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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Wrong. You don't know jack **** about how I play this game. Don't bring your pompus *** attitude in here and claim otherwise.




On many other servers you can go to entire planets and NEVER see a single player - even though the servers are rated at "standard" and "high" population levels. Just because your limited, tunnel vision experience with this game has you believing it's a true MMO does not change the fact that there are far more people out there disappointed with the lack of an "online feeling" due to how the game is laid out.


From your way with words I am guessing you are not the most social person out there. There are far more people enjoying the game than not. The overwhelming majority are happily enjoying this amazingly rich and deep MMO experience. While I understand it may not be your cup of tea, it is in no way a poor game.

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Yes. Its fun.


Id also bet that a lot of these "no" posters actually will, mainly the people who are posting stuff like "I'll never pay a dime for this game unless my Twi'lek Lekku can come out of the front of my robe like in Beta". Yes, it sucks. Yes, I want it fixed as well. But don't like, you know you will keep playing.

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Same reason you're posting in this "poll".


I've been apart of probably 10 MMO launches. Including the original EQ launch. Were you? Well, what's it matter anyway. What is a solid launch at this point? You surely can't compare it to games from 5-10 years ago. Rift was a solid launch as well. But I don't play games because of a solid launch or not.


And frankly, although I haven't dealt with it, I've heard their CS is awful.


If you've been through that many launches you ought to know that their CS is almost certainly SWAMPED. Right now, you've got a tons of bug reports, confused newbies, angry idiots, and just a lot more people playing for a lot longer in a session that usual. All things that tend to drive up CS workload. Once all that starts going down a bit we'll get a real idea of what their CS is like.


Personally, I see myself sticking around for a LONG time. And from what I've seen, most of the people whining and complaining and 'omg I'm going to quit'...we'll be better off without you and your kind. We don't need people with the attitude of a 12 year old. "I want it so GIVE IT TO ME! NOW!!" Seriously?


No, it's not perfect, but it's not nearly as bad as these people would have you believe. The Galactic Trade Network for example. Works fine, and I've already been making money selling on it. The interface is more than a little clunky, but it DOES work, and people ARE starting to buy stuff.


A large portion of the rest are frankly unnecessary features of a cosmetic nature or minor conveniences that don't really add that much to the gameplay.


Are this many people really that spoiled and petty?

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Yes, I have already subscribed for 90 days, so, obvious huh? :)


Now on the other hand, being a casual player, judging now I have to say I probably will keep subscribing after that period. I enjoy the game and €12 a month is small change (1 pizza a month ;) ).

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I haven't played in the last 3 days due to how grindy the leveling is. The PvP is broken, trying getting a group is a waste of time, did I mention how boring the leveling is?


I won't be resubbing personally, maybe when they patch the game up and bring it up to the standard of a modern MMO.

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OK guys I counted the first 20 pages and used that same average for the rest of the forum number of entries to create some real numbers ofr you guys. Granted these may be off a bit due to ppl replying and chatting and not actually giving yes or no's but i think this will be pretty close



YES= 700


NO= 135




MAY THE FORCE BE WIHT YOU ALL AND HAVE FUN OUT THERE....Just for the record I am a yes and to all you haters out there ...Damn Skippy I am a F A N B O Y you scruffy looking nerf herders!

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Answer: NO


My wife unsubscribed and I will follow. Its do to the lack of response about the /follow command and a few others. They wont even say they KNOW ABOUT IT let alone when its slated to be fixed and this is an issue I brought up IN BETA as well as many others have as well. If Bioware cant be bothered to even SPEAK to their customers they sure as hell wont get our money.


Ive already talked people out of buying the game just because of the communication issues. Its time to start acting like an MMO maker Bioware and stop acting like you still only make single player games, things run differently in this part of the gaming world.


Good game, bad company relations.

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That's to say. I'm going abroad to study in a month so i have to see if i get decent internett and of the euro servers don't lagg to much in Australia. But if everything goes as expected i will.


