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Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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The problem to me in MMO players are stuck in their ways, not that Bioware is trying to do something new with the genre.


But this game will succeed a lot more than others because it is so high quality - a lot higher quality than WoW when it shipped, and it isn't really aimed athe power-leveling, raid elite, MMO crowd. Its a fun game for casual MMO play, and a big reason why is the story.

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I've read some quests that interested me in wow, I remember reading most quests in WAR because the story was actually engaging and it was a pvp game. This game is simply absolutely amazing and it should be kept such. It's surely niche though and I'm not certain what will happen after I've eventually played through all the 8 main stories, though I don't think it'll become staple or mainstream I like it very much so.


People keep forgetting that the game is still young and we all know EA rushed them to get the xmas sales so stuff will be implemented one way or another in time anyway. In fact this is the problem with EVERY SINGLE mmo release nowadays. Everybody expects wow-like game and publishers expect them to be finished someday in time. Seriously if people want wow, why not play wow? Publishers are *********** though there's no mistake there and EA is especially tarnished in this area.

Edited by Lightmaguz
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To actually comment on story.


One of the reasons I didn't stick with Rift comes to mind.


Rift was an amazing game technically. I was quite literally blown away by it's quality. The UI, the graphics, the mechanics, everything was more polished than anything I had ever seen in a launch MMO.


Ultimately though, between the same old players I was used to from every other MMO that hopped into rift, and the fact that I couldn't get interested at all in the bland generic story, I washed out after merely 10 levels.


If the game doesn't have something like that to hook you it's a problem. At least for me it is.


I'm the exact same way. Rift was everything I wanted...except story. It's important to me, so I just couldn't get into it.

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The problem to me in MMO players are stuck in their ways, not that Bioware is trying to do something new with the genre.


But this game will succeed a lot more than others because it is so high quality - a lot higher quality than WoW when it shipped, and it isn't really aimed athe power-leveling, raid elite, MMO crowd. Its a fun game for casual MMO play, and a big reason why is the story.


This is very relevant.


And the question remains, will Bioware stick to their guns so to speak in following their own vision, or will the players ultimately shape the game into another WoW.

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I usually never play alts...


I have 4 characters so far, and plan on making 4 more.


Yes, for the story. It's a freaking Bioware game, people. What did you expect?




There are 8 classes, and there are 8 stories. That's an amazing amount of content.




It might not be the content that you enjoy, but that's the way it is.




I expect more than half of everyone playing will resub for the next month. I know I will. After that, we'll just have to see how the patches and updates go.

Edited by Daemonjax
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Please, people that are 50, understand that you rushed there you get to experience everything first and that's awesome for you. I wish I could take a week off work and do the same thing, but don't start QQ posts about how there is no end game when there is a single teir of endgame and you feel like you've done it all already. Just go back and play an alt and enjoy what you skipped, or if that's not for you there is always that 7 year old game that has everything your looking for, it will have pandas soon :rolleyes:


I hit 50 because I'm stuck in the house and have nothing else to do, which I'm not happy about, but I didn't skip anything on the way there.


I doubt you'll find many complaints that there aren't enough raids or aren't enough flashpoints at endgame, the thing I've found is that there isn't anything else. For a game so based on story, so desperate to attract people who don't usually play MMOs it's quite a massive shift. There is no story at 50, there is nothing but raiding and PvP, there's not even minigames or achievement hunting to make a pretence at providing anything else.


I PvP, so I'm not too fussed, but I'm surprised they didn't add anything for the people they're trying to attract with their story focused 1-49 game. Given the power of our characters at the end of their class stories I'd have expected at least something like a Crossroad's Keep-esque location with dailies or other questing based around it.

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This is very relevant.


And the question remains, will Bioware stick to their guns so to speak in following their own vision, or will the players ultimately shape the game into another WoW.


You all have great points and I love that the game has best solo questing/leveling experience ever because of story and voice overs. But it lacks everything else that WoW, rift, eve, swg has and that is why it will fail, the game is a one trick pony.

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You all have great points and I love that the game has best solo questing/leveling experience ever because of story and voice overs. But it lacks everything else that WoW, rift, eve, swg has and that is why it will fail, the game is a one trick pony.


