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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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I think people need to just learn to play. I'm only level 24 or so and have very little trouble with 50s. Most of the time I'm in the top third for damage and kills.


So seriously, it's not that they're level 50, its either that A) You don't give yourself enough credit and just rage when a 50 kills you or B) You just suck.


Are you Republic or Empire? My guess is that you are Empire so you are on the side with the level 50 pre-made groups. Your so called "little trouble with 50s" is because your teammates are doing all the work and you come to mop up.


To all the Empire players that do not think PvP is a problem. I just have one thing to say:


Go Play Republic. Return to us and let us know that you still think there is not a problem with PvP.

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In a one-on-one fight against a level 50 at full health, no. I'm not talking about that. It's possible, but highly unlikely. Having another person with you while you fight a 50, sure.


Oh, so you are owning 50's....2v1. gg


Too bad WZ are not 16v8

Edited by Drokisannath
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Are you Republic or Empire? My guess is that you are Empire so you are on the side with the level 50 pre-made groups. Your so called "little trouble with 50s" is because your teammates are doing all the work and you come to mop up.


To all the Empire players that do not think PvP is a problem. I just have one thing to say:


Go Play Republic. Return to us and let us know that you still think there is not a problem with PvP.


I play both actually. Level 28 Bounty Hunter and Level 31 Jedi Knight. Play PvP on both sides.


I've had a premade on Empire side once and yes, we rolled face. Other times there were random 50s and 40s on both sides.


Still don't think there is a problem with PvP. Only problem seems to be that too many people pick Empire, thus making Huttball against another Empire team the most common occurrence.

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i really don't understand all those whining... i'm lvl 31 and i have no problem with world pvp (yesterday i couldn't even finish some quests cos i had world pvp all the time)


You whine that when you're 20-30 lvl you can't kill 50 lvl... well i wery sorry for that ;p


You all saying that you will quit - than cya... you really think any of us care or cancel our account cos some person from the world said on forum than he quit?



I can say i'm 3 meter tall and weight 500 kg - you will bieleve me cos i wrote that on the internet??


Grow up bunch of kids or go away...

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lol at people thinking a theme park game will have good pvp. this is a pve game, pvp is just a side note.


I think I've heard this one before. 4th major MMO in 8 years to get tagged with the "it's PvE first!" label, except this one stuffs the PvE into near-single player instanced mode as well.


It's not all bad, but it sure isn't all good either. I'll give Bioware a courtesy month.

Edited by Fujitasix
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Im a pure pvper and after have played Age of conan for 3 years i thought that i should test this game... But omg this game is bad in pvp. After been used to Age of conans game mechanic with combos, and the movment of the characters. This game just feels sooo dated! It feels like its made in the early 2000 or something, the grafic feels really dated as as well. Wth did they think about!


And also I heard that one of the most expensive thing in the game was the voice acting! omg Who cares about voice mission in the long run?? I skipp 90% of the voice **** in the game. Well for sure this game is for the Pve gamers its just sad!!


I guess all the pvper have to wait for GW2!

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Im a pure pvper and after have played Age of conan for 3 years i thought that i should test this game... But omg this game is bad in pvp. After been used to Age of conans game mechanic with combos, and the movment of the characters. This game just feels sooo dated! It feels like its made in the early 2000 or something, the grafic feels really dated as as well. Wth did they think about!


And also I heard that one of the most expensive thing in the game was the voice acting! omg Who cares about voice mission in the long run?? I skipp 90% of the voice **** in the game. Well for sure this game is for the Pve gamers its just sad!!


I guess all the pvper have to wait for GW2!


who cares? i care for once... i finally got MMO RPG, not MMO H&S that most of mmos are right now (wow, lineage, ddo and lot more)...


last MMO RPG game before tor was UO for me (maybe SWG to, but i havn't played so want rate it)

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I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you want to own at PvP, then just get to level 50. If you don't want to rush your way to level 50, then just don't PvP right now, it's not like it's the only way to level.


Sure they could improve it and put in a bracket system or something like that, but it's not even 2 weeks after launch and they have to fix all the bugs that actually affect gameplay, instead of catering to whiny little girls that cry if they don't get exactly what they want.


that is just a stupid answer im sorry but lvling to 50 is not the answer. if that was the case why are lower lvl's able to enter warzones if this is what you say.

telling people to l2p wont help you no matter how skillfull you are when you come up against a fully geared full speced full ability lvl 50 against your no gear lack of abilitys and have 1 talent point. lol


i myself have cancelled my subscription and playing only untill my free 30 days have ran out then im gone. ill be back in about 5 months maybe after that to see perhaps 4 bugs mostly likely thats been fixed in that time lol.


for now back to RIFT

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i bought my code from a shop in my country for 2 months so i cant cancel

so i have more 2.5 months to play if bioware dont change the game after that

i will stop to play becouse for now there is no balance (sith are always win)

and there is no open world for pvp

and i need to wait 10 20 min for pvp i hope they change their system


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The low levels vs lvl 50 players may be annoying from time to time, but it really is not a problem in a long run. You level up and then it becomes a non issue for you.


