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Just let all pre-orderers play!


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Just let all pre-orderers play now. If your servers cant handle it then what will you do when you get to launch?


Played the beta? now think at the quests where you add to collect boxes, imagine 1000 players trying to do the same quest and imagine your frustration ratio then. that's why we must NOT join all togheter.

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Actually it never said anything about staggered access in the original marketing, Just that preorder would allow early game access. This is the first intentionally staggered access I have ever seen other than a time zone access at 12am local.


i call Bulll ****. it has always said what my sig says in the FAQ since they announced EGA. that EGA would be based on when you enter your code granting access to EGA. why do you think so many people Preordered day one they wanted that first day EGA!

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Played the beta? now think at the quests where you add to collect boxes, imagine 1000 players trying to do the same quest and imagine your frustration ratio then. that's why we must NOT join all togheter.


This is silly. The servers will create new instances once the character limit is reached. If an item spawns once every minute, by creating 2 instances that means 2 spawn every minute. With one instance it takes 5 people 5 minutes to complete a quest. With 2, 10 people in 5 minutes. The number of people that are going to pick up the item is not going to change. The line will move faster with more people on.

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Its not about server crashing. It´s about not flooding the starter areas, thats why they are not letting everyone in at day 1, thats the purpose of the preorder. Don´t know why ppls are not understanding this.


If you played any other MMO at day 1, you know what Iam talkin about if there are like 1000s of ppls in one area T_T.


Well theyre going to have that problem on the 20th either way, and thats how every MMO is in launch/EA. I guarantee you there wouldnt be as many people complaining about getting their kills stolen in a packed starter area, as there are complaining about not being able to play at all.

Not QQing, if i get in before sunday ill be happy, i just dont understand all these excuses people are coming up with about why theyre launching like this. These problems will arise sooner or later, the staggering solves nothing.

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of course there is no lag... not one of the servers has a heavy population. Wait til Launch day....


I am glad they are doing it this way. They are letting small waves in to see how the servers hold up. If they see a problem they can take care of it before getting overwhelmed. If they let everyone in at the same time and there was some unforeseen issue, the servers would crash and then no one could play. Yeah it sucks we can't all play right now but I would rather BioWare be cautious and think about the long term picture rather than rush to please everyone which is impossible. Sure there will be level 50 characters when some people are just starting but it will even out in the end.

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This is silly. The servers will create new instances once the character limit is reached. If an item spawns once every minute, by creating 2 instances that means 2 spawn every minute. With one instance it takes 5 people 5 minutes to complete a quest. With 2, 10 people in 5 minutes. The number of people that are going to pick up the item is not going to change. The line will move faster with more people on.


acutally it will still effect it because it doesnt create the new instance till the first one reaches a large number. so you still have a ton of people running around in both instances the only one that will be faster will be the last instance created. if there are 5 instances of the starter zone 1-4 are filled and 5 will be the only fast one.

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By the time I log in there will be level 50s. I will be level 1. I am behind. Pretty simple, really.


then you should have pre-ordered back in July and if you did you wouldn't be standing here on this form talking about it like its gonna matter...iv'e herd this conversation so many times that i don't pity the people that wait last minute to do something and expect the same results as the people that did it 3-4months ago

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Come to think of it, the EA is staggered so servers don't get hit hard. Besides the obvious fact that on release, they are going to get slammed mercilessly ANYWAY, I just thought of something. They are turning the servers off on the 19th to prep. All of the EGA people will be signing in on the 20th along with everyone who didn't preorder. Anyone else sensing some bad crap happening cause of that?
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acutally it will still effect it because it doesnt create the new instance till the first one reaches a large number. so you still have a ton of people running around in both instances the only one that will be faster will be the last instance created. if there are 5 instances of the starter zone 1-4 are filled and 5 will be the only fast one.


That doesn't change the fact that more quest items spawn. You can always change instances manually if you want a less crowded one.

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This is silly. The servers will create new instances once the character limit is reached. If an item spawns once every minute, by creating 2 instances that means 2 spawn every minute. With one instance it takes 5 people 5 minutes to complete a quest. With 2, 10 people in 5 minutes. The number of people that are going to pick up the item is not going to change. The line will move faster with more people on.


it doesn't metter, even in beta we had 2 instance and it took quite enough to end those kind of quests. and not every1 was allowed to enter. i'm quite happy to wait, if that means that i'll be able to complete quest fast

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then you should have pre-ordered back in July and if you did you wouldn't be standing here on this form talking about it like its gonna matter...iv'e herd this conversation so many times that i don't pity the people that wait last minute to do something and expect the same results as the people that did it 3-4months ago


If every single person pre-ordered in July, we would still have this problem. It doesn't matter when you pre-order, you are still getting in after everyone that pre-ordered before you.

