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Armor question


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I keep seeing "orange" quality armor that has open modification slots in it, but a really bad armor rating.


Why is this stuff useful when compared to green, blue or orange items I see of lower level a lot of times, but with similar stats and mods and such?


Can the "armor" for these slotted items be increased ?

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Yes. The orange items are basically just containers for any assortment of stats that you can pick yourself by filling the slots with what you want.


but even with an Armor Mod, the armor on the orange items seem to be utter crap.


What am I missing here?

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The base quality of the orange gear is determined by the uppermost slot. Make sure that the uppermost slot (in armor's case, I think it's called Armoring, in guns Barrel, in lightsabers Hilt) is rated as high as you can obtain. It's the most important slot to fill and keep filled with high level mods.


When you mouseover the orange item it shows the installed mods. Behind the name of the mod there's what level it's filled with in square brackets. Make sure that number is as high as possible (close to your level) and the orange item should have pretty good base stats.

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The base quality of the orange gear is determined by the uppermost slot. Make sure that the uppermost slot (in armor's case, I think it's called Armoring, in guns Barrel, in lightsabers Hilt) is rated as high as you can obtain. It's the most important slot to fill and keep filled with high level mods.


When you mouseover the orange item it shows the installed mods. Behind the name of the mod there's what level it's filled with in square brackets. Make sure that number is as high as possible (close to your level) and the orange item should have pretty good base stats.


Ah, did not know this awesome info.

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Mods have level and rarity.


Only armor mods alter the armor value, these slots come in three rarities, armor is also determined by weight, heavy, medium and light.


All of these factors must be looked at together.


A colored piece of armor, non-modable will have all equal level mod equivalent. Where a piece of orange gear may have a mixture of levels and rarity in the mod slots. So a level 30 blue belt will have level 30 stats across the board while an orange belt may have a level 23 purple armor mod, a level 30 blue mod and a level 29 green enhancement.


Orange gear with all the same level and rarity mods will have the roughly the same value as non-orange gear of the same rarity and level, ignoring possible set bonuses.

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