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Is there any music in the game?


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Seriously, Am I the only one hearing no music besides in flashpoints and while fighting some strong or elite guys? Everytime I try to do quest on my own I find myself sleeping... So boring to play with 3 notes songs. I m at Belsavis now nothing has changed. My friend and I have played Hammer Station for many times just for it to have that awesome song playing on the background.


Dont you think music has a great influence on the players making them play the game? Bioware... Swtor needs more and effective music.

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I dont mean the music of Star Wars. In the game its very rare. I mean consider Wow. In every region there is a good music playing.


Like WoW, it sort of depends on the region.


For instance, I can't remember any of the music on Coruscant but I love the music on Ord Mantell.


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Some abilities trigger music also (channel the force? the one for you and your companion to regenerate on 20 min cd).


But it does feel very scripted/needs to be triggered. This game lacks a bit in ambience.

Edited by byter
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İ rarely hear it aswell.This game need more Music or need some hotfix for this music.At the flashpoint combats musics are great but rest of the game i feel sleepy too.İ hope they will fix as soon as possible.As a player of wow for 7 years İ can tell you its necessary.İn wow you get sick from the music (not saying bad but everytime in the game there is good music playing at the background) but in the swtor i yearning for music...


İ hope they fill fix it or add more music from the movies or something

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Totally agree about the music it does need a patch I think the game has lost so much of it's atmosphere because we can't hear the music!, at times it does not feel like Star wars at all, the music has to be one of Star wars greatest assets even George Lucus in the making of the first Film was only really happy about the musical score! and having a game without it is a serious flaw!!!.
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Seriously, Am I the only one hearing no music besides in flashpoints and while fighting some strong or elite guys? Everytime I try to do quest on my own I find myself sleeping... So boring to play with 3 notes songs. I m at Belsavis now nothing has changed. My friend and I have played Hammer Station for many times just for it to have that awesome song playing on the background.


Dont you think music has a great influence on the players making them play the game? Bioware... Swtor needs more and effective music.


Nope. No music whatsoever.


This soundtrack CD I got with the Collector's Edition? Absolutely nothin' on it.

Edited by NightfireFox
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I'm so happy I saw this thread as I was considering making one myself. I feel like so much of this game takes place in near silence music-wise. I've gone in and checked my audio settings, my speaker settings (make sure I don't have music playing out a nonexistent channel), etc.


There's music in flashpoints, cantinas, conversations, and whenever I click my little 20 minute ability, but barring a small little flourish whenever I enter a planet, the majority of the actual questing seems to lack any soundtrack whatsoever. Kind of a drag to me. I really wish they'd play some atmospheric stuff at least.

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WoW had the option to have the music loop but here we hear music and then the music fades, replaced with silence then restarts slowly. Combat music does not kick in until in a FP/OP/Heroic 4 or hitting your 20 min CD. Personally, it is jarring not hearing epic combat music when I fight. I had hoped for a multi-layered music system but oh well :(
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To be honest, I think their sound system is complete mess right now. There is either no music at all, or it's super low. Environmental sound are almost completely absent in this game. I can only remember Taris, where the environmental sound and music was pretty good. Other planet I went too were boring as ****, no music, no or barely any environmental sound...just my foot step and me killing npc...quite boring to be honest.
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While I agree that the music needs to be more common the quality of the music is amazing. The fact that I even notice the music is a testament to it's quality as it's normally a "background" thing. The two best instances I can think of were cruising along the Tat. sand dunes and hearing the original Tat. Star Wars music playing was awesome. There was another time on Alderaan where you have to blow up the tunnel under Thul's palace place/whatever and it was a simple little suspense music that faded in and out.


Honestly I've been very impressed with the quality of the game, just needs a few tweaks (like more of what's great (the music)).

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The music in this game has been disappointing, not only are they a staple for MMO's but this is a Star Wars game! The game feels too quiet. But at least it picks up during the more interesting parts of your class storyline, even if its just for a few scenes
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This game needs more environment sounds and a repeat music option. I find it odd that there is so much going on story wise and yet it feels quiet. I hear the occasional creature sound but no waterfall on Alderaan or lighting on Dromund Kaas. Why do the worlds sound empty?
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