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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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I cancelled 2 days into playing the game.....Its so hard to pvp because of the animation/ability delays that its not even fun to pvp and even i noticed this after having played the game after 2 days.......Thank God you get your money back instantly when you cancel your subscription :D
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Neither of those games were released polished...


Keep your opinions to yourself if you're going to talk out of your arse.


...and who is being judgemental here? Name calling? Really?


No they weren't but you didn't bother reading my post did you? You were so excited to retort you blanked the majority of my post out, if you bothered to read it you would of found that i said these are old games, WoW was release in 2004, it's now 2012. BioWare has had many mainstream MMOs to learn from, to study what went wrong and what failed.


For a game that came out late 2011 people expect more than a game released in 2004.


And calling people self-entitled whiney brats isn't name calling? Pot kettle black.

Edited by Connection
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No they weren't but you didn't bother reading my post did you? You were so excited to retort you blanked the majority of my post out, if you bothered to read it you would of found that i said these are old games, WoW was release in 2004, it's now 2012. BioWare has had many mainstream MMOs to learn from, to study what went wrong and what failed.


For a game that came out late 2011 people expect more than a game released in 2004.


And calling people self-entitled whiney brats isn't name calling? Pot kettle black.


This game is far more "polished" than either of those titles upon their respective releases. If you can't see that, you've got blinders on. Secondly, a sweeping generalization of a large group that is categorically making that name for themselves =/= ad hominem approaches like you did.


No wonder no one that matters pays attention to your gripes. You're more interested in slinging mud and arguing than actually making constructive criticisms and building on what's already available.

Edited by Cowflab
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Bracketed pvp is a standard in mmo's and needs to be implemented so you can take your time and enjoy the content AND enjoy fair games in PVP. 50s with expertise gear have too much of an advantage.


Completely agree. Pushing players to make a choice between PvE progression content and PvP content is plain stupid. Saying 'if you want to pvp just skip the content we build for years' is plain stupid. Supporting even advertising this design flaw as a player is stupid squared.

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If you get owned by 50's and you're not 50 yourself, make sure you get to 50 ASAP.


I don't want to rush to lvl 50

I do want to play pvp warzones on a fair ground.

Yes I bought this game because it's advertised both.

And yes I might stop paying it because I don't get what I paid for.


If I'd want to pvp only while rushing pve/rpg content I'd play Battlefield or COD.

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You really didn't address anything I said though... Why can't you guys just chill out for a while and fully test this BRAND NEW game out before you rage quit? I'm serious, the level of nit-picking I see in these forums is sickening. Is this how jaded the world has become? Seriously, I really want to know, it's heartbreaking almost. I honestly don't think there's much game developers CAN do to make people content with a game nowadays... :confused:


If you buy a TV at your locan senter. You bring it home and it's broken.

You bring it down to have them repair it. You walk in and the person at the desk just

stands there refusing to talk to you. Thats BW.And tyhe customer turns mad...Thats us.


You just want what you paid for but they wont fix it or give you a new one.And it turns out everyone else who did buy the same TV also got one that dident work as it should, but because 80% of the channels are actually working and can be watch they dont care about returning it. That last group is people like you on these forums

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You guys need to quit complaining. Get to level 50, learn to play your class IN pvp, and then you can make an educated decision whether or not the pvp is broke. At first i felt myself that pvp was broken and crap then i learned how to play real well and all my complaints vanished. You guys are being babies you gotta maximize your performance by learning how to play before you can say "ruh roh ris rame ris roken raggy!". I am very satisfied with the pvp in this game and i'm not even level 50 yet. Feels balanced to me other than operatives hitting a little too hard, and healers being able to keep 3 people from capping a node in civil war, but these problems are so SMALL it wouldn't make me quit the game. Too many of you people obviously think your hot **** at pvp when your really not.
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I seriously doubt that the vast majority of you are really cancelling your subs. You are just saying that you are in an effort to get attention to something that you don't like. Most of the people that take the time to come to these forums are semi-dedicated players who obviously are thinking about the game even when they aren't playing it. You aren't going anywhere...
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These people threatening to cancel their subs over PvP need to grow up its definately a learn to play issue and i find it rather sad you come to the forums with your threats and try to encourage others to quit I hope you do leave we actually could do with less people ************ and moaning constantly over nothing, And yes i pvp'd pre 50 and i still PvP i have had no issues taking down 50's or there other.
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These people threatening to cancel their subs over PvP need to grow up its definately a learn to play issue and i find it rather sad you come to the forums with your threats and try to encourage others to quit I hope you do leave we actually could do with less people ************ and moaning constantly over nothing, And yes i pvp'd pre 50 and i still PvP i have had no issues taking down 50's or there other.



not everyone cancelling cus of pvp is whining about balance, personally i have no balance complaints and i dont cry about any class being OP, i will cancel because there is no endgame pvp, same 3 warzones over and over is just boring and not worth a sub (wouldnt even keep playing if it was free tbh), ilum isnt even worth mentioning, what a joke that turned out to be


Everyone reaching 50 will quit in a week, there just isnt anything to do, i understand that MMO's never have any endgame content when they are released, but this isnt about how much content there is, its about how bad it is.

Edited by Shortcake
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These people threatening to cancel their subs over PvP need to grow up its definately a learn to play issue and i find it rather sad you come to the forums with your threats and try to encourage others to quit I hope you do leave we actually could do with less people ************ and moaning constantly over nothing, And yes i pvp'd pre 50 and i still PvP i have had no issues taking down 50's or there other.



