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This is a CO-OP game.


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Face it, not an mmo.


Excuse me but really what's the difference? You need more than yourself to do 'all' aspects of the game and you find those additional people online. You find many thousands of people online. Oh wait, I just got rick-rolled by trollolol... I feel silly now.

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Face it, not an mmo.


I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you considering a raid of 20 or so republic from the same guild ganked my *** on tatooine yesterday. Just because you play the game as though it were a co-op doesn't mean it's a co-op.

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I'm going to go ahead and disagree with you considering a raid of 20 or so republic from the same guild ganked my *** on tatooine yesterday. Just because you play the game as though it were a co-op doesn't mean it's a co-op.


there is guilds with 20+people online ?

lol ?

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Why is it that so many people now a days believe that MMO means you have to play with a massive group?


It's not about you, it's about the world, and the game. Even if you don't interact with them every second, there are massive numbers of players in this multiplayer game. Even if you solo, it doesn't change anything.


MMOs aren't about playing with large groups. Some have taken that direction, but that's coincidental. MMOs are about playing a character of your own creation in a large world that's influenced and populated by a large population of real people.


It needs each element to separate it from other games. Afterall, games like Oblivion and Skyrim are Massive RPG games. There are giant worlds, you make your own characters, and play as long as you like. You make your own story, but it's all on your own. Other games are multiplayer, bu there's no persistance, no massive world. Many shooters now a days are like this.


The game is an MMO. It's a massive world intended to be shared, between you and many, many others. Even if you never group with other people, you do interact with them. Guilds, the economy, even when and where monsters spawn, and many other things are all influenced by other players, and have effects on you. Just like what you do in your daily life in the real world is influenced by hundreds or thousands of other people, some of whom you'll never meet directly.

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This is getting really dumb..


This game is no different from wow - I would say that you meet more people here running around then you do in the current state of wow.


Saying its a co-op game is really stupid, first learn *** co-op really means, it means you do something together - You know what you do in a MMO, ya - u r so smrt.


Its amazing, its like there are all these new age players who think they can just question everything and try to cause havoc - just because it dosent suit thier mind.


Green is still green, even if you are colorblind.

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