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Stop the nerf calls for Operatives.


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Warriors are going to get dominant very soon, they are so gear reliant due to weapon damage based attacks scaling with gear so well. You can already see the Marauders in champ gear destroying people in seconds.


What spec are you referring to? Cuz that ain't happening

Edited by Ichinoez
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Hah...look at all the operatives defending themselfs because they know they'll get nerfed.


I play a marauder with 500 expertise, and that doesnt even make any sort of difference at all, i might as well walk around naked, they still **** you without giving you ANY chance to do anything.


A broken class is broken, you can throw useless arguments all you want it wont chance the fact they are broken.


They are even worse then the Arcane mages, oh sorry, i mean bounty hunters.

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I would also like to point something out:


All you guys who are complaining about the Op/Scound being OP aren't putting things together.


PvP is a TEAM BASED mechanic. You guys are trying to pit a Op/Scound vs whatever class YOU are playing, and saying it's OP. Well... yeah.... if it's just between you and the Op/Scound... OF COURSE we will win. We're BUILT to do that. YOU are built to work in a unit. If you would stick to what you are supposed to be doing, and stop trying to judge the validity of your class based on an activity they aren't supposed to be doing, and stay with your unit, then you seriously never would have problems with this class.


If you put an Op/Scound in ANY sort of scenario where it isn't 1v1 - then it falls apart so fast. We are ALWAYS the first to die in these situations. This is why we have a vanish ability. AND, it can be broken with any AoE attack, so it's not like we have a "get out of jail free" card. We have ZERO survivability. It's not even worth wasting a heal on us - and guess what - no one ever does.


You guys have NO idea how frustrating it is to literally have ZERO options in group based PvP when our stealth is broken. We might get that first attack out, and we might take one of you with us - MAYBE. In either case... chances are we will be killed. It's almost guaranteed. It's the risk we have to take.



So you maybe take 1 person out with his full group around and you alone? That is more than any other class can do.


Why are you solo class? Can't you work with team mates or what? They attack from front, tank charges in, you come from behind and kill healer/sniper in few seconds and slip away and take out the next target after few sec. How the hell are you solo class? Huh? Can't you be healed? Can't you be guarded if things go wrong?


WZs atm are pretty bad with all the AOE flying around, but if you choose your approach (come from sides/back there is NO aoe there) and coordinate with people (which ops so like to say, zomg we bad if only you coordinate with ppl to defend against us trololo, like you can't coordinate your attacks) you work marvelously in group ...I've seen two OPs come from behind (rest of the team from the front) and they melted our backline.


It's not like even after someone says omg, OP on me you can just stop doing what you're doing atm (like everyone is just waiting around on stealthers to come and jump someone so they can instantly CC them lol). But hey, seems that what people should be doing, no going around solo and have like 2 ppl just standing and idling waiting for stealthers to come and hopefully not 2 shot someone. Sounds legit.


P.S. I really like the part: OF COURSE 1v1 OP should win. It's the highlight of your post imo.

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Operativers are a pure DPS class. All things being equal, 1v1 WITH an opener, they should win every time against any light armored opponent. Operatives have NOTHING else.


The people crying nerf should try Operative against other 50s. It's hardly non-stop 4-5k crits. Many times I open up with hidden strike/acid blade on light armored opponents and it is COMPLETELY absorbed. As in, it does ZERO damage. Yes, sometimes I get lucky and crit for 3k+ on hidden strike, 2k+ on backstab, 2k on shiv, and 2k on lacerate. That's 9K damage. I don't have PvP gear and those numbers are on players that don't have PvP gear. You can heal over half of that damage with one medpack. So I've done about 4.5k damage out of your ~13k HP and I won't come close to touching that kind of damage the rest of the fight.


Yea, I've finished off a few folks before they get out of the stun. 90% of those people are way less than lvl 50. 5% of them are complete and total luck of the draw on crits and the other 5% you can tell they have absolute garbage for gear. Like I said, I don't have any PvP gear, but I have all my mods maxed and everything for what I do have.


