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A real scum move.


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So for months now you have been standing firm to the claim that early access will be from 12/15-12/19.



So over the weekend you shut down your site ignore your support pages and e mails. Changes the date to the 13th and give little or no info at all on the changes. Then you bring the website back up and avoid it like the plague while all your subs run around tring to find out why most of us got the shaft. Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.



Its complete BS you can open a beta client to over 500,000 people in an hour but you cant get early invites out to poeple that paid for the game already 5 months ago.

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So for months now you have been standing firm to the claim that early access will be from 12/15-12/19.



So over the weekend you shut down your site ignore your support pages and e mails. Changes the date to the 13th and give little or no info at all on the changes. Then you bring the website back up and avoid it like the plague while all your subs run around tring to find out why most of us got the shaft. Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.



Its complete BS you can open a beta client to over 500,000 people in an hour but you cant get early invites out to poeple that paid for the game already 5 months ago.




ITT; Whiner whining about getting two extra days and whining up a storm.

Edited by YurikArkady
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They never said all pre-orders will get early access.


They said depending when you registered your pre-order will determine WHEN and IF you gain access to early access.


edit: Oh and Euro servers are up. I could log in at 12:10pm GMT time and had all listed EU servers avaialbe except 1.

Edited by Firann
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I knew this was coming. I compained about the early access a month ago and took heavy flaming for it. Now I can say I was right.


As far as the 7 days early. It was said that back in July but then it was cut back to 5 days and then last week *POOF* like Harry Potter at Hoggwarts it gets changed back to 7 days and now everyone isn't getting in as expected.


And it's pretty funny all those people that flamed me for what I was saying a month ago are probably on here compaining now. SAD! SAD! SAD!

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worst part is no euro servers are up. just american servers. seems as usual the us is getting the game before europe.


No. The serverlist on the website, all servers are under North America. I am in and I live in Sweden.

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We did pay an extra $5.00 for early access. Just saying. At least I got charged $5.00 and the receipt says for early access.


That was probably just your down payment for the preorder for the game, have you paid for the entire game yet? Or do you pay that when it ships or you pick it up?

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That was probably just your down payment for the preorder for the game, have you paid for the entire game yet? Or do you pay that when it ships or you pick it up?


It actually says on the receipt Pre-Game access $5.00, up to 5 days before the game is released. Then $69.99 additional for the game. They already charged me the $5.00. If you read it that way instead of what they posted Saturday, Im a bit early :)

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We did pay an extra $5.00 for early access. Just saying. At least I got charged $5.00 and the receipt says for early access.


Actually, you got charged $5.00 for the pre-order.

The pre-order offers as a bonus a UP TO 5 day (changed to 7 days) of early access.


UP TO are the key words.

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almost 2 weeks we have known the 13th is the start of Early access


I wish Bioware would never have announced that change, just left it at the 15th and then today just started sending out the emails to people. That way people wouldn't have been so stupid as to take vacation, leave work early, call in sick to work/school over a video game. Also none of this whining would be happening, or at least much less as most people wouldn't be aware that it was early access up to 2 days earlier than promised.

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Actually, you got charged $5.00 for the pre-order.

The pre-order offers as a bonus a UP TO 5 day (changed to 7 days) of early access.


UP TO are the key words.


What he said, you paid a down payment to hold your preorder, you didn't pay an extra $5 for early access. Your total order will still be the same price as originally stated.

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We did pay an extra $5.00 for early access. Just saying. At least I got charged $5.00 and the receipt says for early access.


That was for early access? I thought it was for a coke and fries... I was wondering why all I got was some code. I figured I got jipped.

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