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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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You can play another AC, it just takes time. Roll a new character, and choose the opposite AC. Problem solved then just as Reid says. Go light instead of dark or vice versa.


No. I can't play 2 different acs on the same character.


So that doesn't solve anything.

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I will take a three month subscription see what the game is like at that point and then decide to continue or not.


I can see myself wanting to go through the stories for most classes so i will probably hang around until that is done.


I have room in my life for a subscription game and so far this looks like a decent choice.

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I don't want to debate this if you don't take our points seriously.


People don't agree with me : They're stupid.


Roleplayers? : Insane neckbeards that live with their mothers.




I can't take non serious points as serious can i?


It's not like i'm simply saying "you're insane, you make no sense, you have no point", i'm also explaining why each time. Else i would just be trolling.

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No. I can't play 2 different acs on the same character.


So that doesn't solve anything.


Well I can't be both light and dark at the same time either. So I still don't see why if AC swapping is a big deal for you but earning it isn't then why not just re-roll the opposite AC on the same server?

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As it stands, yes I will subscribe another month to see how development goes and what they will be implementing.


At the end of the next billing will be my deciding factor. If by February the game development looks grim or there is no communication of what they plan on doing, I will be cancelling.

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Well I can't be both light and dark at the same time either. So I still don't see why if AC swapping is a big deal for you but earning it isn't then why not just re-roll the opposite AC on the same server?


You can't be light and dark side at the same time, but you can be dark 5 and light 5 at differnt times on the same character if you farm for it. So again you're not making the right comparison.


Nobody is asking to be both acs at the same time, and say spend 31 points in a vanguard tree and then 10 points in combat medic tree, i DON'T want that. What i want is to switch between them on the same character that's it. Being able to do things on the same character IS a big deal.


Just to list a few convieniences:


Don't have to relog

Same name

Geared companions

Affectioned companions

Same titles

Same social rank

Same items

Same light/dark rank

Chance to get loot that would otherwise go wasted when nobody needs it

Same pvp rank


I could go on, but you get the idea, i hope.

Edited by AzKnc
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You can't be light and dark side at the same time, but you can be dark 5 and light 5 on the same character if you farm for it. So again you're not making the right comparison.


Nobody is asking to be both acs at the same time, i'm asking to switch between them on the same character. Being able to do things on the same character IS a big deal.


Just to list a few convieniences:


Don't have to relog

Same name

Same titles

Same social rank

Same items

Same light/dark rank

Chance to get loot that would otherwise go wasted when nobody needs it

Same pvp rank


I could go on, but you get the idea, i hope.


I get what you are trying to say but being able to switch ACs is being them at the same time.


"Alright let me go switch to Marauder for this instance so I can DPS." is pretty much being it at the same time. Especially if you have the gear to make the switch.


With that said it does affect others. It trivializes each AC. Now being a Marauder is just being a Sith. Dual wield is special to that class...as dual weild is special to a gunslinger. If you think otherwise just look at their description for ACs...




Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc.


They are meant to be classes, whether you think they are or not...well they are meant to be.

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6 months here.


Im loving the game, love the PvP, the flashpoints, the heroics and even the space combat.

Havent done any raiding yet since im taking it easy and not powergaming in any way.


im looking forward to playing each class up to level 50.


Hell, i dont even care if i have to play it as a singleplayer game because everyone else sticks with one lvl 50 character after a while, its still worth 15$ a month as 8 singleplayer games in one.

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There are two things keeping me from renewing past my free month.


1) If a working party chat is a crap shoot every time i join a group


2) If I can't enter ANY flashpoint because the game thinks I need to reset them. Reset what? I"VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO ENTER THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.

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Well i had to sub with a prepaid card to be able to play.

But after that I dunno.


Its a pain in the butt to go from one planet to another, seeing to many loadzones just to get to your ship and back out *shudders*


Also many planets are to caged in.


If only they made a planet more open, and vast, with a main hub il think abouth it.

But as of right now, not realy subbing after that.

Depends what will change in the course of the comming months.

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I'm afraid theres no way for me to willing to pay for subscription for a game creator that:


Insults my intelligence

Considers my countrys prime time to be a "acceptable and calculated casualty"

Takes no responsibility of the bad decissions

Responds to all questions with political taking no responsibility and giving no answers.

Releases a substandard product and offers no timeline when basic things are considered

Makes patches for cosmical improvements when the game itself still has far more actual issues to be solved

Supports SOPA indirectly, but does a PR move to make it seem like it dosn't

Has no idea what is moral choises, or romance options.

Downplays both torture and how cruel slavery can be.


Had a good laugh at this post... I don't think this guy has ever seen a Star Wars movie...

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Is it just me, or is this thread lacking a poll?


I'm planning on giving it another month. I originally signed up for the 6 month plan but knocked that down to the 1 month sub a few days ago. Plus I got 2 of my old MMO friends to buy SWTOR and give it a chance but both of them have already cancelled.

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A Sorcerer is a ranged spellcaster.


An Assassin is a melee stealth class.


A Vanguard is a close range DPS or tank.


A Commando is a long range healer / DPS with more restriction.


A Guardian is a single bladed tank that has two additional sustained DPS specs.


A Sentinel is a light/medium armored dual weilder who dishes out burst damage.


The list goes on.


You do realize that what you're saying doesn't actually make any sense right?


If you actually wanted to be TRUE to your ideals, you should want even, say, a dps commando and an healing commando to be a different class.


Made sense to me and appearently a number of others!

It seems your the one whose having a hard time grasping the concept, not Jhonen.


As for your signature

I might actually agree if so many of these "modern players" were not so gawd awful terrible at their classes being played.


Duel spec is the last thing this game needs as there is already a problem with players not completely grasping the concepts of their classes.


So you can make all the snide little comments you want about stone age.

At least those in the stone age knew how to play their classes!


If I see one more heal based Inq try to be a dpser and not heal Im going to reach through the computer screen and strangle them!


Course when you ask were they learned to play like that, its ALWAYS the same answer. WOW.


Ill take my stone age over your mememememe age any day of week thank you.

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Answer: NO


Obviously I canceled my subscription, 30 days of play time are more than enough for a single player game, when developers will turn it into an actual MMO I'll definitely come back.


Translation: "Hurr durr, I do everything alone and that's the game's problem, not mine."

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