This game basicly removed every problem i had with previous MMOs. With the focus on the story instead of boring grinding for levels and gear i'm inn for the long run. There might not be much endgame content out now, but it's how it always is with mmos at launch and is a temporary situation.

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Answer: NO


My wife unsubscribed and I will follow. Its do to the lack of response about the /follow command and a few others. They wont even say they KNOW ABOUT IT let alone when its slated to be fixed and this is an issue I brought up IN BETA as well as many others have as well. If Bioware cant be bothered to even SPEAK to their customers they sure as hell wont get our money.


Ive already talked people out of buying the game just because of the communication issues. Its time to start acting like an MMO maker Bioware and stop acting like you still only make single player games, things run differently in this part of the gaming world.


Good game, bad company relations.



You're quitting because /follow isn't working? I'm sure they are more worried about fixing things that are keeping people from actually being able to play.


If you're such a gaming expert and know how things run in "this part of the gaming world", why aren't you working for a major game designer?


Oh wait ... self-proclaimed expert.



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Nah, this is a single player game capitalizing on the glory of starwars and raising expectations but delivering very little. Those who are loving the story (and blatantly ignoring everything else) could have got more mileage out of Fallout3, Crysis, Far Cry, Just Cause 2 etc


Surprised with Tythos. Shocked at Coruscant. Disappointed with Taris. Quitting on Nar Shaddaa.

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Probably not. If they fix some of the issues though, I might consider coming back.


My main issues:

Bad customer service

Horrible UI and no addons to help fix it.

No macro support

Way too linear questing and not enough class quests

Alignment system is terrible (alignment should NOT be tied with gear in any way.)

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Yep - people are amazed with this game. The story is incredible. But once the story is complete - the game is a shell of an experience. Right now it's all new. After the free month dollars will be lost because the majority of the community will move on to games that deliver higher quality end-game content and better grouping experiences across ALL servers.


Um...that's been a large portion of the discussion about EVERY GAME EVER MADE. Because frankly? Most of the people who are happy don't make a point of going on forums to discuss it: only the unhappy people do. Right now? Most of the happy people are too busy actually playing the game to bother to post on the forums. Doubly so since the game just launched.


That's really most of what it is: selection bias. Forums have always been dominated by a vocal minority: right now that minority is primarily made of people that either A.) Maxed out too fast and are bored because they got ahead of the people with lives and the people that don't hit spacebar 15 times per convo, B.) Are angry that their unwarranted feelings of entitlement haven't been catered to, C.) Are trolls, or D.) Don't really understand how MMOs actually work.


The simple fact of the matter is, excepting the trolls, if they really were that unhappy and ready to cancel, most of them wouldn't be here posting about it. Excepting the trolls, the fact that they're posting here indicates that they DO care on some level, and WANT to continue playing the game.


The real test is going to come on Jan 19th and the week or so after that, when the free month people got starts running out: if the complaints continue after that, You'll know that they are, in fact, full of it and have no intention of actually cancelling. Same as most of the complainers on every MMO ever made.


And frankly? half the problems will solve themselves given time.

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not until there's


1. real space combat

2. UI mods (good lord...)

3. real LFG system

4. the AH is the worst thing ever pls fix




Also add "Real Customer Service". All you get when ticketing anything is an automated response. Even when its something that could use some interaction with a GM. They generally also lock/close any threads with negative feedback that aren't clear rage. Heaven forbid you have clear and pointed thoughts on how terrible their endgame is.


Short answer: No. This game will become dead in 1-2 months when the majority of players hit 50 and realize everything is bugged and endgame is broken.

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Im on the ropes about this game. It is definitely still in Beta. I just played a PvP match for the first time (47 DPS Sith Jugg) and wow...worst thing I have ever seen.


Im thinking I wont be paying until they get the game out of Beta. I got this game as a christmas gift and got into EA on the 15th. I would feel pretty dumb if I paid for this game in its current condition.

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