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Champion bags, tell me how you feel.


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Yup same story opened about 28 bags and only got my legs, belt and light saber my guildmate just opened his first 5 bags he got his jacket, shoes, legs, lightsaber and relic. Lets just say I was not pleased when he told me that.
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Unbelievable. I guess it's all randomized though and some are just luckier then others. My other guildy got 2 pistols in 5 bags and I'm over here headbutting a knife, so pissed off I can't get anything but 3 merc comms per bag. Bioware obviously has it out for me for the big ruckus I caused on here during early game access
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RNG sucks in all MMORPG i played.


Always the guys playing 3x less that gets everything.


The more you play, the less you get with that **** RNG system, which is really stupid.

Edited by Fufy
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It sucks.


Opened roughly 25 bags - only have an implant and an offhand to show for it. I've seen a valor ranked 15 guy with near full champion gear, but then I see a valor ranked 50 with only an earpiece. I understand the part of MMO being that its a random number generating system, but seriously, when that scenario I just mentioned is prevalent.. you know something is messed up.

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After opening about 15 bags and getting an earpiece and a relic (lol) I found out my buddy that I pvp with got his pistol, offhand and 3 set pieces from 9 bags. Needless to say I wanted to punch an infant.


I'm 14 bags in... 1 implant, 2 relics. I wish you could turn in unassembled pieces for commendations (even if it were just for tier 1)

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I've opened around 35-40 bags and got most of my set except for the two implants, weapons, legs, and chest. I really want my weapon!


EDIT: Total Bags


37 Bags Acquired.


6 From Weeklies.

8 from Dailies.

23 Bags Purchased!


Merc Commendations Spent: 4600 ==> 4600x3=13800 (Comm. Converted from normal to merc).

Normal Commendations Spent: 4600


Total of ALL Commendations Spent (made into normal commendations!): 18,400


Total Games Played: 203 Games.


Time Spent (Avg. 10 minute games): 2,030 minutes or 34 hours of pure PvP.


All this time and commendations spent just for some random RNG bag/gear bullshiz!

Edited by ThePsychotic
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Wait a second.... I'm not 50 yet but...


Is that how PvP gear works? You have to get multiple bags...? And there's a CHANCE in it you'll get something that you can actually use.......?


You get centurion tokens and sometimes champion gear in the bags.

Centurion tokens can buy centurion gear, which is lower quality than champion.

So if you want champion gear through grinding warzones, you have to be lucky.

I don't know where we can get champion tokens directly.

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After opening about 15 bags and getting an earpiece and a relic (lol) I found out my buddy that I pvp with got his pistol, offhand and 3 set pieces from 9 bags. Needless to say I wanted to punch an infant.


You'll still end up gearing up faster then someone who's trying to get his PvE gear.. Right now it's to easy to get PvP gear (given a few exceptions for people with bad luck) but you'll still get tokens quick enough to get your full set eventually...

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You'll still end up gearing up faster then someone who's trying to get his PvE gear.. Right now it's to easy to get PvP gear (given a few exceptions for people with bad luck) but you'll still get tokens quick enough to get your full set eventually...


My PvE gear is 50 purple all the way across and it took like 2 days of crafting with some guildies.


The centurion gear you are referring to is 51 purple and takes a hell of a lot more play time than that.

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