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Okay, Okay... So everyone DOES want Looking for Dungeon.


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I can't speak for Conan since I have not played it. I never had issues running instances in WoW at anytime asking in guild. A lot of people from my guild actually moved to Star Wars with me, so I doubt this will be an issue as well. Of course it depends on how interesting they make the instances as well, and challenging objectives. I know I ran Strat Undead over 100 times for people doing the baron 45, and still one of my favorite instances.


So, you are saying you don't need it, why should others not have it?

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I can't speak for Conan since I have not played it. I never had issues running instances in WoW at anytime asking in guild. A lot of people from my guild actually moved to Star Wars with me, so I doubt this will be an issue as well. Of course it depends on how interesting they make the instances as well, and challenging objectives. I know I ran Strat Undead over 100 times for people doing the baron 45, and still one of my favorite instances.

WoW has millions of players. SWTOR has less and soon (23rd) even less. This means if you want to do a dungeon you better get lucky just like in AoC. And when people get tired of looking for people for dungeons they will quit the game just like in AoC.

And today nobody is doing the low level dungeons, nobody is doing the lowbie group quests.

We can see SWTOR has a problem now even when there is lots of people in the game. Imagine what will happen the 23rd when the first wave of people are gone. Then imagine in 12 months when only a fragment of the people is left.

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I'm willing to take any help the game can give for Flashpoint groups at this point. I'm so aggravated standing around in the fleet waiting to find a group.


All I want is is to be able to find a Flashpoint group while I'm out questing or doing space battles. Standing around shouting LFG in chat is a waste of time.


Cross sever, single server, I don't really care. Bottom line is I don't want to wait an hour to run a Flashpoint. That's not fun.

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WoW has millions of players. SWTOR has less and soon (23rd) even less. This means if you want to do a dungeon you better get lucky just like in AoC. And when people get tired of looking for people for dungeons they will quit the game just like in AoC.

And today nobody is doing the low level dungeons, nobody is doing the lowbie group quests.

We can see SWTOR has a problem now even when there is lots of people in the game. Imagine what will happen the 23rd when the first wave of people are gone. Then imagine in 12 months when only a fragment of the people is left.


Was that way for me in Rift. I joined the game 2 months after launch and people just werent running low to mid isntances. Quit the game because i was tired of spamming chat. Groups that did form were never talkative. The whole idea of sence of community comes more from guilds than from pugging.

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Sorry Marmerus, that is wrong, on Rage and Fury at least.


Well, they are really good reason for such a tool of course, we would be idiot to negate this.

Also, some people exposed very well the reason they want this.

I'm impressed as english is a third language for me.




The tool is great in the idea.

The problem it's it has a bad effect on the community.


I said already, with this, a group of people will own the chat, flooding it night and day, pissing on the four corners of its window to mark their territory.

By not having to build a reputation making them joining groups easily, it's opening the door to bad behaviors, by deleting the only way the community has to sanction them for being harsh.


Some guys like those up there who defend very well their point of view, are not concerned by reputation's problem, I'm sure of it.

It doesn't take long to detect a piece of s.h.i.t.


Anyway, I really believe that Bioware should give us the possibility to vote per server if we want some features or not, because, you see, an EvE Online revolution happened the last year, and the MMO community, the one who plays for years and will still in few years, will never be like before after that event.


I strongly believe after reading you all, that some merit that tool implementation and some merit to do not have it if they don't want it.

Edited by Saint-Ange
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Not having one killed Age of Conan. So you either want a "destroyed" community or a destroyed game.


AoC died because they did not manage to have a stable client after several months. It had absolutely nothing to do with LFG, Dual Spec or whatever you might pull out of your head, next.

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WoW has millions of players. SWTOR has less and soon (23rd) even less. This means if you want to do a dungeon you better get lucky just like in AoC. And when people get tired of looking for people for dungeons they will quit the game just like in AoC.

And today nobody is doing the low level dungeons, nobody is doing the lowbie group quests.

We can see SWTOR has a problem now even when there is lots of people in the game. Imagine what will happen the 23rd when the first wave of people are gone. Then imagine in 12 months when only a fragment of the people is left.


WoW did not have millions to start. It did rise fast, and eventually had millions. If you joined a guild as I mentioned above (a good one that actually has a social life within it) you will have no problem finding help when needed ever. Sorry if you had a different experience then that, but the guild I ran people were always happy to help another guildie in need, or had alts around the same level as that person to help when needed. I also have not had problems asking people to do runs outside the guild either with my main or alt, so again have alternate experiences here.


