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When Picking armor ?


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Don't get the wrong idea here: Stacking end alone will just make you a healing sponge. There needs to be a kind of "balance" between End, shield, def, str and I would add absorption for the later levels.


But other then adding that, they are correct.

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It is a balancing act.


You want enough effective health to survive spike damage. For this, you go for Armor and Endurance.


After that, you want to boost your RNG-based defenses, which will lower the damage you take over the course of the fight more. For this, go for Defense, Shield Chance, and Absorption.


You also need Strength for threat, but, as long as you don't go for gear with Aim, Cunning, or Willpower, you should get plenty of Strength along the way.

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At what level does gearing for Defense start becoming more readily available?


Im level 25 and barely ever see anything with +def on it...


My gear is almost completely heavy with STR/Endurance, heavier on the Endurance.


On rare occasion ill spot a green with defense but is gimped on all other stats...


Wasn't sure if or when I needed to start looking for defense gear.

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