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Just let all pre-orderers play!


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I don't understand why people keep saying that they are releasing in waves because of server stability reasons. BW has already stated this was not the reason they are staggering it as they already tested server load issues with the last few beta weekends.
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Just let all pre-orderers play now. If your servers cant handle it then what will you do when you get to launch?


This is to prevent problems at launch by staggering the population onto the servers lol. People don't understand these things do they? Launch comes, without early access staggering people in the game crashes due to overload and lots of downtime waiting for quest spawns and people *****. They do something to help ease those problems and people still *****!


Nothing more than impatient cry babies. Early access for pre-orders said "up to 5 days early" starting from the 15th of December. Today is the 14th so technically we haven't hit that time frame yet so be thankful they opened up 2 days early which means it's likely to get more people in with a good amount of play time compared to being invited the last day of EGA you may now have 3 days instead of 1. This is my theory anyway but as I said, EGA only ever said up to 5 days early starting from the 15th. Today is only the 14th.


Stop your whining!

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The sad thing about this whole sorry mess is that the only loser is Bioware. Any marketing person will tell you that this is stirring up a lot of distain towards the company, people are not happy. Further down the line when the novelty of the game wears off and people start the grind and other games come out I doubt very much if you will see much loyalty from many of these unhappy customers.
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the servers where not empty at the end of wave 5 last night most where full. as for now its 10 am wed morning alot of people are at work /school

in your opinion its dumb idea i think its a wonderful idea.

your choice didnt revolve around choosing staggered or none staggerd it revolves around "when" you preordered. You where given the same info as the people that choose to preorder in july you choose not to. by choosing not to preorder in july you then choose to wait in line to get in to EGA because you knew a head of time by waiting you where delaying your EGA access time. that was the choice you made. the other choice was to choose not to preorder. if you thot the Staggered EGA was a bad idea then you shouldnt of preordered and just waited to the 20th to play.


there i touched everyone of your points!


your not exactly saying why the staggered release is good, just that BW said it would be this way, you snooze you lose. Some people use reason and logic, and the staggered release just makes no sense. The problems they hope to circumvent are inevitable.

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I don't understand why people keep saying that they are releasing in waves because of server stability reasons. BW has already stated this was not the reason they are staggering it as they already tested server load issues with the last few beta weekends.


Those were stress tests, and some servers crashed and had issues. They deliberately overpopulated servers during those weekends. That still doesn't mean the servers can handle a max load all logging in at once and then a queue of god only knows how many more waiting to get on. Staggering it will help prevent server instability issues along with helping to prevent overcrowded questing zones (starter areas especially).


Where did they say that wasn't why waves were being staggered? I'd like to see this, so please post a link.



The sad thing about this whole sorry mess is that the only loser is Bioware. Any marketing person will tell you that this is stirring up a lot of distain towards the company, people are not happy. Further down the line when the novelty of the game wears off and people start the grind and other games come out I doubt very much if you will see much loyalty from many of these unhappy customers.


In this industry you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. People will always ***** and complain like little cry babies no matter what you do. Early access launches for the most part have been the most successful launches for the most part.

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I'm not really angry at the waves thing or the first come first serve thing... but the lack of information is a bit disheartening; they could atleast Officially estimate when waves for which blocks would be going out.... I mean if they are already broken into waves.... I don't really think its that big a deal to tell you when your wave will go live.
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Actually, having been a part of launch with many other mmo... Ill tell you this; if they will avoid the issues that were had with so many other titles, then its worth it.


The only reason anyone is greebling about this, is that they arent in game yet.


That should tell you something right there:)

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Actually, having been a part of launch with many other mmo... Ill tell you this; if they will avoid the issues that were had with so many other titles, then its worth it.


The only reason anyone is greebling about this, is that they arent in game yet.


That should tell you something right there:)


That's exactly it. The ones complaining are only complaining because they aren't in yet but as soon as their invites come they will shut up and start loving the game and BW again. I too have been playing MMO's a long time and been part of many launches from DAoC and on. Things are running fairly smooth so far and if it stays this way it will be worth it. People just don't understand this and think only of themselves.

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How does that help them when the 20th comes? Are they going to stagger how many people are allowed to join at launch? Sooner or later the servers will have massive amounts logging in at once, and instead of getting that out of the way during early access, I imagine we can look forward to many crashes after official launch.


I would be willing to guess a good majority of their sales are pre-orders that will play before the 20th. There is no way for them to test how the 20th will play out but I like to believe they are playing it safe with this release pattern so they can see how the servers react. You believe there will be many crashes on the 20th but I don't think there will be. We'll see how it pans out.

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This is to prevent problems at launch by staggering the population onto the servers lol. People don't understand these things do they? Launch comes, without early access staggering people in the game crashes due to overload and lots of downtime waiting for quest spawns and people *****. They do something to help ease those problems and people still *****!


lol you realize this does nothing to help server stability with the launch right? Either way on the 20th your going to have a ton of people flooding the servers. Staggering like this just means if the servers are going to crash it will happen on launch day and not during EA, which makes no sense. Youd think theyd want to get the servers prepared for launch, and get all the crashes out of the way during EA.

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i wonder if they'll prioritize who can log in after their first weekly maintenance. which is probably gonna be on the 20th or after. when all the pre-orders and people who start at launch will log in at the same time. i wonder why they stress-tested the servers. i wonder....wonder...bah, oh well...this aint early access! this is just an extention of a slow beta stress-testing where we get to keep our characters after launch. and yes, i mad grrr :D



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That's exactly it. The ones complaining are only complaining because they aren't in yet but as soon as their invites come they will shut up and start loving the game and BW again. I too have been playing MMO's a long time and been part of many launches from DAoC and on. Things are running fairly smooth so far and if it stays this way it will be worth it. People just don't understand this and think only of themselves.


So, you play your account today and give it up tomorrow, then you know it will be worth it.

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