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Skills not going off


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i am sick of having to cast ambush (2.5 second cast or 1.5 seconds if snipe crits) like 2 times before it goes off. Why has this not been fix that yet is it really that ****en hard to make it so my SKILL THAT I CAST actually goes off when i ****en cast it? unreal.


i am sure other people feel the same way has me, its just absurd that they cant figure this out.

Edited by Isirus
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Yeah its a common problem that many classes have, for marauder its the saberward, and its very frustrating since its one of our most important abilities, and its the kind of a ability you need when you click it not 5 secs later and 340 button clicks later.
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yeah - Dispatch for Guardian "active on targets 20% hp or less" 60% of the time doesn't even hit the target. Not that it misses due to hit% or anything, its just that it shows the animation and stuff but doesn't really work and yet it still expends the resource "3 focus" which is 25% of my resource bar just gone for nothing.


Also instant ability's and ability's off global cool down does not activate properly. Most of the time when I try to interrupt a target for example with "Force Kick" I have to hit the key 6 times before he'll actually use it.


The UI is NOT very responsive, feels more slow at times - and I do not lag at all and have very good frames.

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