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Raid Icons - questions and suggestion


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There doesn't appear to be a keybind for the raid icons or even a way to put them into Quickslots. It's very, VERY handy to be able to map these to keystrokes. Am I missing something?



Also... while I appreciate the thought that went into creating raid icons that fit into the theme, it makes them a pain to work with - especially in chat.


"First kill is the raygun pistol. Then the light saber hilt."

"Light saber hilt?"

"Yeah, the green diagonal thing."

"Oh, I thought that was a flashlight."

"Same thing."


It would be a lot more efficient if you used simpler shapes. Square, triangle, circle. Or if the symbol was more suggesting about what to do to the target, e.g. "Skull = kill it now. Red Octagon (stop sign) means don't touch it."


Maybe I can ignore the shape and refer to them by color.

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