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Most needed: remove shuttle bays!


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OMG YES!!!!!!!!!


Make the galaxy map accessible in the Starport, with a button to go to your ship included. I am so tired of having to run through tons of loading zones every time I switch planets.


More than anything else this is my #1 issue. The game is mostly great otherwise, but this really grinds my gears.


Would be nice, but more than this the EU maintenance should be sorted out first.

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Because Bioware believe that spending 40% of your playing time running though big empty dull spaces counts as exciting game play. They used to say the story had 200 hours of gameplay. Thats 130 hours listening to the boring drawn out dialogue to go kill 10 pigmen, 50 hours running back and fourth needlessly between worlds and 20 hours of actual gameplay.


God I wish EA gave this game to someone else to develop, even Blizzard or Crypitc would have made a better game. I have gone from loving the game to total indifference in two short weeks.


The community is really horrid too.

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No. Stop whining for removal of content, next thing you'll be asking for freakin gryphon routes between planets.


The huge spaceports and everything do a great part in carrying the sci-fi feel as a whole. I could live with a Quick Travel bindpoint near the shuttles but FO if you want them removed outright.

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Agreed. I've mentioned it before, there are so many superfluous loading screens and pointless areas.


I have nothing against making travel meaningfull, go ahead and implement flight times and that's fine by me, but going through 5-6(more?) loading screens just to go from one planet to another is a bit tedious.


Do I really need to run down an empty corridor to run across an empty spaceport to finally get to my ship, and then repeat that again (plus possibly enduring the halfway point 'orbital stations as well)?


What do these extra silly tunnels add?


Show a cutscene people can skip if you feel its that necessary to depict every trivial step I take getting to my ship.

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Agreed. Another solution is to add yet another recall to the game; 'Ship Recall'. This would obviously only solve the problem of shuttle bays for travelling to your ship, but if it was on a 30-60 minute cool down it would solve 50% of this problem with minimal work needed by the development team.
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Hello Folks,


Great game, obviously needs more TLC. Get the feeling it was a little rushed for christmas, oh well, move on.


The number one problem I have with this game right now is accessibility. forcing players to travel through 4 (sometimes 6 loading screens to get to an area and begin questing is very cumbersome, resource intensive and just plain not fun. It means I have to make a major decision if I want to return to my ship to run space missions, knowing it will take a bout 15 minutes of loading screens to return to the area I am questing at.


These loading screens serve no purpose unless they trigger a story event.

My proposal, abolish all hanger bays from normal play. If I am in the republic fleet and I click my hanger, have me zone directly in my ship. (And while you are at it send me to the map room, I don't want to run all over my ship to travel)


In the event there is a story triggered then and only then take me to the hanger bay.


This will improve my game experience a great deal. Thank you for reading.

Or you could get/buy a better computer....a ssd drive will cut your waiting time down from 15min to 1 min

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BioWare, OP is the perfect example of who NOT to listen to, word for word.


Please go back to WoW and run that into the ground.. oh wait, it already has. I mean go dig some more ground for it to burrow into.


Another case of *wow has it, so its bad and destroys the game*

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Or you could get/buy a better computer....a ssd drive will cut your waiting time down from 15min to 1 min


I don't get this suggestion, I rarely get loading times over 1 min and I don't have SSDs. So obviously the bottleneck is located elsewhere and increasing your disk read speed isn't going to provide the miracle they are hoping for.

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It's just bad design, especially for an MMO. This is Bioware however, who thought it was necessary to add 20 second loading sequences between different levels of your ship in Mass Effect 1/2.


This is the basic point here, making players jump through all these hoops just to get from point A to B is bad game design.


It's needlessly inconvenient and doesn't add anything meaningful to the game.


The MMO player base has become much more "casual" over the past decade and these are the kinds of things people will gripe about when they only have an hour or two to play after the kids go to bed and such.


This isn't about making the game "easier" or catering to "WoW players", it's about asking one simple question when designing your game: Is this going to provide for a better game play experience?

Edited by FellintoOblivion
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To many loading screens. When you enter ship, when you leave ship. I don't get it. WoW barely had any loading screens and it is an old game.


And the loading screens for TOR take a very long time, even if you have a high end pc.


I know this is an old reply but I gotta say it.