If you nerf our opener, we will be useless. I've respeced and been trying healing lately. Healing with an operative is the least fun healing class I've played in any game. I suppose some people might like it, but the micromanaging with our main heal being a HoT that we have to stack twice is a pain in the ***. No AoE healing ability is a total drag. God forbid multiple people in your group are taking pretty serious damage. You have to use koloto injection which burns through energy fast and takes forever to cast. Meanwhile, your HoT's have expired on everyone because you're trying to keep people up with direct heals. This results in loss of tactical advantage generation to use with surgical probe for the instant heal which isn't even that great. It only heals for 1000-1500 unless it crits. Kolto injection only heals for 2-3k unless it crits. These are PVE numbers. It's even worse in PvP.


Furthermore, the amount of damage being generated by ALL GEARED CLASSES is ridiculous. Someone starts taking damage, you click on them to start a heal, but they are already dead.


I'm getting 3-4 shotted in PvP by some players who are obviously geared up. They aren't stealth classes. Maybe we should just nerf gear or have everyone play naked so everyone is on an even playing ground?


How can you expect to NOT be owned by players playing DPS classes when they have a bunch of PvP gear and you don't?

Edited by big_aug
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Ha, makes me laugh how people try to defend their obviously imbalanced class by semi-constructive threads. MAJORITY RULES, like most things in life. If enough people say it's not quite balanced, it probably isn't.


So save me and everyone else from your cry threads trying to justify your class, you're bad. End of, good players deal with nerfs and still play to the classes maximum capacity.


Which, judging by your post - is going to sink you into a hole until you role the next FOTM. As it seems you think mechanics > skill. I hate to say it, but the skill cap (disregarding clever WZ play) is very low. And you and everyone else crying out for a last gasp attempt to keep your easy mode gameplay within the current game.


It's not balanced, which is to be expected from a new release, but we see plenty of your kind no matter which game in which era. Never go away, always complain.


Live with it, get better.

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The OP is ridiculous and wants to defend his OP class. I am a nearly fully Columni geared Mercenary with 18142 health and I faced an Operator in huttball yesterday who would just sit in stealth and wait for me to run by. He then would backstab me for half my health and stun me when i got up. By the time i could actually engage him I was lucky to have 5k left. So he would do 75% of my health in about 5 seconds time. lulz yah real balanced, not OP at all.


Then of course on the rare occasion I caught him in a precarious situation he would just stealth away.


I dont have any issues with any other class in PvP. Some may actually be underpowered though. Ops are the only obviously OP class right now.

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Broken burst, plain and simple. The love affair of both 12 year olds and MMO developers with huge opening damage from stealth just boggles my mind.


I'm super ninja! LAWLIPWNDU and you couldn't fight back!


I noticed Reeno rerolled a sorc to show some self respect. The rest of you kids should take note.

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If this class is so OP- why does nobody play smugglers or agents?


Dumb argument.


This game is a few weeks old. The vast majority of players arent 50 yet anyways. Operatives were one of the least popular classes because they dont have lightsabers or look like Boba Fett. Few people wanted to play them at launch.


Only now are people realizing how OP the class is, so now all the kiddies will wanna be the OP Flavor of the month now have to dump their 1st character in order to lvl an Operative.


You can fully expect there to be tons of Ops within 2-3 weeks. And many less shortly after when they get hit with the nerf bat and roll the next FOTM

Edited by ValaxDarkseer
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The OP is ridiculous and wants to defend his OP class. I am a nearly fully Columni geared Mercenary with 18142 health and I faced an Operator in huttball yesterday who would just sit in stealth and wait for me to run by. He then would backstab me for half my health and stun me when i got up. By the time i could actually engage him I was lucky to have 5k left. So he would do 75% of my health in about 5 seconds time. lulz yah real balanced, not OP at all.


