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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Yes. No major problems bothering me. I'm totally missing the 'ability delay' and FPS lag everyone talks about. Just solid, perfect gameplay. I don't PVP so that doesn't bother me. Just a few minor bugs here and there that are to be expected in a new game. Looking forward for many more months of playing. Even planning on sticking around after GW2 comes out. It is free beyond the initial payment after all.
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YES. Already got a six month Sub and not going anywhere for a while.


There is nothing wrong with this game to make me not play. It is a great game. Too all those unsubscribing great, your choice. Don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out. More room on the server.


All MMO's at first have glitches and bugs. I have faith in BioWare as a company to fix them. This is a great game and if you rushed to 50 without taking your time and doing the story quests, flashpoints, crafting etc.. Then its your loss not ours.


This is the stupidest thing I've read all day. Congrats. You WANT people to quit playing so that there's more room on your server? Really? You want to play an MMO with LESS people?


Okay then. Have fun by yourself.

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No. I will not. Too many other great games to play, and with Guild Wars 2 on the horizon, and FREE, I'm done.


Already unsubbed.


Then Guild Wars 2 will be out and it will be the same complaining all over again.

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YES. Already got a six month Sub and not going anywhere for a while.


There is nothing wrong with this game to make me not play. It is a great game. Too all those unsubscribing great, your choice. Don't let the door hit you in the *** on the way out. More room on the server.


All MMO's at first have glitches and bugs. I have faith in BioWare as a company to fix them. This is a great game and if you rushed to 50 without taking your time and doing the story quests, flashpoints, crafting etc.. Then its your loss not ours.


What do you mean "Rushed to 50"? I did all of the quests to get my first 50. Heh, I didn't even use Spacebar. Yeah, this game is a great single player game. It's an unsatisfactory MMO.

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Then Guild Wars 2 will be out and it will be the same complaining all over again.


I guarantee that gw2 is going to be a flop, it's extremely overrated. It will have a high number of people flocking to it initially but after the first month or so they will return to wow....this happens to every new mmo that comes out, including this one (not biased).

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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World of Warcraft has tainted MMO's, all try to be like it, and people that haven't played other MMO want the rest to be in mint condition on release, like WoW doesn't have HUUUGE tech problems with every patch and expansion they release.


After all we all have evolved into trasient beings that cannot make mistakes.

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I guarantee that gw2 is going to be a flop, it's extremely overrated. It will have a high number of people flocking to it initially but after the first month or so they will return to wow....this happens to every new mmo that comes out, including this one (not biased).


Except it's free, so there's no choice to either "go all in" and subscribe and play a lot, or not subscribe and not play at all.


I can hop on after not playing for a few weeks in a free-to-play game and play for a bit because there's no pressure to "get my money's worth". In P2P MMOs, if I don't play it a lot I feel like it's money I could put towards something else.

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Grr. Actually it may be the community that makes me quite before the game itself does. But hopefully after the first month the racist and insulting people will have already gone back to their 'safe' game whatever it may be. If I get called a 'jew' or 'gay' one more time just for playing republic....:mad:


I see serious potential for this game, and while I feel mmo burnout still the story lines keep making me log in for more. Sure it wasn't fully innovative at launch, but if they can keep the content coming I see this changing mmos forever. Even space combat I can see being expanded in some cool ways. Why else have ship parts I ask of you?


Oh, and no reason I can't play gw2 with tor. :p

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