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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I canXed my sub today. I haven't played since last week and won't be playing in the next two. This game just makes me miss the original SW MMO all that much more pre the major screw up.


I want a huge sandbox that I can roam around in with my lightsaber or blaster and do exactly as I please the way Han Solo or Boba Fett intended. If I want to follow a tight script, I'll become an actor for a micromanaging play director.

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Of course not! I played BETA and knew exactly what the game was like and spent $150 on the Collector's Edition, but now that $15 for another month is just too much for me... Nevermind the fact that I threw $60 down the drain...


This message board just reminds me of the **** people say about the economy. That "the US is doomed" or "we are going to have another great depression". I'll believe it when I see it. Until then I'm just going to continue on with my life.


You have the people with the narcissism complex that want to be the king of the world saying "I told you so!" or "I blew through all your content and now you have nothing for me!".


No MMO has tons of endgame content at launch. That's not the goal of release. The goal is to have a foundation to build off of which TOR has. They have lots of planets they can add, lots of Operations to add, the legacy system holds promises. If you think TOR has nothing to offer for $15 please just go drop $60 on The Force Unleashed II or even MW3.


I will play this game until I get bored or until the game closes up. I got bored of Vanguard and that is still ticking people saying it was going to shut down within a month for the last 4 years...

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You're really going to fault a company, any company for trying to protect it's intellectual rights and copyrights?


Not saying I agree with SOPA in particular, but most people are ridiculous about how they expect companies to continue to take no action against people who steal from them on a daily basis.


If I had people stealing millions of dollars out from under me everyday by illegally "trading" my software, I'd want to support anything that deters those actions too.


As for the maintenance thing. it's an MMO ALL MMOs have maintenance. Bioware is a Nortrh American based developer as is EA, did you really think they would throw downtime out on NA's prime time? and even if they did it's ALWAYS going to be SOMEONES prime time. Besides it's just once a week. they are longer downtimes currently because a lot needs to be fixed, eventually they'll be smaller.


Be glad you don't play a game like EvE Online where downtime patching means go find something else to do for 24 hours or more.




A) This is a pretty overused argument in politics currently. "You do not support SOPA, so you are for piracy you dirty pirate!" No one is for piracy unless they are actually pirating things. Normal people however, are not for China like censorship being allowed by the creation of ambiguously worded laws that essentially put Internet Service Providers (Comcast, Verizon, etc) and Content Providers (Youtube, Google, Imgur, millions of other popular content hubs) at risk of having LEGAL REPERCUSSIONS brought against them without a trial. Basically, anyone can go to a judge, and depending on how that judge views the case (hearing only the one side), he can issue an order to have the site shut down within 5 days or repercussions are brought not against those who are actually violating but those who do not block the content before it has been proven "guilty" of being pirated in a court of law. The United States does not work this way, please read the Constitution and the 200+ years of Supreme Court decisions.


B) Thousands of engineers have clearly told Congress that the way the current law is written is physically impossible given the way DNS works. Congress refuses to understand how the internet works (hell, just a couple years ago they were talking about a series of tubes) and what scares most of us is that it took them a whole month to even decide whether or not they wanted to get "expert" opinions. That is like enacting a law that requires cancer patients to take a new medicine without asking doctors opinions.


C) I'd say the fact that nearly every major online company has gotten behind derailing the SOPA bill, it is a big deal, and it is not ridiculous to take things to the extreme when you consider loopholes that are left in the law are almost always exploited by the crafty folks. You cannot assume that you can leave ambiguous laws on the books and that they will not eventually evolve to include actions that were not intended.


TL,DR - No one is agreeing that piracy is right, but most agree that the law needs to be written correctly, and in a way that is actually possible.

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Alright, so let me start by saying... I have spent the last 2 hours counting this. Please read the comments below the stats to understand how I counted, and reasons why this poll is extremely skewed.


Subscribing for the January 20th-February 20th Play Period

460 votes (see below) Roughly 65%


Leaving for the January 20th-February 20th Play Period

242 votes (see below) Roughly 35%


Alright a couple notes as to how I counted.


Yes votes were very easy to count as people who plan on staying are not really on the fence so much I found. However, I'd venture to say approx 1/8-1/4 of the yes votes were either "Because I have a time card I cannot return" or "Until GW2/Insert Other MMO Here Launches". Take those for what you will.


No votes were calculated by either people who said outright no, or stated what I believed to be unrealistic demands of Bioware in order to retain their business for the upcoming pay period. Things such as "Implement these 15 systems and fix every bug or I'll not sub" were counted as a no, but take those as you will - they could be exaggerating.