Then of course on the rare occasion I caught him in a precarious situation he would just stealth away.


I dont have any issues with any other class in PvP. Some may actually be underpowered though. Ops are the only obviously OP class right now.


I found your problem. There is this amazing thing named pvp gear. It has this amazing stat called expertise on it.


If the scoundrel was wearing all pve gear you would burst him down just as fast from RANGED.


Seriously I mean seriously...


You aren't even wearing pvp gear and you are complaining about burst dmg? How can people be this clueless?


You are as easy to kill as a level 10 with all your pve gear on. It does nothing for you. You can debate that op/scoundrel is op from 40-49 in the next patch when 50 brackets are put in, but seeing they are the worst class in the game from 1-39 (guardian/jug is pretty bad early levels as well), it is kind of a stupid complaint.


Expertise increases healing done by you. You are a hybrid you CAN heal, even though I have seen like MAYBE 3-4 sorc/bh actually heal themselves in a warzone. It increases the dmg you do and lessens the dmg you take.


Your complaint is like me saying I am pvping in WoW with raid gear with no resilience and therefore rogues are op. I would be laughed at, just like I am laughing at you.

Edited by biowareftw
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Scoundrel/Operatives are fine. Learn to play. They are only really strong against undergeared and low level players.


If anything needs a nerf, its the crit/surge consumables and diminishing returns added (as well as expertise consumables stacking with the power up in WZs).

Edited by Ashanor
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Scoundrel/Operatives are fine. Learn to play. They are only really strong against undergeared and low level players.


If anything needs a nerf, its the crit/surge consumables and diminishing returns added (as well as expertise consumables stacking with the power up in WZs).


Exactly. Fastest I have ever been killed is an assassin with three procs rolling. Sure/crit trinket, power adrenal and warzone buff. I was damn near insta gibbed. He did it out of stealth.


Do they need nerfed? Nope. Add to all that? A 15 percent dmg buff from marauders/sents that could stack with those 3 buffs.


All classes can burst the crap out of you. The key is biochem. If you look at these videos. Look at the bars and buffs on the character. You will see.


Warzone buff

Crit Surge trinket

Power adrenal

Possibly a marauder/sent party dmg buff that adds FIFTEEN PERCENT DMG which is HUGE.


The power adrenal has a 3 min cooldown. It is OP? You can debate that. Stacking it with a crit/surge trinket is where the big crits are coming from.


If you don't have biochem atm in pvp? You are literally screwed. Beta testers knew this. Beta testers took advantage of it. Those who didn't? Don't expect to live through ANY class who stacks them all together and gets the jump on you. A) they are going to hit much harder then you. B) they can slam a heal kit on a 90s timer for 4-5k health. that is 1/3rd more health they are literally rolling around with in a 1 v 1 fight.


You have 2 options. Get Biochem or get clownstomped in pvp by people who have it.

Edited by biowareftw
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I found your problem. There is this amazing thing named pvp gear. It has this amazing stat called expertise on it.


If the scoundrel was wearing all pve gear you would burst him down just as fast from RANGED.


Seriously I mean seriously...


You aren't even wearing pvp gear and you are complaining about burst dmg? How can people be this clueless?


You are as easy to kill as a level 10 with all your pve gear on. It does nothing for you. You can debate that op/scoundrel is op from 40-49 in the next patch when 50 brackets are put in, but seeing they are the worst class in the game from 1-39 (guardian/jug is pretty bad early levels as well), it is kind of a stupid complaint.


Expertise increases healing done by you. You are a hybrid you CAN heal, even though I have seen like MAYBE 3-4 sorc/bh actually heal themselves in a warzone. It increases the dmg you do and lessens the dmg you take.


Your complaint is like me saying I am pvping in WoW with raid gear with no resilience and therefore rogues are op. I would be laughed at, just like I am laughing at you.