For your second point, if SW didn't update the game good enough with patches and new content to keep more then just a fraction of people in the game still, and bringing in new blood after 12 months then they have many more issues to resolve.



For the post above you why am I against implementing it? Why is it hard to join (or form) a guild with a group of people around your same level and go to town. You'll actually find some people are much friendlier in a guild then in general (occasionally you might kick someone), and then you have some reliable people to group with that will benefit you more then just "hurry up and pull I have a raid in 10 mins, don't stop or I will kick you". On the same note the other reason I am against it is you see above all that stuff about guildies helping guildies. That goes away when you implement this type of feature, and destroys parts of the social aspects of a guild that makes it even almost pointless to be in a guild.

Edited by JasonSlam
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Yes, Please add a LFD type mechanic to the game.


It's very tiresome to type "LFM, Heroic <X>" and trying to get people to come. It's worse on peak times when the /general chat on each world is just filled with trolling and by the time you typed your recruitment, 2-3 people have started quoting song lyrics of some sort.


I'm not asking for one that teleports and let's you queue for anything wherever you want. I just want some sort of tool to use. And no, don't tell me to use the /who and read everyone's little comment. A majority of the people have blank comments or when you whisper them have a response akin to "Oh sorry, forgot to change my comment, I already did it"


To keep the 'RP' immersion make some holographic women say something along the lines of "Hey, we've assembled a team of our best people to go into X location! Meet them up here and go!"

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Sometimes I think we MMO-nerds complicate things too much..lol.


We're talking about a simple match-making problem that can be solved very easily:

1. You declare your interest in grouping for a specific Flashpoint or even mission. You can select several and you can specify a timeframe/timer for how long you are available to start, which begins to count down from there. If you have logged out, it will grey you out and if you are not logged in again within a 5min grace period, your posting disappears automatically. You also specify if you are willing to organize or if you prefer that others organize and then contact you.

2. When you do so, your name, level, class and AC is posted on an in-game bulletin board - perhaps along with an optional one-line comment from you.

3. Those who wants to form parties can go there and find candidates for groups and reach out to each person they would like, using the ordinary chat tool. People who do not want to organize can just wait until someone contacts them

4. This can be done from anywhere - hell, it could set up with today's tech on a cell phone (albeit not across the galaxy) so there is no ruination of immersion.

5. When the group is formed, everyone goes to FLEET (actually it should be a different location, since FLEET is located in a specific sector of the galaxy, whereas the FPs take place all over - but that is perhaps a less important detail).


It COULD be SELECT CROSS SERVER: e.g. only between permanent trios (for example) of servers in the same timezone/cluster (west coast/east coast) and only engage between servers that have low-population (or some other threshold). This could help the late-night players.


It could also just be on a per-server basis.

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AoC died because they did not manage to have a stable client after several months. It had absolutely nothing to do with LFG, Dual Spec or whatever you might pull out of your head, next.

AoC had a pretty stable client from start. Only people that had problems was people with low computer specs. Take SWTOR for an example, here CTDs is more common than it was in AoC.


And judging from your post you are either a troll or was not there between the rise and fall of Conan. And not having LFD tool killed the group play between level 30 and 79.

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User friendly LFG window like TBC would suffice but without auto invite.


Because when you start with auto invite you must aswell try to protect/prevent people that are joining those to be/taking advantages of it


Which WoW sorted with auto teleport and a no kick function.


Easier making people occur in a window listed as theire role.


And then leave it up to us players to sort out our groups

Edited by Varghjerta
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I like LFD in WoW, but I really don't care one way or another.


The trick is that if BW decides NOT to put LFD in their game, they need to design end-game accordingly.


WoW needed LFD, let's see if BW can remove that need from their game with creative innovations...


IMO Loners should have similar opportunities for loot as the "Social" crowd in MMOs, we're all paying the same monthly fee.

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Id love an LFG tool. However, what most of us DON'T want is a LFG tool that queues you up like you do a warzone. That is the perfect example of a community fail.


A good solution would simply be a GALACTIC wide LFG channel that could be used for group hunting. So instead of spamming the 150 people in the fleet with LFM, they could open it to the 25,000 people in the world.




NOTE: I would like to point out to everyone that full servers (Mask of Nihlus - my server) do not have trouble finding groups.

Edited by Elyons
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First of all, Happy New Year, if you're someone who cares about that; which you are probably not, if you are on the forums right now.


Second of all, if you hate the color orange... sorry.


After making my last thread... I stand corrected. Everyone definitely wants a LFD tool.


Because it was impossible to keep up with all you guys... Here are my thoughts.


