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[Suggestion] Intergated Internet Radio


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first off i am not sure this is the proper area to post this, however i did not see a suggestion forum and figured general would be the next best place.


That said, one of my major grips about this game (aside from no lfg/character responsiveness) is it is so hard to listen to music while playing. I love to hear the voice acting, but it is annoying having to alt-tab to turn my music off every time i talk to an npc. A suggestion would be to integrate internet radio into the game, and have it auto mute when one starts a conversation (or ideally have that be an option).


what are your thoughts?

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I played The Matrix Online, back in its day, and it had 2 (what I thought) amazing features. 1. It used AIM, so you could chat with friends outside the game via AIM, and 2. It supported in game MP3/Online Radio. A few people started up independent radio stations etc, and it was an amazing experience to be in game, listen to music etc. I'd love to see something like this come back in SWTOR
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