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From the newest news post:


So how do you gain entry into Early Game Access? All you have to do to qualify for Early Game Access is pre-order a copy of Star Wars: The Old Republic and redeem your Pre-Order Code at our Code Redemption Center before the official launch of the Game. There’s still time for you to get in on Early Game Access before it ends so pre-order your copy of Star Wars: The Old Republic right now!




What cheek!

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That doesn't change the fact that more quest items spawn. You can always change instances manually if you want a less crowded one.


right you can but if everyone does that because you means all then there wouldnt be a less crowded one 5 would just fill up and make 6 and so on and as more people log in they all will fill up. Sharding the zone is good but it doesnt 100% fix the problem of a million people in one zone at 1 time. Letting people get in at waves and spread out across all zones and planets does. people keep saying BY the 20th oh no what do they plan on doing??!?!


Its simple 3mil - 3.5mil people preordered this game EVERYONE that preordered gets EGA and EGA is in waves by the time the 20th comes most of everyone has had at lest 1 day of EGA and spread out across the galaxie, i doubt come the 20th more then 500k people will log in and start at level 1.

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and you are doing the same thing. Look man you knew what was going to happen when you preordered that people before you that preordered would get in before you. Why are you having an issue with this RIGHT NOW why didnt you have an issue with it when you preordered it?? you went a head and gave them your money paid for it knowing it was going to be staggered. why complain now?


I am not a wall. I heard your point and replied. My reasons for being upset are several and all refute your point.


Servers are empty.

I didn't know enough about the game in July to pre order it.

Dumb ideas don't change to smart ideas because they were already decided on. It was dumb when they thought of it, it remains dumb today.

I had no choice when I did choose to buy the game, I had to be staggered.


Your one mantra you repeat over and over again does not address ANY of the above points, yet you repeat it over and over.


You are the wall, I am the one having a discussion here.

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i wonder if they'll prioritize who can log in after their first weekly maintenance. which is probably gonna be on the 20th or after. when all the pre-orders and people who start at launch will log in at the same time. i wonder why they stress-tested the servers. i wonder....wonder...bah, oh well...this aint early access! this is just an extention of a slow beta stress-testing where we get to keep our characters after launch. and yes, i mad grrr :D
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right you can but if everyone does that because you means all then there wouldnt be a less crowded one 5 would just fill up and make 6 and so on and as more people log in they all will fill up. Sharding the zone is good but it doesnt 100% fix the problem of a million people in one zone at 1 time. Letting people get in at waves and spread out across all zones and planets does. people keep saying BY the 20th oh no what do they plan on doing??!?!


Its simple 3mil - 3.5mil people preordered this game EVERYONE that preordered gets EGA and EGA is in waves by the time the 20th comes most of everyone has had at lest 1 day of EGA and spread out across the galaxie, i doubt come the 20th more then 500k people will log in and start at level 1.


Sigh... This is really going over your head.

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I am glad they are doing it this way. They are letting small waves in to see how the servers hold up. If they see a problem they can take care of it before getting overwhelmed. If they let everyone in at the same time and there was some unforeseen issue, the servers would crash and then no one could play. Yeah it sucks we can't all play right now but I would rather BioWare be cautious and think about the long term picture rather than rush to please everyone which is impossible. Sure there will be level 50 characters when some people are just starting but it will even out in the end.


How does that help them when the 20th comes? Are they going to stagger how many people are allowed to join at launch? Sooner or later the servers will have massive amounts logging in at once, and instead of getting that out of the way during early access, I imagine we can look forward to many crashes after official launch.

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It is early morning in the US... Wednesday morning. Seriously people, get real.


They were light all night last night also (6:00pm through 1am, I checked several times). Server population is not a valid excuse for staggered access right now.

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I am not a wall. I heard your point and replied. My reasons for being upset are several and all refute your point.


Servers are empty.

I didn't know enough about the game in July to pre order it.

Dumb ideas don't change to smart ideas because they were already decided on. It was dumb when they thought of it, it remains dumb today.

I had no choice when I did choose to buy the game, I had to be staggered.


Your one mantra you repeat over and over again does not address ANY of the above points, yet you repeat it over and over.


You are the wall, I am the one having a discussion here.


the servers where not empty at the end of wave 5 last night most where full. as for now its 10 am wed morning alot of people are at work /school

in your opinion its dumb idea i think its a wonderful idea.

your choice didnt revolve around choosing staggered or none staggerd it revolves around "when" you preordered. You where given the same info as the people that choose to preorder in july you choose not to. by choosing not to preorder in july you then choose to wait in line to get in to EGA because you knew a head of time by waiting you where delaying your EGA access time. that was the choice you made. the other choice was to choose not to preorder. if you thot the Staggered EGA was a bad idea then you shouldnt of preordered and just waited to the 20th to play.


there i touched everyone of your points!

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