WoW didn't have loading screens until you went into a dungeon or changed continents because of one reason. The zones were all interconnected and could be traveled freely. The planets themselves are seamless, just like WoW was but you have to remember that you are playing a game that takes place on more than one planet.

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BioWare, OP is the perfect example of who NOT to listen to, word for word.


Please go back to WoW and run that into the ground.. oh wait, it already has. I mean go dig some more ground for it to burrow into.


Yes, just like WoW is to blame for all the problems in the world, and only evil people play it.


You're such a contribution to this community.

Edited by DashFiss
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I have a high end PC and the loading screens do not take long at all. I'd say the longest I see them is for 5 seconds, most of the time they just flash on and then flash off.


I don't think they should change anything, I like that there are repercussions for my decisions, you have to consider the costs and benefits. Nothing is too easy or too convenient but also not too time intensive and cumbersome.



i have a high end PC ( see sig ) and load screens from usless zones, no matter how fast, still suck.




OP is 100% bang on. Traveling though 4-7 zones with no content is boring. This is not about instant gratification and a level 50 button, this is about things that annoy you for no purpose.



at the very least, get rid of the sub orbital stations.

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a quick travel, and emergency fleet pass arent good enough? clearly none of you have played FFXI go do that for 2 weeks then you can come back and say travel here takes forever.... getting from A to B in this game is easier than pretty much anything I have played personally... going through the steps to get on your ship and stuff is a minor inconvenence at best.... i would personally rather have the game stop randomly auto-running or turning right before a big fight, but thats just me.
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I know this is an old reply but I gotta say it.


WoW didn't have loading screens until you went into a dungeon or changed continents because of one reason. The zones were all interconnected and could be traveled freely. The planets themselves are seamless, just like WoW was but you have to remember that you are playing a game that takes place on more than one planet.


But when you DID change continents you didn't have to go through a loading screen to get into the boat dock, run a long hallway to get to the boat, loading screen to board the boat, loading screen while traveling, loading screen to exit the boat, elevator to the next dock etc.


It was ONE loading screen. There's no reason, if I'm allowed to quick travel from INSIDE a TOR dungeon that I can't quick travel straight to my ship.

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I always detest these "Please dumb down the game because I'm lazy" threads.



The zoning only takes a few seconds. Stop calling upon the game to be stripped down just because you've become addicted to needless conveniences.

Edited by BunnyMage
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The need for instant delivery and gratificaiton has become epidemic in our society it seems. :)


Need an instant /level 50 button too? :p


I personally don't see this as a big issue, unless you are heading to fleet 20 times a day.


I do not understand why people react like this to clear improvements to the game.

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I always detest these "Please dumb down the game because I'm lazy" threads.



The zoning only takes a few seconds. Stop calling upon the game to be stripped down just because you've become addicted to needless conveniences.


How is it dumbed down?


Fleet -> Hangar -> Ship -> Menu -> Travel-> Exit Ship -> Exit Hangar -> Run out of spaceport.


Fleet -> Click Door, End up on Ship -> Travel -> Exit Ship -> Spaceport


You could cut some fat, it isn't dumbing down. It's streamlining.

Edited by AlkalineKitten
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And the loading screens for TOR take a very long time, even if you have a high end pc.


Please speak for yourself.


Loading screens are typically 5sec, the longest (Alderaan) being 15sec. For some reason it stops at 20% and sits there for 10secs.

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a quick travel, and emergency fleet pass arent good enough? clearly none of you have played FFXI go do that for 2 weeks then you can come back and say travel here takes forever.... getting from A to B in this game is easier than pretty much anything I have played personally... going through the steps to get on your ship and stuff is a minor inconvenence at best.... i would personally rather have the game stop randomly auto-running or turning right before a big fight, but thats just me.


i played ffxi and loved it, including the long level progression and the long travel times that made you plan your adventures.



but having to go though 4-7 mini zones just seems like a different issue to me, i would rather they just make the hall ways a little longer than add all these zones if they simply want to waste my time in a time sink./

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a quick travel, and emergency fleet pass arent good enough? clearly none of you have played FFXI go do that for 2 weeks then you can come back and say travel here takes forever....


Why would anyone do that? That game sucks. Just because some system in a game no one enjoys is terrible doesn't mean the system in this game couldn't be better.

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