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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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I have now gotten 32 people to unsub. I will keep campaigning for anyone unhappy with this godawful pvp system to join me in unsubbing.



What? Are you really keeping some kind of weird list?


Every time I think that I am sort of a geek for coming to these forums in the first place, I am comforted by the fact that there are people like you. It makes me feel a little better about myself.

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What? Are you really keeping some kind of weird list?


Every time I think that I am sort of a geek for coming to these forums in the first place, I am comforted by the fact that there are people like you. It makes me feel a little better about myself.



People like that are people we need to quit this game. I personally can't wait till the 1 month is up and all the trolls, haters are gone. It gets so annoying when these WoW kids start opening their mouths

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The only stupid thing Bioware did was adding a thing called "expertise." It's not level 50s it's the level 50s with all the expertise gear making the game absolute cack. Progression for the sake of progression at the cost of imbalance is poor design.



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To everyone who has cancelled: CYA!


Seriously most MMOers nowadays have severe entitlement issues ... "I'm not owing in pvp, game sux, I cancel". And you all want 5 years worth of polished content at launch.


It's really comical the griping on these boards. The game's been out 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!! FFS, give them time to patch and make improvements. 50s are already getting their own bracket, so that eliminates that problem. What now? Class imbalance? Their are minor ones and I'm pretty sure they'll get ironed out. That wasn't done yesterday!? Sorry it's not on your timetable. As others have said, good riddence, go back to WoW do the same boring things you've been doing over and over again for 7 years only with new dressings. Have fun.

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If basic stuff like idk, animations not gliching, brackets for pvp, it being fun.


Is not on release, goodbye subs.



I'd like to argue that this game is new and it can still improve, but its not worth my time even then.


This game is like 2-3 weeks worth of content on a casual basis TOPS. They only put the random drop gear to artificially prolong that too, which is pathetic on so many levels.



I'm unsubbing because its not worth my money monthly to pay for something that isn't even in working condition, much less a good game.


"can't expect that from new releases" I'm sorry what? Ever heard of skyrim?

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I wouldn't mind if there was a queue for the 10-49 players, and I strongly think 50s need their own bracket. Lets face it, you go against a 50 in full battlemaster pvp gear at lets say 23, even though you are bolstered, you aren't gonna do much. But it doesn't ruin the game for me because I know that they are going to make that bracket eventually. I do however wish they had some expertise rating on some of the lower pvp gear. Edited by -Id-
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even a 20 vrs a 49 is not good odds. Bolster seems like a half-*****ed attempt to placate people into thinking they have a chance. Even in Warhammer with 10 level spacings they had bolster and a 39 would still kick the crap out of a 30 except here we have a 20+ playing a 40+ no wonder there is so much QQ.
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man the tears are flowing in this thread, it's quite laughable... The game isn't even a month old and they are already making world pvp better very shortly and adding the 50 bracket.


If you can handle getting rolled in a WZ and cry about everything adios, I guarantee no one will miss you in game, except maybe for the easy pvp kills :)

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Just cancelled my sub as well. Vote with your wallet, its the only way to make a change.. if not, enjy the 120 man instanced PVE servers :(


Sorry. Were you on the misconception that the only people who can talk about PVP are people who play on PVP servers?


That makes you really, really dumb.

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even a 20 vrs a 49 is not good odds. Bolster seems like a half-*****ed attempt to placate people into thinking they have a chance. Even in Warhammer with 10 level spacings they had bolster and a 39 would still kick the crap out of a 30 except here we have a 20+ playing a 40+ no wonder there is so much QQ.
I honestly don't have an issue with 49s. its just the ones in 50 pvp gear with loads of expertise, which you are suppose to have a hard time with tbh. But it'll all get sorted out, they'll release a bracket that will make everyone happy just gotta have patience, and cancelling 2 weeks in is a bit silly, but more power to ya. It's not like you all can't come back when they make the changes you want, if at all. Edited by -Id-
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man the tears are flowing in this thread, it's quite laughable... The game isn't even a month old and they are already making world pvp better very shortly and adding the 50 bracket.


If you can handle getting rolled in a WZ and cry about everything adios, I guarantee no one will miss you in game, except maybe for the easy pvp kills :)



There are many MMO's littered that people said the same thing; Talba Rasa, Warhammer, Conan the list keeps going. Guess what happens when people leave in droves to those who say it's fine? They end up skinning their collective knobs looking for people to kill. but meh, it is what it is. I am one that loves PvP and I fest on lower levels but to think it's ok is naive.

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I honestly don't have an issue with 49s. its just the ones in 50 pvp gear with loads of expertise, which you are suppose to have a hard time with tbh. But it'll all get sorted out, they'll release a bracket that will make everyone happy just gotta have patience, and cancelling 2 weeks in is a bit silly, but more power to ya. It's not like you all can't come back when they make the changes you want, if at all.


I'm staying, I just think it's silly for those to come on here and tell people to stop QQing that the game would be better off without them as it will affect us all.

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You are not a drove. I'm enjoying the game, including PvP (which I've played from level 20 or so on up with my main, who is now level 40). So I doubt there are droves leaving. No one from my guild has left.


I hope your correct because the game has the feeling of Conan with basically the same complaints. I think on Conan it fell hard after the 90 day subcsribers, which there were a lot of, failed to reup. I love the game despite it's flaws, but I have a bad feeling about this.

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So much whine in this thread.


If you're getting owned in PvP its because of -


1) You didn't put the time into your character that other people have, and they are justly rewarded for it


2) You are just bad


I demolish people in PvP, constantly top in damage and kills, and I don't really consider myself a great MMO player. It is NOT hard to be good in PvP; you just actually have to not be an idiot and actually put the effort into it.


Instead of making whine threads - go level your character.


I demo people in PvP, im top of the charts, I'm fully kitted along with 2 of my pets. I just HATE WARZONES.

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I don't have a problem with 'farming'. Each scenario upgrades you to projected stats at 50. Are they still better than you, sure. You can still win (I have, and without playing in a premade). My problem is that I keep getting funneled into Huttball. Huttball is crap. Its garbage. It isn't fun. I want the ability to choose which warzone I go into.
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Cancelled my sub until changes to PVP and class individuality (such as DPS needing same gear as a tank......) are made. I dont care if it seems to early. As the consumer thats my choice and my choice is to not pay for a sub par MMO.
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I could live with the fact that I would have to wait for more pvp content for a while, that's fine. What kills me are the bugs that have been there since beta and have been pointed out countless times and have fallen on deaf ears. Bugs and glitches are my number one concern and they have absolutely failed at fixing them so far.
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