I beg to differ. It has everything those games have, plus the story/choice element. I suppose it's missing mods, but they will be addressing that, and it's in noway game-breaking for me.

Edited by Jediwran
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This is very relevant.


And the question remains, will Bioware stick to their guns so to speak in following their own vision, or will the players ultimately shape the game into another WoW.


The problem is, BW have already shaped the game into another WoW. The entire multiplayer part is based on the exact same mechanics.


SWTOR provides a better levelling experience, but a much poorer end-game. And I can't see how they will be able to keep pumping in high quality content at end-game to keep us entertained.

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Yes ! Story is VERY important for me. If it wasn't for the story I wouldn't even bother with this game, no matter what. I enjoy it so far and I'm going to play all characters storyline. That will take some time and in the meantime I belive BW will adress bugs and introduce ideas/improvements that community reported as important. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
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The problem is, BW have already shaped the game into another WoW. The entire multiplayer part is based on the exact same mechanics.


SWTOR provides a better levelling experience, but a much poorer end-game. And I can't see how they will be able to keep pumping in high quality content at end-game to keep us entertained.


You really can't see how an MMO would generate enough income to allow for high-quality end-game content to keep you entertained?



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Yes it is, I wouldn't play an MMO ever again if there wasn't story and such to the quality that at least matched this games. I'm done with text box grinding. The biggest flaw with SWTOR I guess would be it's end-game although I don't really see it as severely lacking as the content is there.


One thing developers do though is they massively underestimate the amount of content players burn through in games, and this is something BioWare kept saying they were keeping in mind however I do not see what they did to prevent it in the live game. They also probably could of waited until after the holiday's to launch the game, they put themselves in a weird position where everyone was off work and school and able to play for ridiculous amounts of time, and burn through the content they had over a holiday.

Edited by Jesira
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For me I enjoy the story aspect; it's something I've not really come across before in an MMO and I think it adds to the game considerably.


My honest opinion is that it doesn't fit well with the younger players, teens, 20somethings, but as a 43 year old who likes to enjoy one game at a time and has limited time to do that, I am loving the way the content is woven into a story right now.


Will I feel that way once I have leveled 4 toons? I dunno; I'm currently sitting at 32,12,2,1 so I still have a lot of work to do in that respect.


The 4th Tier is the game changer here, and with 2million units sold I don't think that Bioware are onto a loser. They have doubled what SWG did in 4 years in just 4 weeks. That, for a SW MMO, is ground breaking.

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You really can't see how an MMO would generate enough income to allow for high-quality end-game content to keep you entertained?




Doesn't WoW turn more profit in one month than TOR cost to make from scratch? I could be wrong but the numbers a subscription based game can turn are staggering nonetheless.

Edited by savagepotato
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The problem is, BW have already shaped the game into another WoW. The entire multiplayer part is based on the exact same mechanics.


SWTOR provides a better levelling experience, but a much poorer end-game. And I can't see how they will be able to keep pumping in high quality content at end-game to keep us entertained.


That's a whole different issue though. Every new MMO, the biggest fear is....will they be able to produce quality content fast enough for the general player-base. The only way to know that is to give it time.

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I beg to differ. It has everything those games have, plus the story/choice element. I suppose it's missing mods, but they will be addressing that, and it's in noway game-breaking for me.


Take away the story and the game has nothing, sorry to break ittoyou, one of the reasons I don't look back after quitting over bad CS, I already played main story, twice, everything else in my opinion is boring and crap compared to every other MMO I ever played.



In WoW game starts at 60, in SWTOR game ends at 50...

Edited by TheHirogen
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For me I enjoy the story aspect; it's something I've not really come across before in an MMO and I think it adds to the game considerably.


My honest opinion is that it doesn't fit well with the younger players, teens, 20somethings, but as a 43 year old who likes to enjoy one game at a time and has limited time to do that, I am loving the way the content is woven into a story right now.


Will I feel that way once I have leveled 4 toons? I dunno; I'm currently sitting at 32,12,2,1 so I still have a lot of work to do in that respect.