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not everyone cancelling cus of pvp is whining about balance, personally i have no balance complaints and i dont cry about any class being OP, i will cancel because there is no endgame pvp, same 3 warzones over and over is just boring and not worth a sub (wouldnt even keep playing if it was free tbh), ilum isnt even worth mentioning, what a joke that turned out to be


Everyone reaching 50 will quit in a week, there just isnt anything to do, i understand that MMO's never have any endgame content when they are released, but this isnt about how much content there is, its about how bad it is.


This, I have no "balance" issues as well except that Expertise is an abortion of a "progression model" for PvP, especially in a game that pits everyone against each other from 10-50. All that you and ShottyTheShotgun said are reasons why I have canceled my subscription, plus the biggest reason why I am quitting -- the controls in this game are horrible.

Edited by Kryptorchid
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I seriously doubt that the vast majority of you are really cancelling your subs. You are just saying that you are in an effort to get attention to something that you don't like. Most of the people that take the time to come to these forums are semi-dedicated players who obviously are thinking about the game even when they aren't playing it. You aren't going anywhere...


O Rly? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/190/cancelledsub.jpg/ - as of an hour ago)

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not everyone cancelling cus of pvp is whining about balance, personally i have no balance complaints and i dont cry about any class being OP, i will cancel because there is no endgame pvp, same 3 warzones over and over is just boring and not worth a sub (wouldnt even keep playing if it was free tbh), ilum isnt even worth mentioning, what a joke that turned out to be


Everyone reaching 50 will quit in a week, there just isnt anything to do, i understand that MMO's never have any endgame content when they are released, but this isnt about how much content there is, its about how bad it is.


Why don't you just leave instead of taking the time to come here? If you are already at the end game, you obviously have played the heck ouf of this game over the past couple weeks to get there. Don't even pretend that you could have gotten to 50 playing casually at this point. Please excuse me if I just don't believe you...

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Why don't you just leave instead of taking the time to come here? If you are already at the end game, you obviously have played the heck ouf of this game over the past couple weeks to get there. Don't even pretend that you could have gotten to 50 playing casually at this point. Please excuse me if I just don't believe you...


because i have as much right to be here as you do, if you played the game instead of being a bioware defense droid you'd also be lvl 50 by now, unless you spend your time ingame roleplaying instead of actually playing.

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Again, why are you compelled to come here? You either are having a hard time with your decision or you are trying to make a statement. If you really want to leave, unsub and just get on with your life.


P.S. What you didn't link is the screenshot of you changing your mind and resubbing...

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LMFAO i'm glad all the baddies are leaving. It's like weeding out the weak. Now the skilled will play against the skilled since all the baddies are leaving...i dont know about you guys but i like a challenge. It'll be nice playing against another team who actually knows how to pass the ball as well as me and my buds.
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because i have as much right to be here as you do, if you played the game instead of being a bioware defense droid you'd also be lvl 50 by now, unless you spend your time ingame roleplaying instead of actually playing.


I am level 50 and have been having just as much fun collecting holocrons, pvping, daily hard flashpoints, and all the other things that I would do in other MMOs. This game has the same type of end game content as other games two weeks after release, and I'm personally fine with that.

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Again, why are you compelled to come here? You either are having a hard time with your decision or you are trying to make a statement. If you really want to leave, unsub and just get on with your life.


P.S. What you didn't link is the screenshot of you changing your mind and resubbing...


Of course I didn't, since it won't happen unless the problems with the game are fixed. I've already said I'll be checking back every so often, and if the game's obvious problems are fixed I'll be happy to resub. It's not a question of money (I've only just cancelled my 3 WoW accounts and haven't played that for 6 months), it's the principle. The game has been released in an unfinished state (not that an MMO is ever finished, but the parts that are in place should be working better.)


I only reached level 30, by the way - first MMO I've played where I didn't get to max level on at least one toon.

Edited by Scerion
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As a former wow player that had a 2500+ team and was consistently clearing endgame raiding content, I have to say I enjoy both aspects of SWTOR. Huttball is really a fantastic idea--people will only get better at it as they flesh out their playstyles. I hope people that cry about content in the first few weeks quit and never come back. There aren't that many of you and it will make the community better. Cheers!
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Obligatory mass quitting thread for a new MMO. If you're not having fun then fine, go ahead and leave. Post it on the forums, too. I'm an advocate of that, you've got a right to express your opinions. On the other hand, even though I'm pro-brackets and pro-improvement to the PvP system, I'm still having a blast PvP'ing and going into the warzones. I'm not a Bioware fan boy. I know there are problems with the game that need to be addressed, but I'm not about to cancel my subscription because hell, where am I gonna go? WoW? Not a chance in hell. That game lacks one important thing for me - entertainment. SWTOR may have "issues", but the fun factor compared to all of the other MMO's I would consider playing is just significantly higher.


I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have a lot of friends playing this game and absolutely loving it; friends who haven't been dedicated to an MMO in years and can't put it down. As per usual, forums are rarely if ever populated with people talking about how much they're enjoying the game. Those people are off playing the game. If you're looking for the bad, you're gonna find it, but I see the bad and still enjoy the good, so it's a net positive. Plus, it's only going to get better, even if it takes time. All I can say is that I hope to see some of you back in a few months.

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Plus, it's only going to get better, even if it takes time. All I can say is that I hope to see some of you back in a few months.


Although I've unsubbed, I hope you're right! I enjoyed the PVE as far as I went, but the bugs and lack of any sort of customer service drove me away. I will be back if things improve - in the mean time I'll be playing other games (not going back to WoW though) - there's lots of good titles about at the moment. It's just a game after all ;-)


Good luck with your gaming! :)

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