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Lack of Clear Gear Progression


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I have no problem with your overall valor system.

I have little problem with your overall pvp itself (as in gameplay mechanics.. although I won't go into the bolster system with regard to people with expertise vs no expertise in this thread).


In most MMOs that have pvp gear, I can go to a vendor and see a clear goal. I need to do x and y to earn that piece of gear etc etc. This game lacks any clear attainable gear progression outside of RNG from a bag.


Unfortunately, your valor rank has no meaning outside of the ability to open a new bag type or earn a new title. You already have the outline of a system in place. Get rid of all these excess tokens and narrow it down to a single currency with a valor rank requirement on the individual pieces of gear.


In short, implement a clear gear progression or you'll see the PVP player base evaporate quickly just as I've seen in MMOs before this one.


Thank you for your time and your attention to this matter.

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I agree with you. The system is in place and has potential, but there is really only one Valor rank that matters.. Valor 60. At Valor 60 you can open the Battlemaster bags and use the highest tier PvP gear. Anything before that? You can still wear the tier 1 and tier 2 (Centurion, Champion respectively).


There needs to be some sort of goal for PvP to keep people interested. Without a reward, or the idea of a 'carrot on a stick lure', the enthusiasm begins to ebb away as players may get really unlucky and not get but one item every 50 Champion bags (like myself...)


There needs to be more ways to earn these items as well, other than just constantly re-queuing for Warzones (which is awful because it breaks group). This game needs to have open-world PvP be rewarded and encouraged, and could learn something even from say... Star Wars Galaxies and the player factional bases. Now those were fun...

Edited by Ceraz
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I agree with you. The system is in place and has potential, but there is really only one Valor rank that matters.. Valor 60. At Valor 60 you can open the Battlemaster bags and use the highest tier PvP gear. Anything before that? You can still wear the tier 1 and tier 2 (Centurion, Champion respectively).



I completely agree with this post, however, I'm actually happy to see that some one has even figured out the difference betweent Tier 1 Centurion (right?) and Tier 2 Champion gear! I still have no clue as to how to go about getting the currency for each, but at least knowing which is the 'better' gear helps some - how did you figure this out? is there a website dedicated to de-mystifying the gear progression? most likely you just put lot's of time into going to the diffrent vendors trying to figure out what piece was better... that seems like such a waste of time to make every one do that - I really hope that the gear progression gets cleaned up and made easier to understand.


you both state that 'there is a system in place...' but I honestly can't see it - I just see a bunch of diffrent currencies, with no idea how to earn them, and no idea which 'set' is right for my gunslinger... sigh - I was so hoping to enjoy the PvP aspect of the game - and I DO like the game play, but gear progression 'IS' my end game - and so far it's not looking very fun.... I don't even 'get' my goals!!!


thanks for posting this.



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I'm fine with waiting for world pvp incentives and, imo, they should add a valour requirement to the t2 gear.


All I want is to be able to actually time abilities in warzones, not just pray my interrupt makes it through the enforced 10fps.

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There needs to be more ways to earn these items as well, other than just constantly re-queuing for Warzones (which is awful because it breaks group). This game needs to have open-world PvP be rewarded and encouraged, and could learn something even from say... Star Wars Galaxies and the player factional bases. Now those were fun...

I miss the banners that I could drop on my ent because of my GCW rank lol. Sigh SWG's system was indeed fun, but admittedly they had a lot of time to implement and refine their system. I'm personally trying to keep things in context with how this game is currently developed.


I could list a lot of wants and improvements (like killing people in open world actually giving some token ESPECIALLY in the areas they've zoned off) but giving people a clear gear progression is the first step to getting them to work toward it.


Want your legs? Ok you need to have Rank 20 and x currency. Want your chest? you need to have rank 25 and X currency. It creeps you toward a full set and gives you as the player something to benchmark and work toward. The current system doesn't do that. You're chasing bags and crossing your fingers.

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you both state that 'there is a system in place...' but I honestly can't see it - I just see a bunch of diffrent currencies, with no idea how to earn them, and no idea which 'set' is right for my gunslinger... sigh - I was so hoping to enjoy the PvP aspect of the game - and I DO like the game play, but gear progression 'IS' my end game - and so far it's not looking very fun.... I don't even 'get' my goals!!!


Well I think the set bonuses give it away plus the expertise stat is greater on the Centurion over the champion. But you are correct in stating there isn't a clear in game way to view this and make it visible to the "every man."


Additionally, champion unassembled gear pops out of the Champion bags which normally only drop 3 centurion tokens. So the tokens are what you save to get the centurion gear (T1) and the random chance to get lucky with a Champion unassembled pieces (T2).


Haven't hit Rank 60 myself but I'd venture to guess that the Battlemaster bags will drop Champion tokens with a chance of getting the Battlemaster (t3) unassembled pieces.


If the above sounds maddening in any way to you... now you understand the reasoning behind my original post and requesting a clear attainable gear progression path. I'd also settle for them listing the set bonuses on the vendor because right now you can't see them unless you purchase a piece =/

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Im rank 54 valor and the system is fine, sounds more like you want a complete set PvP epics in 1 day.

Congratulations my good sir. Based on your valor rank you should be geared fully in T2 ready to start the grind for the rank 60.


Oh wait... actually depending on your luck from opening bags you could have been fully geared out in champion gear when you were sub rank 20.


Anyone who says a gear progression based on RNG (Random Number Generation... i.e. luck) is amusing.


And as a personal note I already have my offhand, implants, ear piece and pants from opening my first four bags and being valor rank 12. Being one of those lucky people I'm the first to bring up this flawed system.


Now... if we had no expertise stat I'd have no reason to make this post, but because gear actually matters in this game you have to have a clear progression path for players to attain said gear. Having 200 expertise you can tell a dramatic difference in fighting someone with 0.


Under normal circumstances someone of my valor rank shouldn't be able to stand toe to toe with someone of your valor rank... however based on the RNG system I could very well do so. That is the problem I have. People like yourself who have worked on progressing their valor rank should have more to show for it than the current system allows.

Edited by Sardoni
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