The 4th Tier is the game changer here, and with 2million units sold I don't think that Bioware are onto a loser. They have doubled what SWG did in 4 years in just 4 weeks. That, for a SW MMO, is ground breaking.


I would agree, because you know what? I haven't come across many younger players. I seem to be finding mostly adults in my travels. It's actually very refreshing.


I think the kids are already level 50 and involved in such pursuits as ************ about a lack of end game content, or already back in WoW.

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Take away the story and the game has nothing, sorry to break ittoyou, one of the reasons I don't look back after quitting over bad CS, I already played main story, twice, everything else in my opinion is boring and crap compared to every other MMO I ever played.


That's fine, you're entitled to your opinion...but I disagree.

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Take away the story and the game has nothing, sorry to break ittoyou, one of the reasons I don't look back after quitting over bad CS, I already played main story, twice, everything else in my opinion is boring and crap compared to every other MMO I ever played.



In WoW game starts at 60, in SWTOR game ends at 50...


Uh, actually. WoW's game doesnt start till 85. Not to mention, I honestly prefer a game that isnt endgame centric. In short. goodbye.

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Yes it is, I wouldn't play an MMO ever again if there wasn't story and such to the quality that at least matched this games. I'm done with text box grinding. The biggest flaw with SWTOR I guess would be it's end-game although I don't really see it as severely lacking as the content is there.


One thing developers do though is they massively underestimate the amount of content players burn through in games, and this is something BioWare kept saying they were keeping in mind however I do not see what they did to prevent it in the live game. They also probably could of waited until after the holiday's to launch the game, they put themselves in a weird position where everyone was off work and school and able to play for ridiculous amounts of time, and burn through the content they had over a holiday.



I don't know if its just them underestimating or the fact if they tune the pace of their game towards the hardcore grinders space barring their way is that going to turn off the casual players?

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This is going to come as a surprise to you but not everyone wants to play the SAME game. Some people like story-driven games, some don't.


Some people like vanilla ice cream. Some like chocolate. In your limited worldview everyone should have to play the same game all the time and there could never be any variety.


That would be fine for you. But the rest of us don't live in a world where trees are made of cotton candy and frogs wear funny hats.


So. Yeah. You're just going to have to accept the fact this is a story driven game. Otherwise:


Candy Panda Land ------>

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I'll be honest. I played WoW from launch up through Cata before I cancelled last February. I never read quests beyond looking to see how many of X I needed to kill or gather. The quest helper mods you could download and the one Blizzard eventually put in made reading quests all the more unnecessary. I could have cared less about the story, all I cared about was gearing up my character and making him more powerful. To this day I still don't know what the story is behind most of the WoW universe outside of what I remember from WCIII.


With TOR that has changed. Having the voice acting has made a noticeable difference. The class story lines are good to great from what I've seen. On my smuggler I can't wait until I finally get to have my revenge on Skavak. I love talking to different people and hearing what they have to say. I love trying to sleep with every girl I see. I'm looking forward to trying to get Risha in the sack. Even for non story line quests I find myself listening to them more often than not because each zone has a history and a story to it. On Alderaan I really want to help House Organna win the civil war and I will remember how I let the Wolf Baron murder over 300 hostages so that I could kill him and strike a bigger blow against House Thul.


Story matters to me now where it didn't before in any other MMO I had played. Bioware has done something very impressive here. The question is whether they keep putting out content at a decent rate with the same high quality in voice acting and story.

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Uh, actually. WoW's game doesnt start till 85. Not to mention, I honestly prefer a game that isnt endgame centric. In short. goodbye.


I played to 80, but it is a famous quote for anyone whomever played it especially in the early days.


Also I suggest you understand my comment ok? my point is, I hate the fact everyone said, rightly so, "game starts at 60", but SWTOR's problem is, "game ends at 50". That is my opinion.

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The Story drives me and keeps me interested..... For people that dont like the story, why play this game??? Some people think every car should be the same color and drive the same way too..... Bioware made this game a certain way, some wont like it, too bad. Its more like a movie I star in, why I loved KOTOR 1 & 2 so much.... Edited by Themanthatisi
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