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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Yes I will still subscribe. It's exciting, and fun to play with friends. I like that Bioware has not put elements in the game that leads to epeen elitism among "epic raiders." I have always been more of a solo quester type, and so this MMO is a great fit. I look forward to the enhancements to the Legacy system, space battles, and PVP. Whether I will continue beyond Q1 2012 remains to be seen.
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I'll most like not re-sub. I might be playing the game wrong, but i don't feel it warrents a monthly fee.


I love the story so far, been playing 3 classes to 30+ and i've enjoyed the class story of each very much and i've been involved in questing due to the voice acting.


But it just does not feel very MMO'ish to me, most areas is empty of players, even though i am on a highly populated server, i often don't feel it's worth the time to do the content they designated as the MMO part (the heroic areas).


I haven't felt compelled to go to the flashpoints after Black Talon either, all in all i see no reason to interact with other players like other MMOs has succeded in doing.


I feel like the company isn't listening much to the customers either. And don't get me started on the US favouritism ;).


I think it's an awesome single player experience, but it feels harsh to have to pay a monthly fee to be able to see all the class stories unfold.


As other have stated, i wish there was a free to play option for this, i really couldn't care less about the flashpoints / operations and PvP to some extent (have had a little bit of fun there).

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I will, thanks you good sir.


No thank you, and tbh i hope you do have fun fighting dragons and w/e the hell you elf lovers do in w/e game you end up in.


Personally the thought of playing a fantasy game makes me throw up in my mouth a little but if it rocks your socks, then great, mabey my server qeue times will be a bit shorter with you and your kind gone.

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Yes, I will be around for now.


SW:ToR has some really great ideas and concepts and a few things that really aren't implemented well at all. No MMO is perfect, especially in its first few weeks. I have played a lot of them and have loved different parts of them. I'm not still playing every one of them because they got old, or something changed about them that I didn't like, or I didn't have any time to play them, or any number of other reasons.


Essentially, it all boils down to this:


do {




} while {


($fun > 0);




(If my wife can figure that out, you can too.)

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Yeah the difference between you and me is that i actually have reasons for wanting the option while you don't have any for being against it except that you don't want people to be able to do it because... just because. It would be an OPTION that you would be able not to use. I don't understand why you have to be against it, how does someone's changing advanced class affect your game experience in any way? It's not like there's not going to be hundred of thousands of players playing your same current ac anyway, an ac switching option wouldn't make you any less special than you are now, because you aren't, even now.


As a guild leader of a small but hardcore guild it would be ridiculously useful to be able to swap acs and all members would love it and have always been rooting for it, it would of course make tanks/healers shortages even LESS of a problem than it is now (throughout the game, not just guild environment). Furthermore, it's simply unfair that all acs can either tank and dps OR heal and dps (unless you're a sentinel/gunslinger, because those just got the shortest end of the stick when bw was making acs i guess? another great point for fairness \o/ ) but what for those people who don't care about dpsing but only want to tank and heal? they can't because no ac does both. It's just silly.


And about alts, when I and all the people i know, roll an alt we want to roll an actually different class, not a variant of something we already have, simple as that. As a matter of fact i do have a 50 columi/tionese geared commando AND sith warrior, didn't mind doing it as they are completely different. But there's no WAY IN HELL i'll ever roll a vanguard, even if i'd like to play as one sometimes with my main. Also let's not forget there's also people who like to minmax and do EVERYTHING they can with their main char and never use anything else, a friend of mine is like that and this ac bs annoyes him greatly, and rightfully so, especially when bw initially said it would have been possible to change. He will be one of those not resubbing because of it (just to keep it relevant to the thread).


What i find amusing about these forums is that people who actually want/support features more often than not thoroughly motivate why they want what, while people against usually resort to "i don't like it so you can't have it" or "it's like that because bw said so" (as if there was any pride to be taken into casually sharing a developer choice) and you of course used up those 2 aces in your sleeve right away.. /sigh.


