building your own computer.

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