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Replace lvl50 daily "win 3 WZ" with "attend 3-6-9 WZ"


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I'm not sure how is this possible with random groups but to win 1 warzone I have to fight like 3-5 games (win:fail ratio is like 1:4). So daily lvl50 quest "win 3 warzones" actually means "spend 2-4 hours grinding". 4 hours if you actually play every game you join, 2 hours if you leave not-so-good fights after 2-4 minutes.


Such time sink isn't enjoyable and is not acceptable for a person with social life (such as job and family). Please, replace this quest with something less frustrating, less time consuming and more realistic for adult players - like "fight 6/9/etc warzones".


Also it will fix the problem with lvl50 leaving warzones.

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I'm not sure how is this possible with random groups but to win 1 warzone I have to fight like 3-5 games


As much of a social **** I am I still manage to find people to PvP with. You're telling me you can't find 3 other people to Q with? Stop ************.

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Quit complaining that the other team isnt full of level 10's any more. ^_^


I'm not complaining - I'll just stop doing this quest when my vacation over. I'm not 12y.o. who can skip school to play whole day just to complete couple of daily quests.

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