Yeah im gonna heal through Operator DPS with my Arsenal Spec'd Merc. Brilliant idea :rolleyes:


And obviously Columni raid gear= worthless in pvp rofl. yep u heard it here folks from Biowareftw. Raid gear= just as squishy as lvl 10. lulz


You Ops will come up with the most laughable garbage to defend your OP class. Comedy gold

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Yeah im gonna heal through Operator DPS with my Arsenal Spec'd Merc. Brilliant idea :rolleyes:


And obviously Columni raid gear= worthless in pvp rofl. yep u heard it here folks from Biowareftw. Raid gear= just as squishy as lvl 10. lulz


You Ops will come up with the most laughable garbage to defend your OP class. Comedy gold


Yes that is EXACTLY what I am saying. Raid gear IS useless in pvp. Expertise = dmg AND dmg reduction. It is a double dip stat.


Raid gear was useless in pvp in WoW (past vanilla) outside a few trinkets and legendary weps as well. Amazing huh?


Want to know why you raid? To raid. Not to get pvp gear. Want to know why you pvp? To pvp and to get pvp gear.


This must be an amazing concept for you. Try getting to tank 60 as fast as you downed the first raids. Good luck with that. The PvP players had to work much harder for their gear so any complaints are simply hilarious.


Just wait until you have rank 60 players blowing away your dps in raids. 1) the pvp gear is loaded with accuracy and power. 2) is blows away columni gear lol. 3) the trinkets ARE pve trinkets. I would clownstomp the dps of any scoundre/op in their pve gear in a raid outside the people who are already getting rakata gear.


The one possible gearset which could possibly be decent in pvp is tanking gear and pvp dps sets are SO LOADED with accuracy that it will probably suck as well.

Edited by biowareftw
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Thats the sole problem in pvp, we are lvl50 playing against level 10-30s and wrecking them. As a result we are called OP and nerf calls are suggested. No class is OP but everyone has a counter class and every class is doing what its role is intended. Rogues killing people in stun locks or bursting people down is standard fare.


The class isn't op the matchmaking is flawed. Of course 50s with expertise gear are going to wreck 10-49s who can't get any gear with any expertise on it till 50. And that little buff they give you in the warzones are only useful to a point.

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Yes that is EXACTLY what I am saying. Raid gear IS useless in pvp. Expertise = dmg AND dmg reduction. It is a double dip stat.


Raid gear was useless in WoW outside a few trinkets and legendary weps as well. Amazing huh?


Want to know why you raid? To raid. Not to get pvp gear. Want to know why you pvp? To pvp and to get pvp gear.


This must be an amazing concept for you. Try getting to tank 60 as fast as you downed the first raids. Good luck with that. The PvP players had to work much harder for their gear so any complaints are simply hilarious.


Work harder for pvp gear LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


I just opened up 6 champion bags and got 4 pieces of loot. Half of those bags were from doing Illum dailies flipping the same spot with republic ppl while nobody actually pvp'd WOW SO DIFFICULT GUY!


Columni gear= Champion gear and Champion gear is 10x easier to obtain.


Battlemaster gear is just a grind you can do SOLO. Rakata gear is the BM equivelant btw not Columni. Good job on running huttball to rank 60 though. Very impressive :rolleyes:

Edited by ValaxDarkseer
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Work harder for pvp gear LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


I just opened up 6 cha,pion bags and got 4 pieces of loot. Half of those bags were from doing Illum dailies flipping the same spot with republic ppl while nobody actually pvp'd WOW SO DIFFICULT GUY!


Yup a few champ pieces is = to rank 60. You can't even open rank 60 bags until you reach that rank. Try harder.

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Yup a few champ pieces is = to rank 60. You can't even open rank 60 bags until you reach that rank. Try harder.


Heres how you get rank 60 and Battalemaster Gear


Step 1= Click a button


Step 2= Join Huttball


Step 3= Dont go afk. Attack a few ppl


Step 4= Repeat 1000 times


Grats! You are rank 60. Heres Some kewl gear! SO BRAVE! :eek:

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