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Double-blade lightsber?


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  • 10 months later...
Not true the Sorcerer can use them as well,There is no reason a Warrior or Knight should not be able to use both single and Double-blade weapons. the Inquisitor and Consulor can use both reguardless of sub-class. Check books and lore, Sith and Jedi use what ever fits their personality best.
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Sorcerer: single-blade

Assassin: double-blade (can use single-blade but it isn't viable)

Juggernaut: single-blade

Marauder: 2 single-blade (can use 1 single-blade but it isn't viable)


Also to add Sorc and Juggernaut use different offhands I think so they all have some difference. Beside different primary stat that is.

Edited by Chaloss
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Not true the Sorcerer can use them as well,There is no reason a Warrior or Knight should not be able to use both single and Double-blade weapons. the Inquisitor and Consular can use both regardless of sub-class. Check books and lore, Sith and Jedi use what ever fits their personality best.


Appreciate your opinion on Lore, but this post has nothing to do with lore (unless the OP omitted that from his post and you somehow have insider knowledge). In spite of what we'd LIKE to see, the reality is only shadows and assassins have the skill to use a double bladed lightsaber in the game. I would prefer different, like yourself, but the game is different.

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Double-bladed Lightsabers bears higher weapon damage bonus than Single-bladed Lightsabers, so allowing Knights and Warriors to use them would throw class balance out of the window.


So no, you will never be able to use one, unless you change the whole mecanics and formulas of weapons and classes.

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