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Why are people telling me to give this game more time?


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Lord of the rings online.


I thought they had legendary items that level with special xp. Not quite the same thing. You can't wear the same item from 11-cap by consistently upgrading it. Those are obtained at fairly high levels.

Edited by princey
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I thought they had legendary items that level with special xp.


They do. You place gems and relics into the weapon to give it more power. Almost identical to how SWTOR does it. Except in LOTRO you cannot mod armor only legendary weapons. Modable weapons only come at lvl 45 too so its a long road before you get to that point.

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They would rather release it early rather than later, with an MMO there is always going to be bugs, WoW still has them along with any other MMO. The more glaring issues are here right now but they will be replaced, like every MMO if you wait it's going to get better.
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Yeah, you upgrade the legendary weapons with slotted gems and relics, but the LI system was a ridiculous grind and they've handicapped it recently in order to make more money with their ingame store.


It was more of a negative example of item customisation if anything.


Just your opinion. It is not a grind I make my own legendary weapons. You get xp runes for skirmishing level it up in a week max. The relics I also make myself. You really dont know what you are talking about here.

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Uh, don't give it more time then? Crying gets you nothing unless you are/were an only child and that only stretches as far as your parents. In any case, I have not had any of the issues/problems that you describe. Lucky me I suppose.


I am having fun and haven't had any issues/problems. Sounds like you need to stop waiting and crying and find another MMO in this so called "competitive" MMO market everyone is raving over....:jawa_tongue:

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TOR's version is much more accessible, user friendly and closer to being fun to use than the mandatory frustrating grind that LOTRO had. TOR gives you the option not to use mod gear and still remain just as efficient, LOTRO requires you to use the legendaries in order to stay decent.

Far better IMO.


LOTRO does not require you to grind for legendaries. I think you may have been reading some very early articles and based your opinion on that. How is taking 5 minutes to craft it and max a week to level it up completely a grind?

Edited by Leggomy
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Ah, so you would say TOR does it better?


I rest my case. (not talking to the quoted poster)


Yes they do. I've played Lotro for over 3 years and first: The gems etc. do not level up your weapon! At some point you will have to get another one. Also the Stats are random. It might take some time until you find the weapon giving you the perks you want for your character and game style and THEN level it until it hits its cap.


With TOR you have your gear which scales with the mods armoring etc. so the only thing you really need to worry about is: What do you put in? And how does it look. And that is great!


Of course Lotro wasn't too bad on the optics thing. Apart from the horrible legendary weapons that came with Mines of Moria their overlaysystem for cosmetic gear hasn't been matched yet (even the recent WoW try can't compare in my opinion). Also you need to remember, that both games took quite some time to implement those possibilities to customize your character AND be up to date with the stats of your gear.


TOR is doing quite well with it's approach.

Edited by Guiatan
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They started developing this game like 6-7 years back, including preproduction time. Swapping halfway through the production into a more modern external engine would've set them back by heaps and added half more production time, would be my first guess.

Engines aren't really something you can switch around like socks. You have to settle with one early into the production, since MMO systems are extremely complex. The engine is just the basic framework that gives the rendering tools and core functionality. Everything else has to be constructed on top of that framework.


It's kind of like taking a foundation for a house, then building the house over it, and halfway through deciding that you don't like the shape of the house after all and trying to swap out that foundation for a nicer one. Well, you have a nice new foundation now, but how are you going to fit all the parts on it that you constructed over the old foundation?


I'm absolutely sure they had good reasons to settle on this one, considering that BW has also worked with Unreal Engine and that could also be altered for MMO use. Developing their own engine would've probably been an option, too, but considering that would take a massive extra workload with no previous MMO dev experience, I can easily see it wasn't worth the risk.


Hope this helps at all. I know it's kind of a wasted effort trying to extend some insider knowledge and sensibility here but I'm kind of naive in thinking you can turn at least a few heads with it.



I'm working in the computer business, quite aware of what an engine is.

Still I am sure some people will appreciate the explanation so cheers for that.

When ever they could have picked a more modern engine at the start or should have spend more recourses for a better one is something you can only speculate about.


I would not compare it to housing , it's obviously that houses out of stone are by far better than those out of wood.

So unless you want to be cheaper or need to expand quickly wood is the lesser quality option.


Anyway enough about housing.

As it stands now this engine has a lot of limitations and with the game they designed these become painfully obvious.

Most of these limitations can't be solved since it's the engine.

I'm not sure how much they can modify it at this point but that is future talk.




About the unreal engine, well Bioware focused on the console market.

Personally my biggest gripe with the unreal engine has always been that it doesn't play nice with AA, even if you force it.

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I paid 60 dollars for this video game (a finished product) and found that it was riddled with bugs and stuttering PvP (I play as a 30 sniper and many times my abilities cancel for no reason, causing me to die and evently /ragequit). I get irritated when I get sold something thats not functional. Don't stop reading there please. I know how many of you like to stop reading negative opinions early.


