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Just let all pre-orderers play!


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its said "UP TO" 5 days and we havent even hit that mark yet. its not a "RIGHT" for EGA its a privilage talking about self entitled???????? its a Privilage you get "UP TO" 5 days EGA. I PRE ORDERED from Gamestop and my brother did on Origin and we both knew that we needed to enter our pre order code right away to get in to EGA earlier. They waves have been announced since july, and "UP TO" 5 days was all over every site selling this stuff.


They didnt even give a day number for the longest time. Just early game access.

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if you dont like it then you shouldnt of preordered. it clearly said it was going to be staggered.


What is it like living in such a black/white world? I guess pre-ordering and then trying to communicate with them on their definition of staggered never occured to you.


The concept of staggering is mostly borked, but can be dealt with if it is a small enough window between first wave and last. They were NOT clear on how the staggering would be handled. Anyone wanting to play the game would think it would mean sending in waves on a constant basis until everyone was in, not let in small %'s and then call it a day, rinse, repeat. This lack of communication on their part about letting people know when, is what is driving the majority of the threads yesterday and it will continue again today.

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if you dont like it then you shouldnt of preordered. it clearly said it was going to be staggered.


its like saying you bought a pink prius then after you bought it you complaining its not a camero. You knew it was going to be staggered the day you preordered. you obviously didnt have a problem with it then why do you have a problem with it now?


Not everyone here was convinced they were going to buy the game at all in July when pre orders started. Some of us had to be convinced rather then blinding jumping on the bandwagon.


Had they lifted the NDA in July, I might have ordered it then. But a six month pre order on a game when there was still and NDA in effect, no release date announced and few gameplay details known is just candy for the blind faith.


So, am I being punished for not being a worshipper of all things Bioware or are the disciples of Biowares church of devout being rewared for their blind faith? Either way, it's dumb and serves no purpose when the servers are all freakin empty. Go watch some streams.

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actually they broke the agreement because it said up to 5 days even on current orders. that means even on current orders there should have been a chance at it. but they clearly did not want to even try, stopping at 130pm yesterday. if there was never a chance for 5 days for everyone. then it should have explained in detail how it was going to work. BBB states you can not make agreements with vague advertisements that customers cannot understand. this may not be law but its standards that businesses use witch are more stringent than laws and that's what you can be sued on.
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You say that what if servers couldnt handle it at launch yet this is the early access day 1. Would you want to be in queue line for hours and see server crashes over and over at Early Access day 1 instead of a more stable launch? Or let me ask you this way: How come you cant figure if they would let us all enter the game right now and servers crashes, do you realize what would happen? Would be labelled as the worst early access( early launch) of the MMO history.


I'm in a queue right now, except I have no idea how many people are in front of me or how much time I have left.


They're only delaying the inevitable. All of those issues (and more) will arise when everyone is playing. All they're doing is giving people who blindly purchase a product without ever trying it or seeing it an advantage over everyone else.


The smell in here is terrible from all the people covered with brown stains from their heads to their shoulders. Go shower.

Edited by BadgeredMushroom
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They didnt even give a day number for the longest time. Just early game access.


it still always said the Earlier you enter your code the earlier you get in. once they came up with a date it was "UP TO " 5 days. so simple as that. alot of people preordered not knowing if EGA was going to be 2 days or 3 weeks, be thankfull for what you get. They could of started EGA on the 15th and then the people that might get 3 or 4days would 1 or 2 days.


people knew it was going to be staggered since july 21 if you failed to read all the information on the product you where buying, that again is your own fault not BW.

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Not everyone here was convinced they were going to buy the game at all in July when pre orders started. Some of us had to be convinced rather then blinding jumping on the bandwagon.


Had they lifted the NDA in July, I might have ordered it then. But a six month pre order on a game when there was still and NDA in effect, no release date announced and few gameplay details known is just candy for the blind faith.


So, am I being punished for not being a worshipper of all things Bioware or are the disciples of Biowares church of devout being rewared for their blind faith? Either way, it's dumb and serves no purpose when the servers are all freakin empty. Go watch some streams.


That was still your choice not something BW put on you. You choose to wait so now wait in line. Simple as that.

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actually they broke the agreement because it said up to 5 days even on current orders. that means even on current orders there should have been a chance at it. but they clearly did not want to even try, stopping at 130pm yesterday. if there was never a chance for 5 days for everyone. then it should have explained in detail how it was going to work. BBB states you can not make agreements with vague advertisements that customers cannot understand. this may not be law but its standards that businesses use witch are more stringent than laws and that's what you can be sued on.


what do you mean that was day 1 of 7 there is still a chance of "UP TO" 5 days.

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Not everyone here was convinced they were going to buy the game at all in July when pre orders started. Some of us had to be convinced rather then blinding jumping on the bandwagon.


