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Ummm Horde = Republic


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The "cool" side for all the kids in this game is the empire....


Why do people keep comparing empire to horde? It's the other way around



Here's a unique thought:



The Horde doesn't exist in this game.



I know, I know, I'm a maverick, but really, just stop and think about it for a second.


Have you ever seen a single Orc? Troll? Tauren? Undead? Goblin? or even a Blood Elf for that matter!?


I know right!? They're nowhere to be found!!! :eek:


SHOCKING!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Edited by Taelin
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Not really, everyone jumps to Republic because **** Jedi so kwl gud guiz crush darth vader


Idk lately there has been a swath of crybabies on Republic side, but atleast for the first week or so we did enjoy the Republics Golden Age of people helping each other and giving good sound advice. Atleast thats what happened on my Server.

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I play the republic because I hate being a Sith Warrior having to listen to some big shot say if I dont do as he says he'll crush me... I have no way of killing him or Crushing him for speaking to me like that all i can do is just mouth off to him and go about my business
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