I come on these forums to trying to find a reason why the game was released like this; no devs respond and people just tell me to "give it time"? According to some scholarly gentlemen on these forums, apparently MMOs are always released in a crappy state. Why not complain to the companies so that they stop being released in a crappy state? Wouldn't that make sense for our futures as gamers?


Maybe BioWare/EA does not have any interest in their customers and they made a Star Wars MMO because they knew it would sell even if it was a flop?


Maybe they are releasing a bunch of new content (e.g. http://www.swtor.com/blog/sneak-peek-james-ohlen) just as everyone's free month that came with their SWTOR Christmas present runs out in an attempt to catch a few of them for another month or two?


Maybe they added Starfox style "space combat" for a little extra PR?


I feel like BioWare/EA is doing just enough to slip by and make a profit. Hell, even when getting personal with a BioWare representative (see:

) we still can't get a straight answer. It seems eventually is a popular word around here. What people need to understand is that "eventually" fixing a product is not going to cut it in a competitive market. I'm also reading that there are a number of fixes were stated in beta testing that were not fixed upon release. That is the most disappointing issue for me that leads me to believe BioWare/EA just used the beta as advertising and hoping to get people hooked before release. If bugs aren't fixed in beta, then when are they fixed? In engineering, you know what happens when mistakes are not found in beta stages of development and a product is released? PEOPLE DIE. (See: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35110966/ns/business-autos/t/no-easy-answer-why-toyota-accelerators-stick/)


Ok, well people may not die from this video game. They could waste $60, $80, $150, which is close.... I guess??.. No. Anyways.


So were my expectations too high when I expecting a video game on the shelf to be fully functional? Or should I always just wait a year after the release of an MMO to buy it? I want to know your guys opinions on this. I feel like companies should be held responsible when they rush products out the door like this and the customers are the ones that suffer.




(Also releasing a game without high textures??? I want what ever they were smoking.)


qq wall text just leave the game...the game is awesome end of story go back t o your 1 pixel game

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Eh, thread getting derailed. Personal opinion of LOTRO's system doesn't really matter in regards to TOR (off topic a bit). It's safe to say that TORs system is more accessible (level 11 as opposed to 45), is optional, and requires no grind. I am NOT saying that LOTRO's is a grind, mind you, just that TORs isn't. The only thing you have to do to stay current with your mods is play the game. You don't have to go out of your way for mods, they come with commendations, drops, credit vendors, crafting, and the GTN.


On the crafting note, I feel the crafting is well done in TOR as well. (Disclaimer: This is opinion. I'm aware of the system that was in SWG. I liked it. I'm not trashing it.) Though it can be streamlined and could use some work, the premise is great. Once you get your ship droid, the craft grind disappears. You can do whatever you like while the crafting is done in the background. Beats standing by a forge all day long. (IMO!)

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Everyone raged on the BF3 forums about how sh*tty the game was. After week two and about a 1000mb patch, there was silence on the forums, because everyone was playing a "crappy" game


I know, its a different story with big-budget, blockbuster shooters, where it happens in the first 10 days, but if you make it a little less extreme, it applies to most games, especially MMOs


The difference is the frostbite 2 engine doesnt suck.

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Because MMOs are ever evolving, it's not just about 'fixes' it's about expansion and change. If you wanted to wait until this game was 'complete' the graphics and engine would long be outdated before it even launched. Which has happened with smaller budget MMOs, it's just not a good idea to wait TOO long when you know you can add to the game as people play it. People already have been complaining about how old the graphics are to them...


If you are not satisfied with what you have with this game nothing stops you from doing something else or playing another game.

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It's actually relatively bugless compared to most MMO's at launch.


To be honest im being naive, this is my first MMO launch. I presumed all lauches were about this bad. :)


Most of the folks whining are folks that hopped on the WoW bandwagon after it had been out for years.


If they had been there at launch, they would know that this release is nearly PERFECT.


World of Warcraft was literally unplayable for the first 2 weeks and was still a mess for months later. One bug that persisted for months earned a name. It was called 'loot lag'. Basically, you'd click on a body or object to loot it and your character would kneel down.


At that point, you are now stuck in a kneeling position and are 'trying' to loot, but not accomplishing anything. Now, you can run around the world while kneeling on one knee for 10 minutes while your character continues trying to loot the object. Eventually the servers would catch up and go: "Oh hey! You were trying to loot that! Okay, here you go! Oh...what's that? You are 5 zones away from the body now? Well you are out of range so I'll just give you that error message."


That lasted for MONTHS with rare cases still showing up after a year.

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MMOs are hugely complicated and nothing stresses the game like release. Accordingly, you do the best you can before release and then fix the issues as they are discovered. If you can't live with this, then stop playing new games. Play wow or gw or some other late stage game that is smooth and finished.
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