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hard to make money money now ive hit tattooine


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ive just hit tattooine and and have found the quests to be challenging at the least, the level difficulty has way shot up from doing quests on the planets before.


i have yet to leave achorhead and have had to kill 2 gold rated elites so far on solo missions which i was not expecting and died a couple times.


and now most of my money is gone due to repairs and tradeskills are expsensive as it is to build up with missions costing 500-600 credits per one just for 2 crumby bits that put together a 3rd of an item whjiv then has to be made 5-6 times before finding the upgraded recipe then same again before it becomes actually worth selling as quest rewards are bassicly on par with any actual blue i could craft so only purle items are worth a tiny bit. but i have to underprice them considering how much it cost to send companions out for materials and such.


but then again everyone is in the same boat for cash when leveling now at least everyone i talk to as greys sells for pittance, skills cost around 7k a pop (( i can;t afford to even buy new skills)) .


i'm sorry i just rantng that theres not much i can do right now to make money, as my outgoings are higher than any incomings))


((btw i'm a smuggler with armstech))


meh i gonna be quiet now and try and enjoy the new year

Edited by hamsterboom
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There's security chests everywhere in Tat. Especially around the Sandpeople... They respawn every 7 mins- kill Sandpeople and send out your companions on slicing missions.


Just spend a bit of time doing this until you have the $$ you need. Once you hit Alderan there's even higher grade security chests you can camp. There's even chests in areas where all the enemies are friendly to you. Just walk right in and loot chests while slicing.


It doesn't take long to make a lot of creds doing this... More than you'll need at least.

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I have around 50k at level 27 on Tatooine, and that is post-speeder training and speeder purchase. I buy all my skills, too, and skip none of them.


Simply put: you need to spend less money. Don't buy gear, don't run expensive tradeskill missions that are not going to turn an immediate, reliable profit. Pick up all of the loot that drops and sell it all to vendors, all of it that isn't an upgrade for you. Run bonus missions for credits.


The key issue I think is that people are either leaving things unlooted (which is very expensive, as grey loot income adds up pretty quickly) or spending a lot of cash on tradeskills.

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lol i'm guessin you did not have a tradeskill then.


i have bought jack off GTM and only items i have upgraded are through commendations.


but saying that you have probbaly sat there for countless hours in pvp matches making money from that .


i never leave things unlooted ever, i know the worth of greys .

Edited by hamsterboom
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I thought exactly the same thing with my Smuggler when I hit Tattooine. Riggs seems to last longer than Bowdaar and the Wookies skill set doesnt favour cc at all. With Riggs its still difficult and I draw a comparison to my PowerTech who has nearly finished Tattoine.


One is extremely easy the other is extremely hard. Doesnt seem right somehow.

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i went to tatooine with 8k... left for alderaan with 50k AND bought my speeder license for 40k! credits fall from the skies once you reach the mid-20s planets... everything just gives quadruple the credits unlike in previous planets.
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At lvl 23 I stooped sending my companions on missions to save money and by the time I hot 25 I had over 65k on me for my speeder training, a speeder, and a couple ship upgrades. Be smart and save your money. Also don't forget about the space missions, especially the daily ones. Most are pretty easy, come with loads of XP, and get easy credits outta them.
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lol i'm guessin you did not have a tradeskill then.


i have bought jack off GTM and only items i have upgraded are through commendations.


but saying that you have probbaly sat there for countless hours in pvp matches making money from that .


i never leave things unlooted ever, i know the worth of greys .


I don't do PvP, and I don't do moneysink tradeskills until level cap. That way I avoid money problems.

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lol i'm guessin you did not have a tradeskill then.


i have bought jack off GTM and only items i have upgraded are through commendations.


but saying that you have probbaly sat there for countless hours in pvp matches making money from that .


i never leave things unlooted ever, i know the worth of greys .


I don't PvP.

My crew skills have always been at least 2 levels ahead of my current character level (now at level 42 I have Cybertech and Scavenging at 400, and Underworld Trading at 350ish).


When I got to Tatooine I had more than 50K credits, and when I hit 25 I had 98K credits. And less than 10k of those were from selling on GTN (and I also spent around 10K buying stuff off GTN).

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