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Range classes in PvP


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Hello there.


From what I've heared so far range seems to be good in PvP and as I'm playing on a PvP server I thougth I would give a range class a go :)


I really dont know what kind of playstyle either Bounty hunter or Imperial agent has or how they work in PvP atm.


Anyone with knowledge here who wanna give me a few tips on what to roll, what specific class role to choose, spec and such :) ?



thanks for all the help I can get!

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I wanna try it out, I've heared it was good also.


But I wanna know more about their playstile so I can figure out what would fit me.


I played sith warrior at level 27 and this far, PvP only seems like a bunch of melee running aroudn eachother spamming buttons and range standing on platforms shoot ppl and kocking everyone down who gets up.

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Ranged has been better than melee for quite a bit. It was well known in beta. So much so, I believe they wanted to pull people away from the jedi/sith. :-p


Its horrible right now. Most people just put up with it for the gear.


There is a good reason that most if not all PvP battles I have fought in (around 150 now), that on the empire with a team of 8.. we have 3-6 Bounty Hunters. FOTM falls hard after being so on release. And that is just one example of a class that needs "adjusted" among the ranged classes.


Marauder is the best I have found so far for melee.. after that the assassin/shadow.. but tanks have their place in hutball and that is about it. Most ranged classes are literally in a class of their own when it comes to PvP.


I just hope they don't nerf everyone to uselessness in the end.

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If you want true range, as in 30 meters opposed to 10, you'll either want a mercenary or sniper. Powertechs and operatives have some skills with a long range, but are generally favored in close combat. Commandos and gunslingers are the Republic equivalent, respectively. If you want to top the DPS boards at every warzone though, the best "ranged" class seems to be sages/sorcerors. They have a couple skills with that big of a range that they just use to murder your face over and over. Edited by Quesadilla
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