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Republic players just skip the planet side quests on Corelia


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Word of advice, they are total garbage.You will thank me later.They send you into these parks to go over the same area 10 times over just to kill stuff over and over and over and in the end they want you to kill elite droids that is a die hard fight even when same lvl 49.


Planet looks nice but it's just one big grind to cover over the fact they dident make real missions.And i have better things to do then to kill the same mobs 10 times over with 3 times more hitpoints then i have.Do PvP what ever just skip the entire planet.


But hey if this sort of grinding from hell is something you like go ahead.

Worst thing is i cant delete the whole mission series, if i could i would.

Best thing is to only pick up and follow the storyline mission and leave the

rest for another time you have nothing better to do.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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