Edit: This was originally an area where I called out the two previous posters who claimed to count as being completely incorrect, however I received a warning and the post will be taken down for "insulting other players" if I do not edit it, no matter how true it may be. So here ya go mods.


General people notes


From the unsub side, I have noticed a lot of odd "commercial" sounding posts in this thread, most in ways that people don't actually talk in real life. "I'm having a blast!" or "This game is fantastic and great!" posts with no votes tend to make me wonder what these people are doing here if they aren't actually voting. Also, I notice that disagreeing with the sub side tends to make you automatically a "wowtard" or "WoW kid" or "kiddie" or "ADHD kid", etc. Kind of hard to have a legitimate discussion about issues a game may face (which actually benefits the sub side, because discussion leads to fixes) when you are automatically being labeled as something you may not actually be.


From the sub side, a lot of people are asking some pretty crazy demands for subscription. While I will not discuss whether or not bugs/missing features are right or wrong as that would lend itself to bias, I will say that there are people in this thread who unsubbed because of features that have never been discussed or have been completely ruled out as ever being put in this game by Bioware. These are not legitimate reasons to unsubscribe or rather to cause alarm by your unsubscription as you really shouldn't have purchased the game in the first place.


I'd also like to thank the ******es somewhere around page 6-9 who made it really hard to count with their discussion on game mechanics and GW2/ArenaNet that had no connection to this thread whatsoever.


Notes to those who may doubt that I counted - when you change your forum settings to display maximum posts on one page (50), it is only 25 pages long, which doesn't take very long. Don't be intimidated or think that it cannot be counted because your browser says 100 pages.


And finally reasons this whole poll is skewed.


First off - to those who bash the OP for not making it an actual poll, I'm assuming you were present in Beta, where polls were allowed on the forums. Since launch, they have disabled this feature, and such a poll is not available to player accounts, so cut the guy some slack.


Anyways, it is skewed in one way toward the unsubscribers, as players who are subscribing, may not be on the forums but rather in game playing the game! This would mean that the unhappy folks would be more represented on the forums... however....


It is also skewed toward the subscribers a little bit more than the unsubscribers. Unsubscribers are most likely simply unsubscribing and have no connection to the game, so very few are going to feel the need to post here on the forums - they just leave and they cannot be counted by anyone but Bioware's accountants when next month's subscription totals are added up. On the other hand, subscribers are much more likely to check the forums and see this thread, as they have a vested interest in being here on the forums and providing input for future changes. To say that you are underrepresented is like going to a church and taking a poll to see how many atheists there are... most people in a place designated for a certain group are going to answer for that certain group... and likewise on a forum for a game, most people are going to answer in favor of the game rather than against.


So... I conclude by saying... more players plan to stay than plan to leave in this thread... however those who plan to leave may be slightly underrepresented. While they are the vocal minority, being the vocal minority also means that there can be a silent majority leaving or staying, and none of us will ever be able to tell.


I hope you enjoyed.

Edited by Thaonnor
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And to those who say they arent staying because they "played" beta and knew then...good riddance!


You dont "play" beta, you "test" it.Saying youre a beta player instead of a beta tester is the equivalent of saying your an airplane flyer instead of an airplane pilot or a car fixer instead of an auto mechanic.


The game and the community will be better off without you and I leave you with these parting words.


"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Edited by Fezra
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I'll be here


I want a dungeon finder, better PVP and of course more quests you can solo. Elite quests are a bore unless there is a solution like a dungeon finder rather then spamming Trade I don't know.


I am loving the game just made it as a Sith Lord! :D

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


Should've made it an actually poll but. Maybe, depends what the do with aesthetics, I'm sorry but im not gonna play a game where my trooper looks like a vacuum cleaner squid thing. If they at least put effort into the epic op gear maybe,but as of now, my trooper looks so damn stupid.

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I cancelled. The game has far too many issues for me to find it enjoyable. I'll check on it in a few months to see how the development team is handling the issues. With my experience in MMORPG's, I can pretty much assume that most of these bugs won't be fixed for at least a year.
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I cancelled. The game has far too many issues for me to find it enjoyable. I'll check on it in a few months to see how the development team is handling the issues. With my experience in MMORPG's, I can pretty much assume that most of these bugs won't be fixed for at least a year.


It's sad my trooper has been stuck for hours in the jedi knights end phase after helping a friend finish it, and my only complaint is aesthetics, I guess I'm too used to it.

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Depending on if they fix the game issues. I would like to say that if they don't I will wait it out etc. WoW had the luxury of being the best even when broken in vanilla and a lot of the people that left went back because there was nothing else better to play. If it takes x amount of months for these issues to be fixed most people would have moved on by then.
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