Had they lifted the NDA in July, I might have ordered it then. But a six month pre order on a game when there was still and NDA in effect, no release date announced and few gameplay details known is just candy for the blind faith.


So, am I being punished for not being a worshipper of all things Bioware or are the disciples of Biowares church of devout being rewared for their blind faith? Either way, it's dumb and serves no purpose when the servers are all freakin empty. Go watch some streams.

^ This.

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^ This.


so what like i told him you choose to wait to preorder=waiting in line to play. Its that simple you knew about it in july so you waited to see if you would like it thats fine that was your choice but waiting=waiting now. no one to blame but your self.

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I'm in a queue right now, except I have no idea how many people are in front of me or how much time I have left.


They're only delaying the inevitable. All of those issues (and more) will arise when everyone is playing. All they're doing is giving people who blindly purchase a product without ever trying it or seeing it an advantage over everyone else.


^ What he said. Also, it's a queue that's going to last for days... lame.

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That was still your choice not something BW put on you. You choose to wait so now wait in line. Simple as that.


Did I accidently choose the wrong box when pre-ordering?


Click here to be staggered

Click here for early access.


I had no choice, your argument fails. Unless, of course, you are referring to my choice of buying the game at all. Is that your point? Don't want staggered access, don't buy the game?

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Hey bio, my friends in game are rubbing it in that they are playing and i am not. I am an emotional wreck with no end in sight and may need therapy. Where do I send you the bill for my shrink expenses, or is there a que for that as well?


First Obama, now you guys are ruining my life here.

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so what like i told him you choose to wait to preorder=waiting in line to play. Its that simple you knew about it in july so you waited to see if you would like it thats fine that was your choice but waiting=waiting now. no one to blame but your self.

But I didn't know about it in July. I knew about this game a couple years ago... and then I didn't really know much about it until the testing weekend in November. I had "quit" MMOs, and now I decided to give this one a shot. There was no way for me to pre-order in July. I get that first come, first serve seems fair in theory, but they didn't even try to let people in yesterday. It was some half-hearted trickle of people into the servers.

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Did I accidently choose the wrong box when pre-ordering?


Click here to be staggered

Click here for early access.


I had no choice, your argument fails. Unless, of course, you are referring to my choice of buying the game at all. Is that your point? Don't want staggered access, don't buy the game?


no your choice was WHen you preordered or not to preorder.


you choose to wait to preorder so that means you choose to wait now.


if you didnt want to participate in a staggered EGA then you should of A preordered sooner or not preordered at all. the info was all their you choose to ignore it and complain now.

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But I didn't know about it in July. I knew about this game a couple years ago... and then I didn't really know much about it until the testing weekend in November. I had "quit" MMOs, and now I decided to give this one a shot. There was no way for me to pre-order in July. I get that first come, first serve seems fair in theory, but they didn't even try to let people in yesterday. It was some half-hearted trickle of people into the servers.


What about those people that didn't have the money in July? This is class warfare created by Bio. Shame really.

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But I didn't know about it in July. I knew about this game a couple years ago... and then I didn't really know much about it until the testing weekend in November. I had "quit" MMOs, and now I decided to give this one a shot. There was no way for me to pre-order in July. I get that first come, first serve seems fair in theory, but they didn't even try to let people in yesterday. It was some half-hearted trickle of people into the servers.


DIDNT EVEN TRY??!??!?! Yesterdays first wave alone!!!!! was more people then most mmos ENTIRE ega access, or more people then most games LAUNCH day. The first few days of Preorders was HUGE HUGE amount of preorders. Its day 1 of 7 there are 6 more left just relax wait your turn you will get in.


trickle of peole made me laugh wow just wow.

Edited by Cichard
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no your choice was WHen you preordered or not to preorder.


you choose to wait to preorder so that means you choose to wait now.


if you didnt want to participate in a staggered EGA then you should of A preordered sooner or not preordered at all. the info was all their you choose to ignore it and complain now.


It's like talking to a wall. You have your point and you are sticking to it no matter what, despite how irrelevant it may be. Are you in politics by chance?

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no your choice was WHen you preordered or not to preorder.


you choose to wait to preorder so that means you choose to wait now.


if you didnt want to participate in a staggered EGA then you should of A preordered sooner or not preordered at all. the info was all their you choose to ignore it and complain now.


Did they say in July that access to the game would be given to those who pre-ordered first?

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It's like talking to a wall. You have your point and you are sticking to it no matter what, despite how irrelevant it may be. Are you in politics by chance?


and you are doing the same thing. Look man you knew what was going to happen when you preordered that people before you that preordered would get in before you. Why are you having an issue with this RIGHT NOW why didnt you have an issue with it when you preordered it?? you went a head and gave them your money paid for it knowing it was going to be staggered. why complain now?

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