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Nylasteel/Market - Why?


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So I have 5 pieces of Nylasteel and I have no idea what I can do with them so I was going to sell them on the market. Due to the HORRIBLE design of not being able to search with knowing which category every item in, I have no idear where to find it or what to charge on the market.




#1 - Are we ever going to get a real search function on the market?


#2 - What is Nylasteel used for? Why is there no explanation?



FYI - I am Armstech, Investigation and Scavaging. Besides Armstech, I really don't even know what skills are going to do for me... :confused:

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It's quite obvious the interface issues will get sorted after all the engine issues do.


The purple crafting materials tend to be for purple craftable items.


If i recall correctly I could make a purple reverse engineered barrel and blaster out of that.

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Armstech crafts all weapons that aren't lightsabers.


Scavenging will provide you with basic mats for crafting green, blue and purple items for Armstech.


Investigation will provide you with rare mats for crafting blue and purple items for Armstech.


To find Nylasteel on the GTN you go to "Crafting Materiel" > "Investigation".

Edited by AngelousWang
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Armstech crafts all weapons that aren't lightsabers.


Scavenging will provide you with basic mats for crafting green, blue and purple items for Armstech.


Investigation will provide you with rare mats for crafting blue and purple items for Armstech.


To find Nylasteel on the GTN you go to "Crafting Materiel" > "Investigation".


No, it is located under "Crafting Materiel" > "Scaveging".

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After a few more days of playing, the market is still a pain to use but I am at least finding the things I need. I have yet to see Laminoid AT ALL on the market but oh well.


As far as sending my companion out, I have gone from a few blues to nothing but failures and crappy greens for the last 10+ missions..

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