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Post your toon I want to see some different armor sets


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This is crazy I know but I like the way some of this armor looks like. If you have a complete set please post what set it is so everybody knows and can save up to get it if they like it. (no preview before buying armor)


Personally you will be see me cause I am using updated amor and I look like I got my armor from good will. (Disclaimer I am not trying to offend so if I did with my last comment I am sorry)

Edited by jackalious
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Personally i'm at level 33 and i've only had 4 pieces of chest armor. Well i've had more than 4 but there has only been 4 looks to them. As a sith warrior, and much to my dismay they all look like malgus, or a casual jacket. Although to be fair one had a cape. Personally i was hoping to get a darker version of the Armor you see the Jedi knights wearing at Character creatio, but from the little bits i've seen no such luck.
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