What is a problem is what will you do at max level. There are warzones ok, but they have no deeper meaning, just a variation on death match with small amount of strategy involved. Illum I haven't got there yet, so I can't comment on that. Suffice to say the feedback from it so far is not that great.


The pvp imho is fun, but the pvp system in TOR has ways to go if BW will want to cater to PvP players. Right now to be honest what TOR did was made me look forward to GW2 very much :)

Edited by Repefe
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But yeah, there are some imbalances the further apart you get in level disparity that we’re looking into how to address in the near future.


Out in the world of PvP there are other sub-game types that are certainly on our list as new ones that we might implement in the future.”

Edited by Alexdaphnis
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But yeah, there are some imbalances the further apart you get in level disparity that we’re looking into how to address in the near future.


Out in the world of PvP there are other sub-game types that are certainly on our list as new ones that we might implement in the future.”




“Swtorhub: I played on a PvP server throughout the beta, and it seems like the first planet you’ll really start seeing a lot more players from the opposing faction is Tatooine, so right around the mid-20’s in terms of level range, even though Nar Shaddaa is really the first planet where both factions will be there questing at the same time.


Dallas: And we’ve been iterating on what areas we want to flag as what. For example, there was a period where on Nar Shaddaa we have that sort of general bazaar area and it was totally flagged for PvP. At the time I had a really high level character so I was just being a jerk and killing people and I kept being told that I was griefing. And I just said I’m not griefing; it’s the way you designed the game. So then the designers changed the way that particular area was flagged.”




I didn't even saw ONE republic character on Nar Shadda,not one.


Same goes for tatooine.Where is the republic?I can't find them..


I'am on Darth Revans Mask.PvP server that is most of the times,FULL yet i don't see any republic players?

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I didn't even saw ONE republic character on Nar Shadda,not one.


Same goes for tatooine.Where is the republic?I can't find them..


I'am on Darth Revans Mask.PvP server that is most of the times,FULL yet i don't see any republic players?


Same here,


For gods sake i've just recently finished my questing and storyline in Nar Shaddaa leveled from 19 to 24 but never and ever engaged any Republic player there.


I play in a PvP RP server and such PvP servers supposed to be real "PvP" servers.


If the plan is go WZ for PvP. Bad idea i cancel my sub without any hesitation. PvP can't be limited only WZ and such sub games. I like such minigame stuff but the random encounters and spontaneous world PvP is priceless.


And the real drama is BW develop that game for years, WoW is already become a "gran" for that genre and tons of MMO games around. Yet, BW has no idea on PvP and especially world PvP. Story is great lore is amazing theyre all ok and theyre all beautiful but:


PvP fails...


I made my sub to 1 month cycle, stopped leveling, because i won't PvP with lvl 50' in WZ. If BW give only promises do nothing on PvP and au revoir... AoC and Funcom sucked our wallets dry for two years and kept promising on providing content for PvP and did nothing hence i won't let that happen again.

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Haha, I love how people complain about level 50's in PvP and quitting because of it.


Get to level 50 yourself before whining/quitting.

Although in all fairness, if you *******s quit because you cant even level to 50 before whining I guess its just good for the rest of us, so maybe I should be thanking you for quitting.

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Same here,


For gods sake i've just recently finished my questing and storyline in Nar Shaddaa leveled from 19 to 24 but never and ever engaged any Republic player there.


I play in a PvP RP server and such PvP servers supposed to be real "PvP" servers.


If the plan is go WZ for PvP. Bad idea i cancel my sub without any hesitation. PvP can't be limited only WZ and such sub games. I like such minigame stuff but the random encounters and spontaneous world PvP is priceless.


And the real drama is BW develop that game for years, WoW is already become a "gran" for that genre and tons of MMO games around. Yet, BW has no idea on PvP and especially world PvP. Story is great lore is amazing theyre all ok and theyre all beautiful but:


PvP fails...


I made my sub to 1 month cycle, stopped leveling, because i won't PvP with lvl 50' in WZ. If BW give only promises do nothing on PvP and au revoir... AoC and Funcom sucked our wallets dry for two years and kept promising on providing content for PvP and did nothing hence i won't let that happen again.


here's a thought for you..... roll a republic toon?

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Haha, I love how people complain about level 50's in PvP and quitting because of it.


Get to level 50 yourself before whining/quitting.

Although in all fairness, if you *******s quit because you cant even level to 50 before whining I guess its just good for the rest of us, so maybe I should be thanking you for quitting.


Were you born that narrow minded?

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