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Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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Again, the game was not aimed at you.


Think before you buy.


It would have saved you some disappointment and me from a headache reading your retarded posts.


Lol again you fail to make a single valid point.


This game was marketed as a story driven MMO and I came here with expectations that there would be a good multilayer aspect to this game. The multilayer is cheap and dated. Don't kid yourself that this game is so great because it really isn't.

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You say better than WOW and yet so far I have not seen a single decent posts where someone has recommended something that would make this better than WOW.


TOR is different to WOW, one of the major differences is the story and the cutscenes. Those cutscenes have given your character a personality, a voice, you have to make decisions that guide how your chars personality changes and progresses. That is a major change and a 100% better than WOW.


After 7 years of WOW, your chars still don't have a personality or a voice, they are lifeless. TOR has more, you make a vested decision every time you make a light or darkside choice, this is all part of the immersion.


To all those who only want the boring end game grind item hunt, I would tell you WOW is that way <----- and close the door on your way out. I quit WOW because it got further and further away from any kind of intelligable story and all it was was raid after raid after raid.....login-raid-logout-login-raid-logout....etc the last 2 expansions have been purely aimed at this. It's part of the reason WOW is hemorreging subs because people want more from their game.


The funny thing is that Blizzard used to tell some of the best stories in their games, the original Diablo, Diablo2, Warcraft 1,2 and 3 all had great stories, they would put in cutscenes before every act that made the game fun and exciting.

It's a shame they decided that story wasn't important to the main game as they could have done so much more.


So, in answer to the op, YES, definetly.


i agree with you 100%, blizzard can tell some damn good stories has anyone gone to the site and read any of the short stories or the background to the game, its some good stuff but it does bare a very similar resemblance to lotr

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Lol again you fail to make a single valid point.


This game was marketed as a story driven MMO and I came here with expectations that there would be a good multilayer aspect to this game. The multilayer is cheap and dated. Don't kid yourself that this game is so great because it really isn't.




That has more than one aspect.


And they are pretty good at one. The other is enjoyable too if you play with friends.


Your "best game in the world" has 10 man and 25 man raids, that is hardly massive either.


And if you had seamless open dungeons/flashpoints like there were in EQ you would be crying about groups stealing your bosses.


So please.


Go back to your mmo or play some call of duty or whatever you kids think is groovy these days.

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You say better than WOW and yet so far I have not seen a single decent posts where someone has recommended something that would make this better than WOW.


TOR is different to WOW, one of the major differences is the story and the cutscenes. Those cutscenes have given your character a personality, a voice, you have to make decisions that guide how your chars personality changes and progresses. That is a major change and a 100% better than WOW.


After 7 years of WOW, your chars still don't have a personality or a voice, they are lifeless. TOR has more, you make a vested decision every time you make a light or darkside choice, this is all part of the immersion.


To all those who only want the boring end game grind item hunt, I would tell you WOW is that way <----- and close the door on your way out. I quit WOW because it got further and further away from any kind of intelligable story and all it was was raid after raid after raid.....login-raid-logout-login-raid-logout....etc the last 2 expansions have been purely aimed at this. It's part of the reason WOW is hemorreging subs because people want more from their game.


The funny thing is that Blizzard used to tell some of the best stories in their games, the original Diablo, Diablo2, Warcraft 1,2 and 3 all had great stories, they would put in cutscenes before every act that made the game fun and exciting.

It's a shame they decided that story wasn't important to the main game as they could have done so much more.


So, in answer to the op, YES, definetly.


Hmm a slightly confused post I would recommend you re-read.


Saying your character in WoW has 'no voice' really doesn't make TOR any better just because you hear them reply to people in cut scenes. WoW does have story, this game has just read out that story for you rather than make you read it. TOR doesn't really have that much amazing story it's just telling the story in a way that's better.


And for a billionth time, TOR has all the same raid and instance features that WoW has. This game is not some saviour that is banishing the grind for good, it's still there.


Get to level 50 and then come tell me that this game isn't just the same old grind. But at least you'll get your quests after a little cut scene...

