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Mission Failures - related to the 'Unknown Crew Skill' Error?


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Hello, and Happy New Year!


I recently unlearned Underworld Trading, and decided to replace it with Slicing. However, when I clicked 'unlearn,' is simply went down to 1/400, w/ every subsequent attempt to unlearn it resulting in the 'Unknown Crew Skill' error constantly popping up. I relogged, learned Slicing, and everything seemed to be perfectly fine.


However, I've noticed that the past four slicing missions, sending my droid and Khem Val (i'm a 19 sith assassin), have always resulted in either one of them failing. I don't recall this happening so frequently and so early on my other toon.


Is this normal (i.e. just bad luck), or is this indicative of a bug? Can it hurt my toon in any way? Thanks.

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