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Healer Warzone Medals


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I know I'm not the only one to notice healers don't have a chance to gets as many medals per warzone compared to DPS classes. The only two medals I have received while healing in warzones is one for delivering a +2.5K Heal, and the other for 75K Total Healing. Unless going on the offensive as a Corruption Sith Sorcerer, which is a class that is supposed to deliver minimal damage output being that it is a healer class, there is no other way to receive more than 2 medals versus the 7-8 offensive players receive per warzone.


I suggest more medals be designated to balance out the system.

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I know how frustrating it is watching others get so many medals. My bounty hunter friends routinely get 8 or 9 without any trouble, and my tank friends get 4 or 5 medals out of protection alone. I agree that while it is rather difficult to attain medals as a healer in pvp, its not impossible. There are some easy ones you can get if you have a few spare global cooldowns.


First off, the healing medals that I know of are 2.5k heal, 5k heal, 75k healing, and 300k healing. The 5k and 300k can be difficult to get but with some gear and the 15% expertise powerup found in warzones it is pretty doable.


One of the easiest non-healing medals you can get is scoring a killing blow on a player. As a sorcerer I have 2 instant damage spells and 1 channeled spell so what I do is look for low health players and try and time my spells so that I get the killing blow. Another easy one to get is the soldier medal for 10 kills, and for 25 kills. This is actually simpler than it sounds. The only requirement for getting a kill, is having caused damage to a player that later dies. So what I do is tab cast my instant application dot in between heals to enemy players.


Depending on what map you are playing on getting the 1k and 3k defender medals can be very easy as well. Its easiest to do on Alderaan. All you need to do is stand by a node that you own and you will get the medals eventually. I haven't quite figured it out with hutt ball yet, but it seems to have something to do with being on your own side of the map and killing people. I am not sure if its possible to get them on Voidstar but my guess would be defending the doors would do the trick.


Finally some of the harder to earn medals for a healer, but not impossible are the 75k damage, and the assassin medal. I really only go for the 75k damage one if my team has the other on farm. I just tab dots and instant DD's, on every player I see and pray I do enough before time runs out to get the medal. The other one, assassins, is a bit harder to pull off. There are 2 ways to go about it. 1: Kill a player by yourself with noone around. 2: Watch for a low health player to go off by himself, and then follow him and score the killing blow. As long as no allies are within range, you will get the assassins medals even if this is your first time damaging the player.


By pulling most of this off the best I have ever done is 7 medals. Its still far from the 10 medals that I have seen players get, but at least its something.


No matter what the circumstances are you should always get at least the following medals as a healer:

2.5k heal

75k healing

score a killing blow

10 kills


One medal I left out that may be achievable by non sorc healers is the 2.5k damage medal. As it stands I think the hardest hitting ability I have as a corruption sorcerer only crits for 1k so I will probably never get this medal.

Edited by Vladimus
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I've gone through games in which I've done 300k+ healing, and only got 3 medals. 2.5k heal, 75k healing, 300k healing. Not sure why I didn't get the 10 kills medal. Perhaps my team sucked... seems likely. If that's the case and it wasn't just a bug, then I feel that the medals I earn shouldn't be dependent on the quality of the players I'm with. My 2 cents.
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