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AFK in Warzone for points..


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I don't know what's more painful, your backpedalling or your clicking ><


Clicking my naga mouse? How can you possibly see that unless you were in my closet watching me lol. All my abilities are bound to my naga buttons. I was back pedaling to keep the AFKer in view for fraps.

Edited by DeadSins
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DeadSins, don't let Lazyy derail you...


You have a very valid point... major flaw in the PvP system that needs to be addressed. Unfortunately there's not vote kick or anything and GM response times are too slow from what I've seen/heard. I've been in 3 PvP matches in less than the last 24 hours that had AFK/Idle's.


So far, all I can think to do is report them. "\" Category: "Report Inappropriate Player Behavior". While I encourage others to do likewise, I expect the dev's to please fix the problem in the future...


If I wanted to play with people who could cheat their way to end-game gear, I'd go back to playing certain other MMO's.

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Nice, another clicker who got full pvp set from first bags.


I clicked 3 spells that entire battle. Only because this is my second game trying rage spec since my juggernaut guildie told me to try it so I switched the positions of most of my skills.


Also, I have mostly raiding gear since I PVE with Annihilation spec. I don't "click" in my annihilation spec. Watch my other youtube video of us finishing off SOA in Eternity Vault if you want proof.


Hard work pays off. Not getting lucky. I am rank 43 valor. Thats a lot of PVP bags my friend. Don't fret though, you will get there someday. Just make sure to do the daily every day!

Edited by DeadSins
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Here we see a player afking in the Dark Reaper server warzone for points. All they do is move around a little or jump to prevent from being kicked. This is BS and this stuff needs to stop.






Hey SWTOR volunteer police---- until they make PvP worth a SH$%, there is no motivation, purpose, goal, reason to try. Its a shame but I cannot personally deal with another hutball match. But, there is NO open world PvP so I have no choice but to play another GD hutball game.


You cant ban a dude for standing in the corner jack*****, maybe develop a better kicking system, or address the cause of the issue (terrible and futile pvp) rather than the symptom (afk-ers)

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can someone who AFKs in pvp please respond and tell me what you are thinking when you do it. if you have to move around, and keep from afking what are you possible doing at your computer wile you sit there and move around?


if you have to sit at your computer why not just play?


really someone who does it please post in here.

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We've had a player named Ladygagab on the Republic side on Bondar Crystal afking in warzones since launch. Practically the entire republic side has put in tickets reporting her begging Bioware to ban her for this blatant afking but its becoming pretty clear that they couldnt care less. All you have to do is go back and look at the scoreboard for the matches and you can see nothing but zero's across the board.


If Bioware would just fix this problem it would also go a long ways towards fixing the leavers, its gotten to the point where when people see Ladygagab in a game they just leave immediately and requeue in a couple minutes to avoid playing with her.

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But, there is NO open world PvP so I have no choice but to play another GD hutball game.



Sounds like you picked the wrong server. There are PvE servers where there is no open world PvP and there are PvP servers where there IS open world PvP. Maybe create a character on a PvP server?


As far as the comments regarding the PvP being crappy- most of it is fun, Huttball is really annoying though, and was probably created to kill time when there are more Empire then Republic players or vice versa. In a lot of ways this PvP is better then some other MMOs b/c you don't have to stand around and wait for people to come out from hiding in NPCs or w/e. You're directly in the action.


Having people cheat to get w/e for the gear is really lame, and like another person said, if I wanted a game like that I could easily switch to another MMO (that's free to play). Bioware will start to care when they start losing money.

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