And people like yourself who spout common fallacies and present tham as fact to cover up the fact u want an ezmode world of lobbycraft with COD style insta switching of entire classes.


Game will die without dual spec

Nobody can make a group without xsvr LFD


You know the sort of crap you come out with so i dont need to elaborate.


I just thank my lucky stars the **** mechanics in your sig are standard MMO features ONLY in WoW and RIFT :-)

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Absolutely. I don't like putting my credit on things, so I dumped a 60 day game time card on, and will drop another one on when I near the end of my current 3 months (1 free month plus the 2 month card). It's a fantastic game and I am thoroughly enjoying all aspects of it.
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nope. not possible to find instance groups on full servers. i love any other aspect of the game but this just destroyes it for me.


Speaking of that I saw a guy offering credits to get someone to group for heroics, and even then it was.... "crickets".


It's amazing to me these full servers, some with qeues, and yet people have to spam endlessly for groups...


Between that and the group chat not working most of the time - can't justify the sub.



This game really is a mess. Bioware needs to stick with single-player KOTOR.

Edited by Sith_Sev
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No thank you, and tbh i hope you do have fun fighting dragons and w/e the hell you elf lovers do in w/e game you end up in.


Personally the thought of playing a fantasy game makes me throw up in my mouth a little but if it rocks your socks, then great, mabey my server qeue times will be a bit shorter with you and your kind gone.


By my kind you mean those who like pvp balance, a non buggy game and end game contents?


yeah we'll most likely all be gone while we have some sanity left.


I me too hope you have fun with your game, sir

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NO, sub cancelled. I initially planned to play this for a couple of next years so I subscribed for 6 months. But the game reminds me of WoW too much, especially gameplay. So I only leveled a Sith Juggernaut to 36 and by then was sick of gameplay. Someone rated SWTOR as 6/10, and I must agree with him. Bioware starts to make mediocre games - first DA2, and now SWTOR.
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I think it will, and I cant wait until all these kids who actually plays WOW will quit this game and return to wow again so all the General chat silliness could stop!

I mean its no secret that all WOW players stop one month to play all the new mmos..

Like Rift, Aion and so on and SWTOR is no exception!

So yeha we will get a better community when the WOW players are gone ;)

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If they cant fix the combat and the character responsiveness issues, then probably not. I enjoy the RPG part of the game and that's a lot of fun in levelling, but when I get to the top, I will expect to PVP and do endgame PVE. To do those effectively and competitively I will need absolute and total control of my character.


Simply put, as present my character feels like its fighting against the game aswell as the enemies. I hope the answer to this question will quickly become 'yes' with a responsiveness/ability delay fix.

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Still undecided. I may sub for a month but cant see me playing much after that. The poor community does not help matters where in other MMO's they were enough to keep me playing. So many hostile players make the game very unwelcoming. People don't like to group up and I have seen plenty of people asking to form a group in chat only to be told to shut up (and no, not me).
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Sadly, NO.


Here's why...


As much as I wanted to enjoy and LOVE this game... I don't enjoy it much because SO many of the design decisions made detract from my enjoyment of the game to the point where the phrase "Maybe this isn't the game you're looking for" truly applies to me.


The exact opposite can be said about what companies like ArenaNet and Funcom are doing. Their design philosophies challenge the 'old hat design' that I've gotten very bored of. Obviously, many people love The Old Republic and I'm happy for them, but it seems like ... again... 'This game isn't the game I'm looking for'.


I'll be playing GW2 as soon as I can and here's why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBC_ig73aMs and I won't need to pay $15 a month for that game.


My monthly sub, I will likely save for The Secret World. No classes. No levels. Total freedom of play in an interesting, amazingly designed setting with great creative quests such as INVESTIGATIONS. Fully VO'd as well.

Info: http://www.thesecretworld.com/gameplay

Edited by DeaconX
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