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What more content do you want to see in The Old Republic?


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What more would you like to see in an expansion pack or a content update? What other planets you want to visit, species you want to encounter, or organizations you want to help/fight/be a part of?


To start things off:

I'd like to visit Dantooine, Eshan (The Echani Homeworld), Bothawui and Kashyyyk. I'd also like to see Arkanians in the game (or more if they already are, haven't played the game 100%).

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I want to visit Naboo. (In all seriousness, I'm a fan of the architecture on that planet, I really want to have a shootout in those palatial halls with some imperials).


I'd like to see an expansion that improves the involvement of space combat into the storyline.


I'd like to see a PvP map that involves walkers and the like going up against each other.

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I want capital cities/fleet raids, castle siege...sorry, its from another game...multiplayer space combats and reasonable PVP with bonuses. For example capture N fortresses on planets and gain XP, PVP commendations and vendors discount bonus for N hours/days.

Huge and interesting PVE raid instances also, please.

Dual spec.

LFD tool.

Adequate PVP with adequate brackets (10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49 and 50s only).

Big interesting warzones with multiple objectives (copy-paste Warsong, Alterac and Arathi at least FFS!)

Remove spaceships bays!

More open space planets. I just hate these intestines like, corridor-labyrinth locations!



- macro

- customizable UI


/stopped dreaming, waiting for end of pre-paid month and moving to GW2/Diablo 3/hello pandas WoW.

Edited by vymm
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Free roaming, global maps without exhaustion zones with day/night/weather change. And space plus atmospheric flight and manual landing with my tuned spaceship, wherever I want on the planetary surface.


If I accidentally land in a swamp on Dagobah, escaping my X-Wing type fighter before I drown, I want to get it out of the swamp by using the force.


Update, 1.3 please. :rolleyes:

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Some things I'd like to see...


Voice chat

Animal mounts

Pazaak or Sabac (allowing you to play others and tournaments) :D

more than one ship option per class

customization of ships

more companion choices (so everyone of the same class doesn't have the same people)

Barber/tattoo/salons to change facial details after creation

global...or should I say... galactic chat

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