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SWTOR = Best Character graphics known to MMO history.


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I'm actually physically laughing right now. If you honestly think the slightly cartoonized graphics of star wars is anything close to the high end realism (for an mmo) for guild wars 2, you should just uninstall every single game you own.


see, while some people crave for the "realism" in game graphics, the fact is that it is a huge waste of resources for the return on play experience.


Not to mention that you missed the entire point the OP was making. It was about the attention to detail in your character and the environment, NOT the fact that they chose not to go the ultra-realistic (Korean, cough, cough, Korean) approach to character graphics. There is a reason some games that the "realistic" approach.....it's because under the hood, there really is not much more going for their game. Aion is a prime example. Rift is as well. Both looked like total eye candy at launch, but once your eyes got gorged on the candy, the game was a let down to the masses.

Edited by Andryah
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Oh man. I don't know what to say..


Yes, anything has better graphics than WoW.


AION and Rift have the best graphics available today for an MMO. Both suck terriblly in the MMO department.


SWTOR is nice looking, however DX11 would do it some major justice. I just wish someone at Bioware knew what DX11 is.




DX9 is so 2007


I do agree with you, Aion did have some nifty graphics, so did Rift, but the detail on SWTOR gear is very amazing man!


Imperial Agents and Smugglers for example look so delicious!! OMG!

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Im pro bro you like? :confused: cmon man. you know these graphics are pretty stunning, I mean cmon bro? Don't lie to yourself. I watch Guild-wars 2 vidoes on daily basis, and NO so far Guild Wars 2 does not beat SWTOR character gear graphics. sowwy :/


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the star wars graphics and it's style. I was just stating in my own opinion, that I think guild wars 2 have nailed it better. For an MMO that may not always be a good thing though (Age of Conan had stunning graphics but nothing could barely run them at the time). Lets just agree to disagree.

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see, while some people crave for the "realism" in game graphics, the fact is that it is a huge waste of resources for the return on play experience.


Not to mention that you missed the entire point the OP was making. It was about the attention to detail in your character and the environment, NOT the fact that they chose not to go the ultra-realistic (Korean, cough, cough, Korean) approach to character graphics. There is a reason some games that the "realistic" approach.....it's because under the hood, there really is not much more going for their game. Aion is a prime example. Rift is as well. Both looked like total eye candy at launch, but once your eyes got gorged on the candy, the game was a let down to the masses.


Actually, Guild wars has the realism AND everything star wars had tried to do. NPC's talk to each other, interact with each other, interact with you, cutscenes involve your character with top end character facial animation, Top quality voice acting, the works.

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I still haven't seen a character customization like Aion's. Aion gave you so much room to make your character look like you wanted to I sometimes want to go back and play it just for that.


I do like my character in SWTOR, but you don't have many options at all. There are several different races, but all of them have exactly the same body type. Most of them have exactly they same facial structures as well, even hair styles, with modest differences here and there. Put a helm on a character and the only way you can tell what race it is is to target it. Very disappointed in character customization.

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Does anyone know if there are plans for more detailed character creation? I love most of the game, and I don't think the current character creation is bad, but I like more detail, it's just what I like. It's not a deal breaker for me, but it would make me happy.
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I still haven't seen a character customization like Aion's. Aion gave you so much room to make your character look like you wanted to I sometimes want to go back and play it just for that.


I do like my character in SWTOR, but you don't have many options at all. There are several different races, but all of them have exactly the same body type. Most of them have exactly they same facial structures as well, even hair styles, with modest differences here and there. Put a helm on a character and the only way you can tell what race it is is to target it. Very disappointed in character customization.


Too bard Aion turned into a job after L18.


Of course I did spend like 2 hours fiddling with the character customization.

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Can you really say star wars beats THIS? no...




Character customization options are definitely wanting in SWTOR. But as I said (or rather implied) before, realism vs. stylization is a matter of preference, and comparing that video (which is no doubt displaying graphics as best as possible) to SWTOR at the highest graphic levels they both come out pretty even.

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Can you really say star wars beats THIS? no...




Yeah, that's very nice. Based on my time playing Guild Wars and from what I've read/heard about GW2 I'm looking forward to it going live. If I'm still playing SWTOR at that time, which is looking more doubtful every day, I'll be switching to GW2 as soon as it's available.

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Character customization options are definitely wanting in SWTOR. But as I said (or rather implied) before, realism vs. stylization is a matter of preference, and comparing that video (which is no doubt displaying graphics as best as possible) to SWTOR at the highest graphic levels they both come out pretty even.


As i said, merely my own opinion.

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Yeah, that's very nice. Based on my time playing Guild Wars and from what I've read/heard about GW2 I'm looking forward to it going live. If I'm still playing SWTOR at that time, which is looking more doubtful every day, I'll be switching to GW2 as soon as it's available.


I played it for a total of an hour and a half at gamescom here in the UK and i wasn't disappointed one bit at anything in the game.

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With the exception of the facial features in voiced cutscenes, SWTOR's graphics are abysmal compared to Final Fantasy XIV.


Not saying it's a great game, but the OP clearly had no idea what they were talking about. Maybe you all should check out an MMO that isn't made on the same game engine.



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Guild Wars is an acquired taste. Move on.


Final Fantasy is a joke for an MMO. Move on.


Rift was subpar. I thought I was playing WoW.


Aion looked decent.


Age of Conan looked better than Aion.



If you want good graphics go find an MMO company that used Unreal 3. That's the best engine out right now IMO.


Back to SWTOR. I like how the lights on your armor are actually..y'know...lights. When you're in a cave they actually appear illuminated.

Edited by OBLCDiomedes
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This guy doesn't play many MMO's does he. There are tons of FREE MMO's out there with better graphics than this game. Take All Points Bulletin for example. It's free to play now and its character customization is way more advanced than this games.




Just a warning. The graphics look amazing but the game play is just mah.

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