I'm talking about the now. It would be perfectly fine to implement the LFD for those flashpoints when that time comes. That doesn't mean you have to implement it for every flashpoint in the game... ecspecially the brand new content. You could cycle LFD into each individual flashpoint as they get older and more useless.



I would compromise for this... Possibly go as far as saying I would want that. I think a lot of my issues with the system stemmed from the cross server part.



Not that I completely disagree with the fact that its annoying. But "hours on end" ?! ... It is not that hard to find groups for current content. Not that I'm 50 yet, but I've found a group for a flashpoint within 10-15 minutes every time I've tried, except once. And that one time, I found something else to do. I'm sure it's harder as you get toward max level right now, just because everyone doesn't level at the same speed.



I think because they are all together, it makes it easier to find a group. But a LFD would still let you port in from any corner of any planet... So your correlation between standing in the fleet and LFD don't really make sense to me.





Which goes back to the main point of my post. Not necessarily that a lot of people don't want LFD specifically... But there are a thousand suggestions going through the forums that I don't feel like represent the majority. A lot of them point to making everything easier and more convenient = better; I don't necessarily think thats better.

The reason I choose LFD as my main point was because I thought I'd get a bigger response out of it.



It's not that simple. I can always choose to not use a feature... and many times I do. But the feature being in the game for others to use can still affect me in other ways. Yes, I used LFD in WoW. Yes, when I could, I ran with friends and guildies; it builds the friendship / teamwork, and you know what you can get out of your group.



I think there are a few big reasons for that..

1. People are enjoying / getting less bored with quests than usual.

2. Gear you receive while questing is just as good as gear in flashpoints.

3. Flashpoints aren't in each zone, they are in one location. As you level, a lot of people don't stop by the space station very often. If you were in a zone and asked who wanted to run a flashpoint (located in that zone), I bet you would get a lot of response.



I know right!

What about a server only LFD with a perfered players list / avoid players list?


If they put in LFD i will quit immediately. LFD allows trashy nasty hateful immature and terrible players to ruin the normal players gaming experience, with no consequences.


LFD allows the minority of immature, horrible bad players to thrive, and harass players, leech off players ect with no consequences.

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As it stands now, it really doesn't feel like people bother with the flashpoints while leveling up because it's so much wasted time to even try to get a group together. If one person is on another planet and can't warp back to fleet due to cooldowns you are looking at 15+ minutes for them to get there as well. Detrimental.





Looking for FP would help this alot. I use the Warzone que as if its a LFF tool.


And why no summoning stone (device)?

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After making my last thread... I stand corrected. Everyone definitely wants a LFD tool.


A part of vocal forum members are not "everyone", sir.

Made up statistics are made up.


Also, I'm level 30, and never EVER had a single problem finding groups for any Operation.


To the point that yesterday night, I was even taking a quest at the Imperial Fleet before continuing my journey to next planet. This quest required to go to an Operation. Right in the middle of the conversation, someone on genchat asked if anybody wanted to go to that precise operation. It was unreal.


Finding a group is so much not a problem that group invitations are popping right in the middle of operation quests entries ..

I've came to a point where I have to regularly decline some operations proposals so I can continue my quests. 10+ operations done from now on, and I never felt anywhere near frustration about finding a group.


Seriously people, if you fail so much at finding a group, just swap to a more crowded server, or just improve at talking to people. Or just accept that you can't either do planet missions AND queue for an operation. Make a choice.

Edited by kineticdamage
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Also, this deliberate choice of not implementing LFD tool from Bioware is symbolic.

Symbolic enough for me to lose faith in the game's potential if they ever change their mind about it, and bend over that vocal part of the community.


Bioware clearly made a choice by not including it, taking the risk not to please the largest MMO playerbase (WoW). They made a choice not to bend over. Changing their mind would say to me "ok, let's please that part of the vocal customers, even if we once thought we wouldn't want to go that route for a reason."

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If they put in LFD i will quit immediately. LFD allows trashy nasty hateful immature and terrible players to ruin the normal players gaming experience, with no consequences.


LFD allows the minority of immature, horrible bad players to thrive, and harass players, leech off players ect with no consequences.

Same goes when you don't have LFD tool. I have been flamed by people from "respected" guilds for spam just because I have been looking for players in global chat for over two hours.


So those nasty people still exists and still troll the global chat. And this is on Trask Ulgo where I expected people to be more mature.


So your argument is not valid. LFD tool helps people find dungeons without having to spam global chat. And that is the only difference. If you get one ******e in your party it's just bad luck and has nothing to do with the LFD tool.

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