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are nightmare modes available for 4 man flashpoints?

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just wondering ,we cleared all hard modes 4 man flashpoints is there a nightmare mode for them or just OPS .


Really looking for an answer on that TY....


nice job :)


what hard mode FP would you say is the easiest to start with? what kind of gear do you need to complete them, just PVP gear? since it would take weeks grinding dailies to get a full set of gear of ilum/belsavis.

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No NM FP's.


Black Talon is the easiest. Boarding Party sans the last boss would be the second choice. Directive 7's first boss is very easy. If you have the gear for trash, all the bosses before the "Flashbang+ Cover + 3 adds" boss is easy on Battle for Ilum. If you farm those bosses for a couple of days, you should have enough gear for everything else.

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HM black talon can be cleared very easily as others have said. HM False Emperor is very doable except for a certain mob there which you might have trouble with but with good healer/dps it can be done. HM boarding Party can be done everything but last boss.


HM Black Talon < HM Boarding Party < HM False Emperor < HM Battle of Ilum I would say.

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