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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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Well it sucks to be you guys. Because you dont know what your missing out on i got 463 expertise on my jedi guardian and the game balanced out big time people aren't dieing in stunlocks premade v premade battlemaster rank teams. Just hit 50 which isn't hard only takes /played 5 days....games been out 11 days-18 days get gear and play the PvP how it was meant to be played with actual gear....If you can't hang then go quest then PvP at 50...Devs said in a month or two when theres enough people higher levels they will make brackets...



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Or... just keep playing... accept it's brand new, and with a little pressure from the pvpers, maybe BW will start getting on top of this.


If pvp is in the same state in 90 days from now you will have a much better reason.



The people at BW did such a good job with the rest of the game (non warzone) and seem to really care about this game. I have to think they are working on some of the pvp issues now. I would expect to see warzone changes in the next few weeks.


I could list a number of things that are wrong with warzones but I'm not going anywhere just yet.


I think this was the only reply I actually bothered reading. The other 10 pages are nearly full of QQ.

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I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you want to own at PvP, then just get to level 50. If you don't want to rush your way to level 50, then just don't PvP right now, it's not like it's the only way to level.


Sure they could improve it and put in a bracket system or something like that, but it's not even 2 weeks after launch and they have to fix all the bugs that actually affect gameplay, instead of catering to whiny little girls that cry if they don't get exactly what they want.


Ahhh you mean the paying customers who KNOW what they want and cannot get it here. If you bring a product to market that is not finished then you should expect players to complain or leave. This was in beta wayyyy long enough to figure out that 50s in with 10s was a bad idea. Anyone who has ever played pvp knew that. What a suprise.

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I am sick of the "warzones" they means slaught houses..... 50 destroy everyone you get a group of 3-50's and its game over.....


Cancel your subscriptions and let Bioware know how pissed you are about the PVP. A few hundred thousand ppl cancel and they will make changes real quick.


I cancelled today I think you should too.


As long as your paying they can string you along with false hopes about they are working on it etc... They stop getting you money and it will become a real priority.


already did it from last week. my wife too.

Edited by Suspirium
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Pretty worthless to cancel your subscribtion cause you loose in pvp. If its hard cause its alot of 50, hit 50 yourself. Obviously you havent explored the game fully yet. Do that before running off in rage canceling your sub. Overreaction, grow up man.
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But regardless, if you want to PvP, then just get level 50. It would be stupid if low levels could own level 50's in PvP gear. I agree that they should find a way to make PvP-leveling more enjoyable, but everything takes time. Compared to other MMOs, this is probably the most successful launch ever. I think people are forgetting just how many things they have to handle right now.


If that's all that matters then why the hell don't they just start us our at 50?

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To you all who are mad about the pvp.


Your really going to leave a game that has been out not even a month? Really? No MMO in history has had everything working right when they first launched even your precious WoW had issues at launch. I really think all the people who are complaining and quitting right now probably were already going to quit just to prove their point that this game will fail.


With that said I say goodbye to you all complainers. Your rage only makes this games community stronger.

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you are so pathetic.




but you know what, im glad you're gone, now i don't have to listen to you in general chat.


And it will be hilarious knowing that you think you're a PvP bad *** when you're playing a game that lags on everything, abilities never fire off right, a diminishing returns system is hilariously unpredictable, buggy, and just bad, and a game that plagued by the most basic things being bugged.


But oh, you have voice overs.

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