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The story is keeping me entertained more so than spam clicking through boring quest text. So yes it's important to me and has made a difference in my playing experience. On the flipside I really enjoy the game as a whole from what I've experienced so far. Some will like it and some won't. Can't please everyone.
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That has more than one aspect.


And they are pretty good at one. The other is enjoyable too if you play with friends.


Your "best game in the world" has 10 man and 25 man raids, that is hardly massive either.


And if you had seamless open dungeons/flashpoints like there were in EQ you would be crying about groups stealing your bosses.


So please.


Go back to your mmo or play some call of duty or whatever you kids think is groovy these days.


Okay so unless I get a valid point I think I'm just gonna stop replying to you kid or troll or whatever you are.


Firstly I don't think WoW is 'the best game in the world', care to quote that from an earlier post? Don't think so.


Secondly I think saying a game isn't that MASSIVE because of the number of people allowed in a raid is a little bit ridiculous and I would suggest you read the definition of an MMORPG a bit more carefully.


And finally how does raiding come into this at all? This game has raiding in it. And people are actually saying it's worse than WoW. The same old grind for gear. Again you totally ignore my post and just write a lode of garbage.


Think before you post, really.

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First, you have to define what you mean by "MMO players". I think a lot of people have been conditioned to enjoy the typical "press this button 10 times and you get a reward" model of gaming in the MMO genre, but there are still those who wish a game would be something more than repetition of "collect 10 X from Y because I'll give you another green item".


I think this game is just right for people who want an RPG where they can experience a Star Wars story with friends, and make some new ones along the way. For THOSE MMO players a game like this is long overdue.

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I think the story is EXTREMELY important. I know how my toon progressed from 1-50 and became more powerful and known/feared across the galaxy.


Even getting "follow up" emails is awesome from quests.


WOW, for example, I went from 1 to 85 and have no idea how my toon got there.

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Hmm a slightly confused post I would recommend you re-read.


Saying your character in WoW has 'no voice' really doesn't make TOR any better just because you hear them reply to people in cut scenes. WoW does have story, this game has just read out that story for you rather than make you read it. TOR doesn't really have that much amazing story it's just telling the story in a way that's better.


And for a billionth time, TOR has all the same raid and instance features that WoW has. This game is not some saviour that is banishing the grind for good, it's still there.


Get to level 50 and then come tell me that this game isn't just the same old grind. But at least you'll get your quests after a little cut scene...


No confusion at all.


Actually , just by giving your char a voice and making them make decisions gives your character a personality, something WOw never accomplished. And you have agreed with me, TOR is telling the story in a better way.

The skill in any story is in the telling, and TOR does a good job of that.


Yes, TOR has raids and instances and PvP, all the things that other MMO's have, but it has the story side that certainly in one aspect makes it a better game.

Given time there will be more raids, more PvP, more gear....and if we are lucky more story based questing.


Why can't an end game aspect be a long story based set of quests, so I can get my gear telling a story rather than the usual boring lifeless raiding that WOW has? Certainly for some, myself included, i would happily quests 20 story based quests to get the same gear that a 20 man raid gets.

Edited by Rollcageuk
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No confusion at all.


Actually , just by giving your char a voice and making them make decisions gives your character a personality, something WOw never accomplished. And you have agreed with me, TOR is telling the story in a better way.

The skill in any story is in the telling, and TOR does a good job of that.


Yes, TOR has raids and instances and PvP, all the things that other MMO's have, but it has the story side that certainly in one aspect makes it a better game.

Given time there will be more raids, more PvP, more gear....and if we are lucky more story based questing.


Why can't an end game aspect be a long story based set of quests, so I can get my gear telling a story rather than the usual boring lifeless raiding that WOW has? Certainly for some, myself included, i would happily quests 20 story based quests to get the same gear that a 20 man raid gets.


Firstly I think telling a story in a better way doesn't actually change the story itself. Sure you might enjoy it while your being told it, but many people love great stories because they stay with you where gameplay just fades away. TOR and WoW stories both do this, TOR just read their story out for you rather than make you actually read something.


