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Calling the "changes" to Slicing a joke would be too kind!!


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I'm sure there are a billion threads out (and I did do a cursory search on the first couple of pages to see what I saw) but the "adjusting" to this skill went too far the other way.


Tonight I was sure I was "Losing" money on the skill, and I did a few test to make sure.


Out of 10 missions I sent my NPC on for the first skill (after reaching 50 skill points in the skill) 5 out of ten missions he failed to return with "anything", four out of 10 missions he returned with "Less" than it took me to send him out (One mission cost me 295 credits to send him out and me brought back 126 in the case), and only "one" one mission paid (it cost me 95 credits and he bought back 210)


What is going on? At this rate it's such a worthless skill that I have no idea why anyone would keep it.


Adjusting it so that it wasn't a ATM is one thing, making a stand alone skill so worthless that no one wants it is something all together messed up. :confused:

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