Secondly adding story should theoretically make the game better. If it has everything WoW has + story, you might say that makes it a better game. The problem is getting on a par with WoW in all of those other areas is going to be almost impossible when you are dedicating yourself to story as an MMO. It is also debatable whether the class line up in SWTOR is better than in WoW and hence how the overall pve/pvp experience is.


People have been saying raiding in TOR is quite dull and basically just involves adds spawning at different times in boss fights.


Finally adding in late game quests wouldn't really work because once you've done them, their gone. People would go through them faster than BioWare can make them which would result in people just getting bored.


I'd also like to say I haven't for one moment implied this game CAN'T be competing with WoW if it changes things. What I'm saying is that adding in story isn't really making the gaming experience that much better and so TOR won't offer WoW players and other MMO players anything that revolutionary.

Edited by SnoopyDoo
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Just to expand on this, With Mass Effect, you got to play 1 storyline, Commander Sheppard. Here I have 8 story lines. Yes some is repeated, but the base story is different. I played through Mass Effect at least 4 times.


In essence, I have 8 BioWare story games here. Yes, I have to pay monthly, but lets look at the numbers. 8 games * 60 = $480. I paid 60 for the game, subtract that you get $420. Divide that by $15 per month and you get 28 months. If nothing else was added to this game, you could argue I could subscribe for 28 months (29 including the free month) and would have gotten my money's worth. Does anyone believe this game will have no new content in 28 months? I would quit well before then if that was the case.


This isn't *just* a money grab. Its a value add as well. The economics of it will have to play out, but with most games using DLC, even the single player offline games are nearly "free-to-play" model games. I think the review that said WOW with lightsabres may have been wrong.


I am confused. From level 10 onwards you will quest at the same areas as any of your other characters and will follow the same quests. How does this make it a new experience? You do not even get the choice of alternative levelling areas.

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Story is very important to some folks, like myself, who don't simply want to exercise the functionality of a game - BioWare made book on engaging story lines, voice talent, and immersive plots.


If this game doesn't work for you, if story isn't as important as, say, raid progression, then there are actually dozens of games out there that do cater to the "succession of hamster wheels" gameplay characteristic of current MMOs.


I agree with this guy 110%

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I have been leveling several characters so far on both sides. So far I have 4 characters in their 20's plus many others lower and I can tell you this: I am already sick of every planet before Tatooine. The first time getting a new quests I usually listen to the story but by the time I get to my 2nd or 3rd time around I am skipping everything except class story.
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You have not touched UO.





UO ....grind to 700 skill cap untill the introduced power scrolls..



massive wolrd pvp end game, Group would work to spawn the boss to get scrolls , we would run in your dungen kill every run and take you stuff


( i played chessy was in champs number 1 guild name was vangough im sure you can look my toon up still thank you and good bye)



No grind was call 4x4 on a boat untill lvl cap just afk skill up :)

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I agree they should've put a little more effort into keeping up with the rest of the MMOs and THEN adding story/voiceover to it. You can tell they spent a lot of time (maybe too much) on story when they don't have LFG System, Guildbank, Colorblind Mode, UI tweaks, dps/heal meters, etc.
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It's really depending on the person. I think story is important in an MMO because I'm all about story in games. My favorite type of game is an RPG, so this works well for me. For someone who likes action games, maybe not. It really just depends on who likes what. BioWare does story, so they made a story game. Everyone knew this from the start.
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I'm of the mind that anything new/different in an MMO is a good thing. If what OP is shooting at is asking what will lead to longevity in a MMO, clearly the status quo is not doing it. Making games that are carbon copies of other games seems a solid route toward obscurity. I appreciate BWs doing something different with SWTOR.
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UO ....grind to 700 skill cap untill the introduced power scrolls..



massive wolrd pvp end game, Group would work to spawn the boss to get scrolls , we would run in your dungen kill every run and take you stuff


( i played chessy was in champs number 1 guild name was vangough im sure you can look my toon up still thank you and good bye)



No grind was call 4x4 on a boat untill lvl cap just afk skill up :)


In that case I don't get how you can compare the completely player driven endgame of the best sandbox mmorpg ever created to what world of warcraft has become.

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